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Posts posted by PaulC

  1. Yeah Shane Meadows is definitely one of the best the UK has to offer. Been a big fan since 24/7, and apart from Once Upon a Time in the Midlands i've loved all his work.


    Have to say though, I thought Tyrannosaur owed a lot more to Ken Loach than Meadows. That film was a like a wet dream for me, with Paddy (who I adore) directing Peter Mullan, Eddie Marsan and Olivia Colman who are all favourites of mine.


    Brilliant, powerful stuff.


    I couldn't have a wet dream over Eddie Marsan to be honest but a good actor. Real nasty piece of work in that film.


    Yep :) Paddy 'Raging Bull(Ring)' Considine. One of my favourite actors.


    Dead man's shoes is one of my all time favourite films, Directed by Meadows, starring Considine. written by Meadows, Considine and Paul Fraser


    And with similar credits, 'A Room for Romeo Brass' another great film. 


    Yep I normally can handle violence in films but deads man's shoes was a bit too much for me. Havn't seen 'A room for Romeo Brass' will have to check it out

    • Like 1
  3. I can't watch 'Tyrannosaur' after hearing about a certain animals demise in the opening scenes. I can't handle doggie death, not after 'My Dog Skip'.


    There were two cases of dog murders in the film.


    After seeing Olivia Colman win two Baftas, has anyone watched "Tyrannosaur"?  because I thought she was brilliant in that.             



    Yeah that's a fantastic film. Very bleak,



    Yes little bit like a Shane Meadows film.  Paddy Constadine directed it and he has worked with Shane meadows so some influence there.




    My money is on that fair headed guy that managed Charlton.His name is on the tip of my tongue but I cant get it right now.

    I am sure everyone knows who I mean?!

    Alan curbishley?



    Rory Delap?



    Thom Yorke?


    Brilliant Radiohead are my favourite band


    I don't think I'll have ever have felt so relieved when all of this is over

    Like needing a slash for 8 months and finally being able take one.



    You would be dead unless you wore a catheter ;)




  7. So would you pick a player with zero premiere league goals over one who has over 100? If Wigan do pull off a miracle tonight and Lambert goes with Bowery over Bent and we loose, Lambert will never be forgiven.

  8. Sorry I was just listening to it on 5 live. I was just thinking how brave she is to come out and give such a full account of it. Being such a high profile celebrity it should create great awareness for other women to go get checked out.


    I just thought we were more concerned about the removal of her boobs than the health issue. Soz

    • Like 1
  9. For me, to reject a bid of 30m would be absolutely stupid. Anything over 25m and I would be more than happy with selling. He isnt worth that yet and lets face it, whether it be the summer, or next summer - the kid will not stick around with us. He is far too good for any villa team that has graced the premiership imo, never mind this one.


    I think we would we stupid to accept a bid of 30m. Maybe if some club came in with a ridiculous bid like 50m then yea. Next to Bale he's the hottest property in the premiere league.

  10. No laughing matter. I think its very brave of her to come out and give such a full account of the double mastectomy because of a defective gene. Her mother died of it when she was in her 50s.

    • Like 2
  11. Wigan won at the Emirates last season so they can do it again.


    Let's hope Arsenal bring their A game!



    Wigan won at the Emirates last season so they can do it again.


    Let's hope Arsenal bring their A game!



    Yes but they hadn't played an FA Cup final 3 days before hand. Last season's game was ridiculous Wigan were 2-0 up in about 20 mins. We should worry if that happens again.




    but Kevin Doyle could be a good addition to the squad.


    not in a million years, not when he was in his best form at wolves, he's rubbish



    yeah agree. am a fan of Doyle workrate and attitude could have been decent signing when he left Reading but I think his best days are way behind him and will more than likely go to Celtic and replace Hooper




    yes he's not good enough for us

  13. If Wigan go tomorrow he will play Bowery in for Benteke, straight Swap, if they beat the Arse he will play the Zog and Bent may make an appearance if things get desperate.


    Bent is the obvious replacement. If you pick Nzog or bowery that will mean a change in two positions instead of one

  14. I'll literally be shitting it and expecting the worst, but i'm used to that by now with villa so it will just feel like saturday afternoon again.


    I did have a chuckle at how easy some of you think its going to be 6-0? This is arsenal were talking about i'd take a 0-0(obviously)


    I'll be chuckling when it is 6-0

  15. Semantics aside, he's still had 3 full seasons in the first team. Weimann for example has had just 1 and has done more with than Bannan has done in all 3. 


    Very true but its an unfair comparision. Weimann is very much an exception!

  16. In 1918 Sinn Fein won 73 of Ireland's 105 seats and in January 1919 their mps assembled in Dublin and declared themselves the parliament of Ireland. So they can get in power!

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