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Posts posted by PaulC

  1. I would like to think there's a future for Bannan here but I fear there isn't.


    Not sure I agree with you about Lambert Con. He signed Lowton a technical player and left out Hutton.  Lambert likes technical players who graft I think.



    Maybe, and this is a crazy idea I know, they could have been I dunno...wrong?


    I think they are more likely to be right than us to be fair!  I just don't believe its lack of ability for him not making it as this level. Con says its not his height? So is it lack of belief or some character flaw. Ok some players develop later but he seemed to have a lot more confidence when he first got in the first team.



    It's tough for a technical player in the Spanish mould to break into the Premier League even when they come from Spain. Took Mata at least a year to really get going at Chelsea and he was already an established player in Spain.


    I'm now pretty convinced Daniel Crowley is going to Arsenal because of the experience of Bannan. Whether that's his decision or his parents don't know, but I don't blame him if that's the reason. Arsenal have blooded Spanish-type players before.



    Yes the premiere league is more physical than la liga and he definitely isn't suited to the lower divisions.

  3. Yes but Delph's roadblocks were purely down to injuries. There's a lot of naturally gifted footballers who don't make it for one reason or another. Luke Moore and delfouneso fall into that category although It may be a little early to write the later off

  4. Maybe, and this is a crazy idea I know, they could have been I dunno...wrong?


    I think they are more likely to be right than us to be fair!  I just don't believe its lack of ability for him not making it as this level. Con says its not his height? So is it lack of belief or some character flaw. Ok some players develop later but he seemed to have a lot more confidence when he first got in the first team.

  5.  "a beautiful footballer, absolutely lovely to watch" Ian Holloway


    "He is an intelligent player, he can read the game well and adapt well. I don’t think Xavi and Iniesta, who are outstanding players, are of huge size. They are intelligent, they have the skill, they have the desire – young Barry has all of that." Houllier


    "is in the mould of the best midfielders in the world", and said "I'm talking about Xavi, Iniesta and Paul Scholes". Darran Fletcher


    so it cant be lack of ability he hasn't made it!!!!!



  6. Is he just too small for modern day football?

    I don't think anyone should question his ability!

    Holloway said about him he just loved watching him in training because he is so skillful

  7. If there wasn't so much riding on the arsenal game, how many of us would seriously think Wigan could win at arsenal.

    There are many factors against Wigan winning there.

    1. Arsenal are better

    2. Arsenal need to win

    3. Wigan will be mentally and physically drained after winning the FA cup

  8. I have been a Bannan fan but it does look like his days may be numbered at Villa. For Lambert to have Holman ahead of him on the bench doesn't look good for the lad. I guess he's going to strengthen the midfield again for next season so he will drop down the pecking order even further.


    Never got that, i could never bet on those results because i could win 2 grand and still feel like shit.

    Better to have 2 grand and feel like shit than feel like shit and not have 2 grand.



    Get you a season ticket next season

  10. I like him. Seems to get better week by week, which is very positive, and he's stepped up well from playing in front of a couple of thousand to the big time. However, he looks a bit slow. I'm not sure if his overall pace is that bad, as it's difficult to tell from behind the goal, but his legs seem to move in slow motion. Lambert (or one of his cronies) can spot a player.



    Little surprised as I get the impression he is very quick

  11. Although Odemwingie was an idiot freezing him out was stupid. Their season ended ages ago. Can't fault their effort against Wigan but yesterday was woeful. They prob wont have Lakuku next season. Odemwingie wont be there so where are the goals going to come from. I can see them struggling!


    Chelsea fan was slating us for the abuse terry got after they clapped petrov in te 19th minute. How can you even compare terry to what was an honest proffessional fighting a life threatening disease. I've never cheered a player off injured before today.


    I do agree with us.


    But I know 3 Chelsea fans who were at the game today and know them well so no reason why they'd lie, and they toldme that Villa fans near them were chanting "We wish you were Petrov"


    I joined in the abuse of terry as much as anyone, but that's a bit far. That's certainly what these Chelsea fans in particular were angry about.



    No that's totally wrong. Whether you dislike the guy or not, and none of us know him as a person, you shouldn't wish a life threatening illness on someone.

  13. What are the odds of Wigan winning two and Sunderland not losing?


    Woudn't it be the same odds as what Villa are to go down. Afterall its the same thing.

  14. If Spurs don't beat Sunderland on Sunday, they will go from effectively my second team to my most hated. If I were a betting man I'd put a fuckton on them winning. I think (hope) Sunderland go down.


    Cant see it

  15. Yes Norwich and Newcastle won the games they had to win Sunderland didn't. I'm not too concerned myself because I don't think Wigan will win at Arsenal.

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