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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Not really, an international side really doesn't have the same emotional attatchment for me as the Villa. Answer this questiion What would you rather, Villa win the Champions League or England win the World Cup? (you can't answer both, you have to choose one or the other). Which of those would you personally rather happen, for me its Villa, not even with any hesitation. For me International football is nothing but a sideshow. Villa is the real deal, its week in week out, to me International football is like playing I'm a Celebrity Football Manager get Me Out of Here
  2. But seriously I couldnt care less, really I mean that, that in itself is a damning verdict We could qualify and I wouldn't care, I've given up on supporting England. The FA are clowns and its their fault I don't care, McCalren is just one of their comical international decisions that have lead me to this ambivalence - I'm seriously past caring
  3. Wassat B23? reminds me of the Reduced Shakespear Company or something
  4. bickster


    Totally agree PB, I felt the same myself on Wednesday, 1-0 down for large parts of the game against a top 4 side Did the team stop playing - no they tried harfder and harder, the effort & commitment was there for all to see Did the Crowd stop singing? Nope - the second half had much less quiet moments compared to the singing ones, the crowd were behind the team None of this would have happened last year Top Post PB
  5. No of course he wasn't Malc, not restricted at all by the transfer window slamming shut almost as soon as Lerner took the helm. New boss or not you can't buy players out of the window, if thats not a restriction I don't know what is.
  6. Anyway going back to the incident in question, Boatengs head is known to be made of steel (wasn't it Gazza that broke his arm trying to elbow him in the face) so he doesnt need to protect his face from a poorly delivered corner, he could just have headed the ball it wasnt whacked straight at him, it wasnt fast, he had enough time he just lost the plot Handball & Penalty
  7. I believe intent and ball to hand are actually the two most relevant factors for refs to consider according to the rules, so not too sure i agree with that Bicks. Having said that, it was a penalty in my book, arms raised in an unnatural position and contact with the ball. Having just read the Laws of the game, the buggers have changed the Law, Its now only a pen if its "deliberate handball" so Grant - you are correct and I'm wrong Bloody FIFA messing with the game again
  8. Not one of those reasons is valid for denying the penalty even if they are all true
  9. it hit his hand and he gained advantage, intent or ball to hand is an irrelevance Penalty
  10. Perhaps a 25th Anniversary scarf sent out to season ticket holders old and new? Not sure I agree with that tbh, sure it rewards loyalty, sure it targets those that may have fallen by the wayside in recent years but surely we also need to be trying to build a new support also and using our heritage would be a great way of doing that Rewarding the loyal and attempting to bring back the once faithful is fine but I think its a missed opportunity to waste our 25th aniv celebrations on such a narrow band of people Not against the scarf idea per se mind you
  11. Ta Si, my creative juices appear to be back after some absence
  12. Ambleside Jetty I seem to be hogging the thread today, thanks for the comments Grant & Cat This ones from sometime last year, only got round to doing anything with it today, it might benefit from a little cropping to the left I thought but that unbalances it in the centre, its just an imperfect shot, proof that sometimes even an inch or two off centre can make a huge difference to the success of a photo
  13. Apertures perfect on that shot Cat, sharp from front to back nice technique
  14. I seem to be in a mono mood today, here's another one from last weekend at Freshfield, more of a clasic B&W this time, still needs some work methinks, be interested to see what people think of this one Trees & Dunes
  15. Can we keep this to the article in question and not the posters age and remberance of qualifications please
  16. This topic was on page three!!!! (no glamour shots here please) Can't let that happen so here's Dune An attempt at using PS to replicate Black & White Infra Red photography
  17. If I was to have an all-time champion chip accompanyment it would have to be the curry sauce only available from the bottom chip shop in the village of Hirwaun Its homemade to a secret recipe So nice is it, every time I try curry sauce from any other chip shop it always disappoints and I usually throw the chips away and buy another packet But normally I'm just a Salt and plenty of vinegar man
  18. Wheres David Niven and Barry Nelson? In fact where's Bob Holness Me I go for Connery every time but if we're talking representing Bond as Fleming intended then thats surely Craig
  19. Not that I live there but where's the Salt & Sauce option for the dwellers of the Kingdom of Fife
  20. Fixed the score Excellent report as always OBE, loved the comment about the 4th official
  21. I'm presuming but this is probably because none of them actually have a house yet so are probably staying in the same hotel. Just a guess
  22. Yep nice report, enjoyed reading it and the message it sends about Mr Lerner et al (are you reading Murphy?)
  23. Can we keep this on topic pleae, I know what you did there TRL and that is most definately commenting on posters and not posts, this is a front page thread ffs and your dicking about commenting on posters with absolutely nothing constructive to say, consider this a warning
  24. There really is no big secret, its simply a reflection in a striped pane of glass, and desaturated to give it an air of mystery, just something I spotted out and about in Manchester when out with the family, iirc it was in the Urbis Art Gallery / whatever the feck it is
  25. Another couple I've been working on this weekend (though shot a few weeks ago in Manc) Might not be to everyones taste which I completely understand but I like em
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