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Posts posted by DJ_Villain

  1. Dont know how I feel about the result really...
    I grew up in Southampton and have plenty of Saints pals so kind of see them as my second team...

    However, in saying that, Saints fans were cheering on Arsenal in the FA cup final a couple of seasons ago, so I feel that its kind of deserved that they lose this one..

  2. 15 minutes ago, Mantis said:

    If by "long time" you mean 10 years then quite possibly, but then we've had a lot of poor managers over the years. Still, a lot of our "success" under him was down to the fact that we were huge spenders at the time.

    This is true... You also have to give credit to Man City for **** shit up and fleecing us of our decent players when they could have afforded anyone in the world that they wanted... but the easiest route was to destabilise us first...


    Lerner and Man City... Thats why we are where we are now :(

  3. 2 minutes ago, Mantis said:

    The thing about the O'Neill is that it was built on sand. It was dependent on what was at the time very heavy spending by Lerner. O'Neill isn't a bad manager by any stretch but he's not the genius that the media make out. I just fail to see how he'd do anymore than give us a short-term uplift.

    He is the best manager we have had in a long, long time mate - and i'd give a bollock to be able to enjoy watching the Villa again...

    Sick of whats happened to our club in the past 6 years...
    Its all Randy Lerners fault... I'll never forgive that man

  4. 5 minutes ago, Mantis said:

    This is almost as bad as the bring back Sherwood argument.

    Why? Because Sherwood gave us top 6 finishes, brought players in to make them play as a team and got them into the England squad?
    No, he didn't... He fluked getting us to an FA cup final (which we took a hiding in) then got found out...

    At least we had something to cheer about under MON

  5. 10 minutes ago, Tommo_b said:

    How I long for those days of being part of the top 6 and actually looking exciting and dangerous with players who actually cared. 

    They were good times right? Remember the feeling of looking at a fixture and thinking:
    'We can turn those words removed right over!'
    Now, I get shit scared thinking of playing Rotherham...

  6. Bring back MON... Offer him a shit-ton of cash to come back and give us something to cheer again...

    We all know the last time we properly cheered was when he was here... and he only left when Lerner bottled it and wouldn't bankroll us anymore... The prick!

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, DK82 said:


    Just been asked by a Burnley fan for my thoughts. Told him that Westwood has struggled for us, has no confidence and a lot of the time tries the easy route - but will also try for long balls down the flanks. Really not much else I can say about it, but he also said to me that Lowton has been fantastic for them, I remember telling him Lowton struggles from right back, he now can't wait to see Westwood! Think that hit a nerve with me, wonder why Lowton was so poor!

    Wasn't Lowtons missus being a mewing quim about having to live in Birmingham? Lowton was told he had to relocate closer to Villa and his missus was a clearing in the woods about it wasnt she?

    • Like 2
  8. 7 hours ago, hogso said:

    Ah, Paul 'Semtex' Daley. Named as such because of his explosive punching power. Good nickname. 

    Unlike Paul 'Tellys' Kelly, named after a British word for television, because staring at him too long makes you go cross eyed.

    I used to enjoy watching both in UFC, and Semtex in other promotions after his little incident. Tellys used his cash earned in the UFC to fund a heroin import business. Truly a bad bad man. 

    Ah, good old English MMA fighters... Had it all but then go and bugger it up by committing heinous crimes... Like Lee Murray... Awesome fighter but then got banged up for orchestrating a bank robbery...

  9. 19 hours ago, avfc1982 said:

    And that means what exactly?

    That Cowans moved abroad to a team that wouldnt be competing against us in the same league... As did Mellberg...
    I think its fair to wish well to players who would rather do that as opposed to those who jump ship to another team in the same league and help them win things essentially at our expense

  10. On 1/7/2017 at 19:25, VILLAMARV said:

    Yep. But then that's kind of the nature of a site like this.

    I think a few people have been a bit harsh writing Gollini off so soon as Ive seen some good bits along the way. Enough to want to persevere with him, and certainly ahead of Bunn. That doesn't mean he's above criticism. Also I'm not SB so I don't get to know what he knows. Maybe it's brilliant man management taking him out of the firing line for a few weeks and it will be the making of the lad? Who knows?

    I'd say Friedel was the last good keeper we had. Schmeichel, Bosnich, Spink would be up there in the top bracket in my lifetime/memory. Sorensen, James, Guzan were fine on a good day but hardly comparable to the other 4 imho. I had a soft spot for Les Sealey. Other than that I wouldn't get too excited about the rest.

    James got us to the last FA cup final at Wembley before putting the ball on Di Matteos foot so we could lose...
    But the fact that his penalty saves vs Bolton got us there, he deserves being put in a bracket above Sorensen...

    Sorensen couldnt catch Heptatitis in Essex!!!

  11. 14 hours ago, avfc1982 said:

    So what? Didn't Cowans engineer a move to Bari?

    Barry player more than 300 PL games for Villa so I think he earned the chance to ask for a move. 

    Didnt realise Bari played in the English leagues..

  12. 16 hours ago, Xela said:

    Ian Taylor and Gareth Barry

    Best players I have seen at the club (in my lifetime) have been Platt, McGrath and Yorke. All bonafide legends. Cowans as well, but his peak years were before my time.

    I'd say Mellberg as well. 

    Mellberg yes, Barry no.

    Mellberg left us to move abroad to play for Juventus which meant he wouldn't be playing against us... Barry had been engineering a move away from us for a couple of years and then spent the next few years playing against us for that shit-stain club in Manchester...

  13. Hated 'Dont look back in anger' as an anthem for our club...

    Mainly for the fact that it is performed by two massive Man City fans... Man City being the club that pretty much catalysed the dismantling of our squad by taking our best players year after year when they could afford any world class player in the world that they wanted...

  14. Steve Bruce has said that Gestede may well be leaving in January and namedropped Kozak is still being a striker in the team...

    Whether that means he is going to use him or not is a different matter...

    I completely forgot he still played for us...

  15. 5 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    Oh come on, this is football, not crown green bowls. Seriously, the manager can't have a bit of back and forth on derby day?

    Its the part about admitting that what he did probably caused the police extra concerns... Especially considering extra precautions were put into place to reduce crowd trouble in and around the grounds...
    Saying he was giving a bit of back and forth to opposing fans is one thing... Admitting that his actions could have possibly antagonised the very people who were brought in to stop things from getting out of hand is quite another in my opinion...
    For a man in his position to essentially be saying 'Ha ha ha... I gave the old bill some problems that they didn't need' is a little bit irresponsible to be honest

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