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Posts posted by Chindie

  1. I tempted to say they are buggered either way. The damage has been done bar a miracle, and pretty much everyone that wants the job (it appears) will to the public be stained by the farcical situation Labour now lead the country in.

    If they stick by Brown (which I'm certain they won't), they're going to get slaughtered and potentially get to a situation where no high ranking member of the current government is going to come out smelling of roses. That's one hell of a damaged reputation.

    If they do decide to get shot of him, they've got to go on a PR rampage when they get the new boss in (same as the old boss? ;)) because of the crap they are already in. I can't say Milliband or Harmann strike me as great leaders, I'm fairly sure the general populace will agree. And what are they really going to do different? There are only so many ways you can jump up and down over whats on the front page of the Sun and the Mail.

  2. And Sabine is strangely alluring, and I feel slightly dirty for saying that for some reason.

    She is sex on a stick mate. You just know she would be as dirty as ****.

    Was thinking that myself actually ;). She has that thing about her.

    But I dunno why I feel a bit iffy thinking so though lol. Strange mind.

  3. I think I got more genuine laughs out of that episode than any other. Brummie naming a car, the whole last section (especially James creating a gravel trap, just perfect for a small laugh there). Great ep. And Sabine is strangely alluring, and I feel slightly dirty for saying that for some reason.

  4. Thought of another one.

    I've met and shook the hand of Alan Whiley. He was the guest of honour at the presentation of my A Level certificates. He told me to keep it up, and after the presentation was over spent the entire night talking to some kid who had just done his GCSEs who was with Walsall's youth players and meant to be a bit of a prospect for them. Actually he even mentioned the kid in his speech...

  5. They're a lot slower, much more country. Rather than that straight up cynical energy Alligator and Boxer have, the earlier albums are more sat in the dark with a drink and a regret. Especially the debut self titled album, from the couple of listens I've had. Both albums have a few glimpses to what they would end up doing later on, but it's still a slightly different sound. They are weaker for sure imo.

    If you really like the National, I'd take a gamble and have a listen. There's a few songs that'll grab you, in my case Lucky You and Theory of the Crows. I definitely think they are grower albums, there isn;t as much of that instant hit that Boxer and Alligator had with songs like Mistaken for Strangers, Ada, City Middle etc.

  6. And the Welsh Scottish and English are all the same race Ian ;). Although I agree, in a way.

    I'm just unsure why it has any bearing on class. It may define your class (stereotype ahoy but black people are more likely to be working class IIRC) but by saying 'I'm working class' I doubt it matters whether you're white, black, or a discerning shade of grey, at the end of the day you're still working class.

    Perhaps it doesn't, but it (race) has certainly played a big part in my heritage so I am therefore keen to acknowledge it.

    Not sure I get that either but hey ho.

  7. Dad is a retired carpenter and joiner who worked for the councils housing association, mom's a school cleaner, come from Kingstanding, but am currently at university. I'd consider myself working class and very much so. Funnily enough one of my best mates at uni is quite upper class, we get on well but have very different philosophies.

  8. Ah just remembered another one. I was interviewed with a mate whilst standing outside of Pizza Hut in town waiting for the rest of my mates to come out last year by the BBC Asian Network, they asked me about the news that Gordon Brown was looking into more compulsory PE or something. It was pissing it down so I'm surprised they managed to hear anything over the rain.

  9. I share my surname with a BBC News presenter, an Australian comedian and muscian (and a shitload of other Australians apparently, which is funny because I used to think it was a weird name...) and a town in Oz also has the name, with the suffix 'bury'.

    Martin Shaw attended my school, along with a Steve Winwood, who I'm lead to believe is famous ;).

    I met William Hague, briefly, whilst in secondary school, after having been picked out as bright enough to ask him a question and reflect well on the school. I asked him about encouraging childrens sports, and the Olympics.

    I've also run into Jlloyd Samuel in Minworth Asda, still wearing training gear and looking thoroughly pissed off.

    I tried to buy Gary Cahill a pint in the Bottle of Sack in Sutton, after seeing a tall bloke who I thought I recognised walk in. I was quickly told it was him and ran off to buy ask him 'if I could buy [him] a pint, cos [he's] a legend!'. He just said no.

    I met Curtis Davies (with Darren Carter) in WS1 in Walsall before he joined Villa. Me and a mate asked him if he was gonna join us , he smiled and said '...You never know'.

    And finally as kid I've appeared in the Evening Mail listening to a coconut (the photographer made me do it...), and also in mid 90's TV series confessions, as one of the kids they used to have on.

    That's about it... pretty crap I reckon!

  10. The 8C has been knocking about as a concept for years, I'm amazed they finally made.

    And yes, it is an utterly stunning car.


    the only blemish is the vent on the wing. Looks like a last minute tack on job.

  11. I've never been quite sure where I stand on Thatcher (although I figure in keeping with the topic, I'll know when she's dead. On top of her grave...). She did some good, and she did some bad by doing good at the expense of a fairly large group of people. I think the very fact she divides opinion so much could be a reason for her not to have one.

    I seem to remember someone saying she should have a urinal for a headstone.

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