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Everything posted by trekka

  1. Yes, I agree the point you're making. VDS seems to be in his element in penalties.
  2. But what about your hub caps Trent, those poor little hub caps. Back to the game and I've actually been very impressed by Chelsea in the 2nd half. I had my doubts if they could keep the momentum for the 2nd half but they've more than matched them.
  3. Of course you would. You arent important enough to get a free ticket! Ah feck it....I'll just turn up, seems to work for Scousers Do you have a moustache and curly hair? Any spare tickets mate? Eh eh what you on about lad Aha! You've seen the Rogue Gallery thread Although it's not a moustache...clearly an inability to shave.
  4. Ah but I beat you by suggesting it might go to penalties. Best of 3!
  5. Of course you would. You arent important enough to get a free ticket! Ah feck it....I'll just turn up, seems to work for Scousers Do you have a moustache and curly hair?
  6. Now all we need is a guy to parachute in with a parachute saying "free Tibet" and it would make my day. Very entertaining match.
  7. Anyone see it going to penalties? Pace seems to have dropped off.
  8. Hang on, you want Chelsea of all people to combat cheats? Isn't that like sending murderers to arrest petty vandals? Welcome to VT.
  9. Manure 1-0 up. Ronaldo. Quite pleased (as pleased as somebody who detests both teams can be that is). Anyone but Chelsea (and err Liverpool obviously).
  10. Used to be a lager man but I'm firmly an ale man now. Do like the odd glass of Leffe mind.
  11. Would have gone for water in the poll but seeing as it's not in there, I do like a good glass of fruit juice in the morning.
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