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Posts posted by Chindie

  1. Thunderbirds are go!


    Er... 12 for me. Don't like sticks much, and 12 is pretty much perfect. Wouldn't go much higher, nor too much lower, but they'd need to be curvy (not fat nor have 2 out of proportion mounds on a bread board).

    Although right now I'd probably be grateful for anything :oops:

  2. I tend to flip flop between Keegan and Curbishley on this.

    Keegan, I never really got past the feeling he was brought in to keep the Geordies from booing for 5mins. He's clearly out of his depth, not, shall we say, in full control imo (I'm damn certain Keegan isn't signing players), his chairman is trying to cut back, etc etc. It's waiting to fall apart.

    Curbishley, madness in the boardroom, spent like it's going out of fashion (and wasted what was spent by and large), never exactly a convincing manager anyway and again looks like it could go tits up any minute.

    I would add the Spanaird to the mix based on tonights revelations but I get the annoying feeling he's stubborn enough to try to ride it out till it's clear his position is buggered.

  3. Needs to leave. Good player or not. Needs to go. He completely and utterly destroyed any respect for him I had with the debacle last week that embarassed the club and proved he has no integrity. For that very reason, I'll not believe any faux 'I'm happy to stay' bollocks should the Scouse hole in the wall still come short, nor any gestures. I'd be horrofied to see him sign a new contract, it'd be like giving a reward being disloyal and embarassing the staff, club and to an extent the fans.

    Before the last week or so, I'd have been happy to keep him on, purely as he is a good player, just, having changed heart at his apparent desire to get it sorted with a deadline. Now, I can't even say I'd keep him for his playing talents. Needs to leave, and very, very soon.

  4. I tempted to say they are buggered either way. The damage has been done bar a miracle, and pretty much everyone that wants the job (it appears) will to the public be stained by the farcical situation Labour now lead the country in.

    If they stick by Brown (which I'm certain they won't), they're going to get slaughtered and potentially get to a situation where no high ranking member of the current government is going to come out smelling of roses. That's one hell of a damaged reputation.

    If they do decide to get shot of him, they've got to go on a PR rampage when they get the new boss in (same as the old boss? ;)) because of the crap they are already in. I can't say Milliband or Harmann strike me as great leaders, I'm fairly sure the general populace will agree. And what are they really going to do different? There are only so many ways you can jump up and down over whats on the front page of the Sun and the Mail.

  5. And Sabine is strangely alluring, and I feel slightly dirty for saying that for some reason.

    She is sex on a stick mate. You just know she would be as dirty as ****.

    Was thinking that myself actually ;). She has that thing about her.

    But I dunno why I feel a bit iffy thinking so though lol. Strange mind.

  6. I think I got more genuine laughs out of that episode than any other. Brummie naming a car, the whole last section (especially James creating a gravel trap, just perfect for a small laugh there). Great ep. And Sabine is strangely alluring, and I feel slightly dirty for saying that for some reason.

  7. Thought of another one.

    I've met and shook the hand of Alan Whiley. He was the guest of honour at the presentation of my A Level certificates. He told me to keep it up, and after the presentation was over spent the entire night talking to some kid who had just done his GCSEs who was with Walsall's youth players and meant to be a bit of a prospect for them. Actually he even mentioned the kid in his speech...

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