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Posts posted by brommy

  1. I tell you it makes me mad when I'm accused of something I didn't do. This was their way of protesting their innocence. ;-)

    Reminds me of the time I beat the security guard in ASDA to death with a Butternut Squash when he asked to look in my bags as I left the store. ;)

    Totally justified, assuming the squash was receipted.

  2. Not to sound stupid or conspiratorial, but can anybody show me the proof these two lads were the bombers. As it says alledged and there are images placing them at the scene etc.. But I haven't seen anything else suggesting it was them and one of them (at least) is dead so they won't tell us.

    I guess until the trial we've only got the footage of them dropping bombs at the scenes, killing a cop, throwing explosives at police, bomb making stuff at their house and admitting they were the bombers to the person they carjacked to go on :D

    I tell you it makes me mad when I'm accused of something I didn't do. This was their way of protesting their innocence. ;-)

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  3. If we go down this season it will be a long time before we get back in the premier.

    This should be for a thread next season or hopefully a thread that doesn't exist.

    As there are only 3 promotion places from 24 teams it's not likely to be easy. Some teams disappear for decades, others seem to bounce straight back up. I don't see how anyone can say anything with any certainty.

  4. I've run through a few predictions, some see us staying up with 37, another relegated with 40 on goal difference.

    Me too! I came to the conclusion that the prediction process is, as I hope our run in is not - pointless!

  5. Well done to anyone whose predictions end up being correct, but despite all the posts which read like they are fact, all I see is dozens of guesses.

    The reason why the group immediately above us are currently around 25-1 to be relegated is because the chances of both us AND Wigan getting, for example, 6 and 9 points whilst they fail to get 2 or 3 points, is unlikely.

    I don't see the point in stating why we might/will go down, such as not holding on to leads. A loss is a loss, whether you score first or not and if every draw this season was achieved by scoring last instead of first, would we have any more points? If the statement is we'd have more points if we had won or drawn more matches (by holding on to a lead or whatever), well yes, that's 'bleedin' obvious'!

    If we stay up, we will have deserved it by gaining enough points. If we go down, we will have deserved it by not gaining enough points. How, why, where and when is either obvious or academic.

    Whether you're in the doom and gloom camp or someone who has belief we will be okay, I hope you'll all be willing us to succeed.

    • Like 1
  6. Something I can't work out. If Walt needs a way to launder his money so as not to make the IRS suspicious, why doesn't Jesse?


    Walt smart, Jesse dumb.

    Also, I can't recall Jesse spending enough money (yet) to alert the IRS. If he has plans to do anything with his millions, he'll need to open a laundry!

    On a related note, how much does anyone on here 'guesstimate' Walt has amassed in his store 'pile'?


    VG said that the props guy told him it would be around 80 million.

    Cool, thanks. It must be a real 'mind f$ck' knowing you have so much money but not being able to do much with it!

  7. To be fair if Britain was under attack like it was during WWII the one PM I would want in charge besides Churchill would be Thatcher.

    I honestly doubt how much direct influence a politician has under the circumstance of war. A PM may have a background of law or finance but that doesn't make them a military strategist. I'm not sure how it worked in WWII but in the conflicts that have followed, I picture half a dozen senior military and civil advisors surrounding the PM and saying "Under the current circumstance, we think we should...", followed by any PM pausing for supposed thought and then saying "Yes. That is what we should do". The important part of how the public perceive their leader is performing in a 'crisis' is then sorted by the media.

    Having MT as leader during an extended high level conflict would have left the UK with as much to worry about after the conflict as during. That's the last thing you want. The UK's military superiority (not great leadership) during the Falkland Islands conflict, further compounded the domestic destruction being caused in the UK by giving a victorious PM two further terms. I suspect Rubert M. had more influence for the second re-election though.

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  8. Wigan are better than us guys, face it. They beat us 3-0 at home FGS. They'll finish higher than us too. If it came down to that last game they'll pass it around us and we'll play like complete dicks. Not sure why people can't see this and admit it. Thankfully we still have Stoke, Norwich and  Sunderland at to save us.

    There's no point in admitting or not admitting whether your opinion is correct or not. We'll see who was the better team this season when looking at the table after 38 games. Even if we lose twice against Wigan this season, we'll still be the better team IF we finish above them.

  9. Something I can't work out. If Walt needs a way to launder his money so as not to make the IRS suspicious, why doesn't Jesse?


    Walt smart, Jesse dumb.

    Also, I can't recall Jesse spending enough money (yet) to alert the IRS. If he has plans to do anything with his millions, he'll need to open a laundry!

