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Posts posted by Chindie

  1. A guy goes to the pub, and says to his friend: "You won't believe what happened! I was taking a shortcut along the railway track, and I found a girl tied to the rails. I untied her, and then we had sex over and over again, all the positions, everything."

    His friend replies: "That's great! Did you get a blowjob?"

    "No, I never found her head."

  2. I can't put them in order but a top 3 for me would be Scarlet, Keeley and Kelly Brook. I can't choose...

    Slightly OT but one of the former hottest women on the planet I saw while I was hol on the telly. Gail Porter. God she was absolutely stunning way back when. Such a shame.

  3. Boom boom :lol:

    Connery for me. But Brosnan is a close second (Goldeneye carrying him, although I do think he was a very good Bond in really crap films afterwards...) and Craig coming in a close third. If Craig pulls off the next one as good as Casino Royale he could go second. Although the title doesn't inspire any confidence.

  4. The New Elbow album - "Seldom seen kid", which is a cracker. "an audience with the pope" is playing at the moment.

    Blandy - I agree, it's a corker!!!

    Currently listening to The Ruby Suns - Tane Mahuta

    Thirded, brilliant brilliant album.

    Strangely enough I'm currently listening to some earlier Elbow- Red (featuring a very young looking Guy...). Elbow have done some great songs over the years and I think this is one of the best.

  5. De Niro.

    Pacino has become hopelessly typecast, and partly I think it's his own fault. Plays the same character in every film he's in. Scarface probably is the culprit. And even that isn't that good.

    Whereas De Niro is quite versatile, capable of parodying himself in the likes of Meet the Parents, which showed him a good comedy actor, or the more serious aspects of his range in his more well critiqued films like Raging Bull.

  6. Newcastle. Small Heath will never be that good and it's good to have the derby. Newcastle meanwhile are a laughing stock driven by rabid delusions of granduer. It'd be hilarious to see them go down, and best of all regardless of the money I don;t think they'd easily come back. It'd also show what prats the Geordies are, they lapped up 'King' Kev's return, buying the shirts with his name on the back and the little cardboard crowns. Allardyce wasn't doing well but it was crazy to sack him and then even more insane to replace him with a bloke that a)doesn't know how to deal with their biggest problem, the defence B) has been out of the game for some time and looks completely out of his depth (because he is) and c) then choose to bring in a loud of execs for no apparent reason other than some ham fisted way of trying to make things better, but which in fact made things infinitely worse by undermining whatever authority Keegan had.

    So Newcastle it is for me, bring them crashing to back to earth with a very heavy Geordie bump.

  7. Bizarrely one of their best songs AFAIC, but consigned to being a b-side. In fact quite a few of their b-sides are twice as good as anything on their second album. Even if they aren't your cup of tea, this and

    are worth a listen anyway. Shame the second album was awful compared to the first.
  8. Currently 43% have said football...

    Right so that means that 43% of the site is pre-pubescent or needs to put some more effort in in the bedroom. I'd have thought it'd have been no contest really. I love the game but you know... I love something else that bit more :lol:.

    Of course it could mean 43% of the site are middle aged hoursewives... I kid I kid!

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