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Everything posted by snowychap

  1. But getting rid of VAT would leave carousel fraudsters without an income stream.
  2. From your figures, why is it fair that the tax burden on the richer person should be around 30% and on the poorer person just under 50%? That's hardly fair. Not sure what these figures represent, though? If someone earning a million pounds has only paid 30% in direct taxation then they are part of some tax avoidance scheme and they'll be the first up against the wall when the revolution comes, brother.
  3. So for those who don't use a particular service do they withdraw their part of the payment for that particular service?
  4. What on earth has drinking, smoking and gambling to do with the price of a cup of tea?
  5. Them's the meanies, though. You must know some penny-pinching rich people. Because public services are not a product in a market place and therefore they should not to be 'sold' at a set price.
  6. Quite possibly. They might well have higher salaries and might have more disposable income with which to purchase more goods with more excessive packaging and thus create more waste. :winkold:
  7. Regressive taxes are not fair.
  8. No one could vote for Pinochet could they? No Mao? No Papa or Baby Doc? An interesting site for this: Heroes & killers of the 20th century There's some pretty unsavoury characters on there (and that's before you look at the killers list :winkold: )
  9. Daft bloody parents! From the Home office website:
  10. As that would be a legal obligation (i.e. under Identity Cards Act), they'll be issued with another bit of authorised documentation - their P45. I'm sure the ire felt by those workers will come in useful in the negotiations to get their union leader use of the swivel chair in future meetings. :wink:
  11. Absolutely - asked the same question the other week and you will be refused access to the flight I'd like to see a legal challenge to this if it is a condition of the ticket (i.e. the contract between BA and the passenger). I'm not sure how a court would view it in terms of reasonableness - especially if other BA passengers do not have to submit themselves to the same condition. I wonder also what BA would propose to do if every single passenger refused. As this is not a statutory obligation and merely the imposition of a condition by a private company on its passengers (undoutedly with the consideration, input and assistance of the Home Office), I wonder whether the market would get them to change their minds? Obviously wouldn't happen - that would require Joe Public to actually think about the consequences of things more deeply than face value.
  12. What do BA and BAA propose to do to people who refuse to comply? Is this a term and condition of the flight ticket?
  13. Trent, can the poll not be amended to have AWOL's comment as the third option? They are both rather dreadful individuals.
  14. why would it be? Cows don't smoke ..... :winkold: on the flip side, i'd say no, Grant. I'd say it was essential to their existence. Not "valuable", as it has no actual "value" as such. Needed/required, rather than valuable, would be my take on it. I think you are being very narrow in your definition of value, Jon. Why does food not have value to an animal? Does food have a value to a human? Other than pounds, shillings and pence?
  15. To split this in to two questions: The first: Are things valuable because we value them? The second: Do we value things because they are valuable? The two are not mutually exclusive and the answers depend upon the semantics. If we regard the verb ‘value’ and adjective ‘valuable’ in terms of assigning a monetary worth to something then we are talking about an objective measure of value of that thing. If we speak of ‘value’ in terms of the desire or need to possess or obtain something and ‘valuable’ in terms of the enjoyment, pleasure or satisfaction of the thing itself (or the actual attainment of the thing as the successful fruition of a course of action to obtain it) or in terms of the lack of the negative impact of not obtaining the thing, we are then looking at a subjective measure of value of that thing. If we regard the terms ‘value’ and ‘valuable’ either as objective or subjective consistently for both questions, then: If both are objective measures, it is necessarily so that the answer to the first is yes and to the second is no - for without value there would be nothing valuable. If both are subjective measures, then both are necessarily true. If valuable is the objective measure and value the subjective then the first is necessarily so and the second is quite likely but dependent upon the subject whose subjective measure is in question. If valuable is the subjective measure and value the objective then the reverse of the previous position is the case, i.e. the first is quite likely but dependent upon the subject whose subjective measure is in question and the second is necessarily so.
  16. The Smiths - William,it was really nothing.
  17. I'm not sure there'll be much left over.
  18. It just seems that way. Any good pessimist will tell you that you're not being realistic.
  19. The only train station at which one should have to produce any ID should be one with a DIRECT train out of the country. Inside this country, as a British subject, I WILL NEVER produce an ID card for merely existing and the moment someone compels me to do such, I will gladly become a criminal by refusing.
  20. Ah, Candide, tout est au mieux dans ce meilleur des mondes possibles, non? :winkold:
  21. It does seem landlords are rather like panto' villains. Without landlords, from whom would I rent? :? I can see it being forced on a lot more as well in the next few months. A few friends have also found themselves in this sort of situation (quite often when they move in with their other halves).
  22. not your fault Snowster! Seems Greenz's neighbour struck it v lucky. Full asking within 5 days, when it's generally accepted that the market is in decline. stuck my flat on the market in July, and couldn't sell for anywhere near asking so have rented it out. It's worked out quite well, as have got decent tenents in, but a good sale would maybe have been preferable Gonna have to bide my time i think...... Cheers, Jon. I just didn't want people to see me as the 'Harbinger of doom'. :winkold: I'd imagine that in Greenz area the market is still good as is the case in Scotland according to the RICS report? So you're one of those landowner/landlord types now, eh? Booooo...
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