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Posts posted by Chindie

  1. Bother is by their lead singers other project, Stone Sour, which is a more straight up rock band.

    by them is bloody good. It's pretty surprising that the bloke can switch from having a half decent voice to that shite shouty guttural crap so well.

    Surprisingly Slipknot do a fair few more down tempo less growled vocal stuff, and most tend to be pretty decent. Vermillion Pt 2, and Danger Keep Away are pretty decent, as is Circle.

  2. halloweencostume.jpg

    Me on Halloween. Went down pretty well, had geeks going mad because they knew the character, and everyone else being very creeped out. Also, a surprisingly cheap costume, all I needed was a hat and 2 pairs of tights. Had to pose for loads of photos.

    Downside, I could barely see, it was VERY hot, and as the ngith went on the mask went grey...

    And yeah the details are all wrong, but I'm poor and getting hold of a trenchcoat is really difficult on a budget, as is a brown hat and white scarf, etc etc. Didn't seem to matter though.

  3. I don't like Mythbusters. It has a continual habit of telling me everything interesting I know is actually wrong.

    It's one of the few things I miss while I'm at uni. Great show.

    On topic... er... IIRC, if stranded on a desert island, you should carefully ration underripe coconut milk, as it'll give you diarrohea (undoubtedly spelt wrong) if you have too much.

  4. It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. If you did your eyes would fly out of their sockets.

    Not true, it can be done.

    Edit -

    Your eyes have so many connections, holding them in place or connectiing them to other parts of the body it's simply not possible for it happen.

  5. Vesna Vulovic fell 33,000 feet after her plane was blown up by terorrists and survived. No one has survived a fall of that distance or further.


    I'd like to think someone put a double bed where she was falling and it cushioned her fall.

    If I remember correctly she was an air hostess and had sat and belted herself into the backwards facing hostess seat. When the plane was blown up the section she was in fell with her at the top, essentially, and the rest of the wreckage underneath her acted like a cushion as it crumbled on impact. She was still very very badly injured but lived.

  6. Spurs - Media wankfest, annoying fans with massive delusions of grandeur, act like a big boy and believe their own hype.

    Liverpool - Jammyness, the nagging feeling that they are a fairly ordinary side with a couple of greats that maintains their position, media crap, associated annoying hangers on, associated 'fans' who seem to have picked them in some attempt at circumventing glory hunting, etc etc.

    West Ham - 'We won the World Cup!', shirt stealing, built in superiority complex, 'Cockneyness', and the film Green Street.

    Citeh - Already growing cockyness, and expectation of them ruining the market for us in an entirely selfish reason to hate them.

    I dispise the Sky 4 generally, it's just that Liverpool rub me up the wrong way, rather mongy fans. Arsenal and Chelsea have some redeeming features, just.

  7. I've allways been a reader and will read almost anything (Draw the line at Mills and Boon)

    Best book ever - South - The Shackelton expidition story truly fascinating

    Also read all of the Ian M Banks books, is it worth trying his alter ego?

    Yes. Start with "The Bridge".

    I started with the Wasp Factory, great book. His best is the Crow Road though, imo. Pretty straight forward really, but gripping.

  8. Just finished Animal Farm (The book Rob :) ) great little story and always wanted to read it.

    Just starting 'Catcher in the Rye' of which I have high exectations (never a good thing when starting a book)!

    Catcher in the Rye is one of those books you'll either adore or hate.

    I'm currently just on the uni textbooks, including

    Writing the War on Terror - Language, Politics and Counter Terrorism by Richard Jackson (who also happens to be one of my lecturers ...)

  9. Opeth - Benighted.

    Again, a band I don't like because of the absolutely awful 'growled'vocals (which sound completely stupid, especially when the blokes got a good voice, and admittedly he's got the about the most listenable style of the growl, still crap mind) but in this one he sings normally and it's pretty good. It's shame because they are a good band musically, but for some bloody reason, they feel the need to do those crap deathgrunt vocals.

  10. Having recovered, my tipple this evening is the remainder of the Carlsberg we got in last night. Last nights interesting selection included

    Bacalar (which was foul)

    Grolsch's award winning wheat beer (which was bloody nice)

    A chinese beer whose name escapes me, came wrapped in paper, begins with a H. Rather nice.

    Bacchus, a raspberry mixed beer which was er... interesting.

    Chimay, a Trappisten beer that came in stubby bottle, and managed to damn near fill a glass with head. Nice enough, but not one for a bender.

    A bottle of Lambrini, which made me feel like home.

    And 4 Babychams, which made me feel effeminate, taste like nothing and was generally crap.

  11. A difficult one. Not in a relationship right now, but when I am I usually find myself disinterested in anyone else. Can't say if it'd last years but thus far, any relationships I've been in it's happened and stayed that way.

    Unfortunately I'm also a quite easily tempted bloke on anything else so I'm sure if the opportunity arose, I'd probably consider it. I'd think I wouldn't go through with it though, I hate the thought of hurting people and I have the sort of personality that makes me regret things very very badly. I regret a night out the morning after, not because of the hangover but just the regret of being out, spending money on the lash, etc etc. So if I did cheat I'd be beat myself up over it for eternity.

    Thus far I've never done it. And I'd think it'd stay that way.

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