    On a related note, how much does anyone on here 'guesstimate' Walt has amassed in his store 'pile'?

  10. I'm sure that hugely offends Wigan fans...

    I suspect your post might offend other football fans, not just Wigan! Of course your opinion is valid but not necessarily one I agree with on this occasion.

  11. You can rely on the teams around us to be well organised, we, even when we have had decent results look like we can unravel at any time.

    2 loses from the next 2 and we will be down

    If the other teams around us are so well organised, why are they around us? They must have unravelled a few times this season as well!

    So losing against manu and sunderland means we are automatically down, even though we could still reach 40+ points??? Even if sunderland were the only other team we were competing against, it still wouldn't be certain. Adding stoke, wigan and nawich in to the mix makes it even less certain.

    I've seen enough changes in form from so many teams, including us, this season, that predicting any certainties is pointless.

  12. All we have to do is come 2nd bottom out of this pack of 5 we are in. Coming 2nd bottom would be enough to be in the prem next season. Surely they can manage that?

    I'd love us to finish on 49 points but the reality is most of us would take 17th place on any points. My guess to your question is 60:40 that we can manage it. If we do stay up, I have reasonable faith in our manager and most of our players to perform better next season, but I guess that's for another thread(s).

  13. Just wondering those who thought a point would be enough against Fulham with Sunderland earmarked as three points are still as confident after today?


    I previously stated that it was more than a touch arrogant to suggest that.

    Why point score against fellow Villa fans?

    At a time when our Premier League status could go either way, there's a chance many of the predictions on this thread could be correct. I hope we stay up and this thread doesn't become full of posters slating others for lacking faith. Conversely, if we go down, I hope it's not full of posters enjoying a 'told you so' attitude. It won't serve anyone well.

    Either way, our club will be there for us all to support next season.

    • Like 2
  14. Whenever I go for a run there's always some clearing in the woods who has to make a comment. Yeah it's **** hilarious mate. Enjoy your shitty food and dying in your 60's.

    What sort of comments do they make? Perhaps they're trying to be friendly and you're wishing them a premature death!

  15. Richard, to accuse people, whose actions and words you know very little, of being 'singularly incapable of displaying any decency' and yet be blind to the indecency of someone whose actions and words were there for all to see, is indecency in itself. Don't sink to their level and then criticise them; it is hypocritical.

    • Like 2
  16. I think some of the comments about thatcher and her family probably say more about the people making them than thatcher and her family.

    Whilst I'm not one to aim poor taste comments at any dead person or their family, I think your comment displays a massive amount of ignorance and/or naivety.
    actually no, my comment displays a massive amount of decency.

    It is hypocrisy of the highest order to call for decency from those recalling the life of someone who showed very little decency during her life.

    it would only be hypocrisy if I did not display similar decency for someone from the other side of the political divide, or didnt call for it for someone from the other side of the political divide.

    I am willing to accept that it may be naively to call for decency from people who are singularly incapable of displaying any decency, but it is not hypocrisy.

    Yes it is. Why seem surprised that some people may have shown a level of indecency to a person who proved she was singularly incapable of displaying any decency in her life?

  17. I think some of the comments about thatcher and her family probably say more about the people making them than thatcher and her family.

    Whilst I'm not one to aim poor taste comments at any dead person or their family, I think your comment displays a massive amount of ignorance and/or naivety.
    actually no, my comment displays a massive amount of decency.

    It is hypocrisy of the highest order to call for decency from those recalling the life of someone who showed very little decency during her life.

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  18. I think some of the comments about thatcher and her family probably say more about the people making them than thatcher and her family.

    Whilst I'm not one to aim poor taste comments at any dead person or their family, I think your comment displays a massive amount of ignorance and/or naivety.

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  19. Margaret Thatcher

    Born-Grantham - 13/10/1925

    Died-London - 08/04/2013

    Sadly missed - Brighton 12/10/1984       

    **** disgraceful.


    I suspect there will be dozens of so called 'jokes' to come; similar to Diana's death and others.

    As distasteful as they may seem, many will feel Margaret Thatcher will finally reap what she had sown. Many people witnessed the destruction MT caused to whole communities, leading many destroyed families and even suicides.

    Believe me, MT herself was far more a disgrace than any words aimed at her death could ever be.

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  20. It is fitting that Margaret Thatcher's death is soured by the biggest legacy created by her life - division.

    It was argued that Margaret Thatcher had a love for Britain. That Margaret Thatcher did not have the same passion for Britain's people is a shame that she took to her own grave.

    I hope she was a good family woman. Her political life was a disgrace.

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