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Everything posted by Awol

  1. Surely you mean Julian Lewis .......ooops sorry we are not allowed to mention THAT party are we ...... Says who? They're all equally corrupt, the difference is the Tories are at least competent so it's easier to forgive.
  2. Arrogant yes, a bitch yes, incompetent no. She manged to sort out the cluster **** left by the last labour government, pretty much the definition of competence..
  3. The first step is that amount - the 'maximum' is £150 thousand million. That 'maximum' though is to always be under review according to Darling's letter, I believe. Probably dependent on whether Jacqui Smith needs to up her housing claim. It's an expensive business you know.
  4. I take it you wont indulge in such awful behaviour?
  5. Barring you picking that Ivan up for his spelling the other day that may be the most ironic comment I have ever read on VT. Labour's supression of free speech , right to free assembly and protest is good but when the Tories do it it's bad? I agree with what you have written but for Jesus Christ's F'ing sake why have you never pulled up Labour for doing the same and worse recently? Read it, and weep for our stolen rights
  6. You're kidding right? I wouldn't miss it! Rope? Check. V for Vendetta mask? Check. Whose who of Westminster(in colour)? Check. Guy Fawkes was a **** amateur.
  7. OK , maybe I should have phrased the question better .. why is it ONLY Thatcher appears to be seen as the destroyer of communities when the pit closures in Wales which also decimated communities , happened long before she came to power don't you understand it is the way that she did it ? check out the pictures of the time and the massed ranks of the police that were designed to 'shock and awe' state power at it's worse Ian I don't agree with you very often mate but ^ is exactly how I see it too. The only flaw in our view is that I don't know how else she could have overcome a militant union. Any ideas?
  8. Er, there was pressure from the FSA for tougher regs though and as the FSA was created by the Gordon for that purpose I find it strange that he chose to ignore them, don't you?
  9. That would be brilliant because it would set a precedent for 60 million owners of UK PLC to sue the shit of the government for utter incompetence.
  10. With the interest rate weapon being seemingly impotent, there is very little alternative and it's an idea that has been floated for nearly a year but has scared off the politicos. What we don't need is for this to be used to pump money into those banks that so despise labour. The money needs to be pumped into the economy not used to shore up capitalisation levels. I'm happy to be corrected mate but isn't buying up bad government debt essentially the same as what I've bolded above? Further to that will printing money not also mean another fall in the value of Sterling?
  11. What do Weimar Germany, Zanu PF and Labour have in common? Crank up the printing presses, it's hyperinflation time!
  12. and the whole world has carried on with no mess - what a flawed and biased argument - mate you could be Gideon with rhetoric like that :-) He was happy to take the plaudits for 'no more boom and bust' with his 'prudent' handling of the economy, which was presumably taking advantage of a 'global' economic boom. But as it all turned out to be built of straw, he doesn't need to take any responsibility for the outcome, which is of course entirely due to the 'global' problems? I am far too simple to understand That's about the size of it or so the government would like you to believe.Fortunately all but a few zealots can see it's total bollox. As for Fred the Shred and his pension he should try the Jacqui Smith defence: "I've broken no rules", it seemed to work for her. The government threatening to change the law to persecute an individual retrospectively having already okayed his pay off is an act of farcical populism, designed as ever to divert attention from themselves.
  13. He's got a legally binding contract though mate, I don't like it anymore than you but then we didn't sign it off. The Treasury did. You can't start throwing the law aside (apart from the Geneva conventions obviously) because we are pissed off.
  14. Sorry mate, somehow missed your post :oops:
  15. The private conversation 'Fred' had with a minister was leaked yesterday by the government and led to this big 'scandal'. Let's not forget ministers okayed his pension not once but twice. So what was to be gained by leaking this, focusing public attention and making it front page news? That's it, another 25 billion of taxpayers money poured into RBS... Cynical government? Not much..
  16. What's the difference between Jade Goody and Wendy Richards? I'd still **** Wendy Richards. ---------------------------- Spoke to a mate today, said he had some bad news from the doctor, the big C! "Fcuking hell mate, cancer?" I asked. "No," he said. "Dyslexia."
  17. You could turn that question around and look at Blair's 2005 speech slating the FSA for trying to regulate banks too heavily. The implication of that is clearly that political interference to do less was preventing the FSA carrying out it's job of regulating banks. But of course it all started in 'Amerika' and had nothing to do with anyone in government, ever. Apart from when banks were raking it in and the government were taking all of the credit.
  18. Ianrobo So the case off BCCI in 1991 was the reason regulatory powers were taken from the BoE seven years later? If that's the case shouldn't the FSA have been defunct when Northern Rock went down, and if not then why not if the same standards are being applied? And you still haven't really explained why you call for stronger regulation on one hand and then suggest that such measures wouldn't have made a difference anyway?
  19. The same BOE independence that Cameron said of BoE independence is one of the best things (along with the minimum wage) that Labour has done. Stripping them of regulatory powers over other banks is one of the stupidest things Labour has done*. *Obviously not including the Iraq debacle. they los the power because they **** up so much over BCCI, the question is would be any benefit it they had had it, I doubt it would have made a difference Sorry mate but not entirely clear on your meaning. Are you saying that if the BoE had retained strong regulatory powers the same culture of reckless lending would have grown up? Let's suppose you're right, why do you call for much tougher regulation if you don't think it makes a difference, and at the same time directly blame it's absence for the situation we're in now? Doesn't make much sense to me unless I've misunderstood you?
  20. Like Mr T " warmonger, shite PM, lying bastard extraordinaire" Blair you mean? Or maybe Mr " It's all Amerika's fault, I didn't **** up the entire economy, honest guv" Brown? Trying to pull me up for use of the F word doesn't really make you morally superior either. Face it, Labour are lying, warmongering clueless scum, currently wreckers in chief of everything we in Britain used to stand for. You're proud of that, it says more about you than your favourite newsapaper, although it's funny that when the Guardian slag Labour's assault on civil liberities you are strangely absent from the debate..... Who extended drinking hours again leading to an increase in drink related crime? They'd sell their own mothers for the chance of more tax. Hope you're proud of these 'socially progressive' fucktards.
  21. No Ian, just because you say it 'cheapens' an arguement doesn't mean it isn't a point of view that millions are now recognising. Lets face it, the party you support are anti civil liberties, anti democracy, basically the worst government this country has had in living memory. I don't expect you to admit that but to be honest it doesn't matter, Labour are ****, utterly, absolutely and not before time. Let's just hope that the new Government take the idea that an Englishman by definition is a free man, more seriously than the current control obsessed Stalinist fuckwits. I suggest you read Matthew Parris in the Times today because he puts it rather well. Your lot are now fundamentally irrelevant, all that remains to be seen is how much damage Labour will be able to inflict before they are **** off. PS. I bet you're well proud of Jacqui Smith, the only Villa fan I'dlike to see shot in the face, sleazy clearing in the woods that she is. Hot tip: Blame the house of lords
  22. What Gringo said is absolutely spot on, but you keep on voting for the western equivalent of the Stasi Ian, fortunately it no longer matters now that the British public have woken up to what lying bellends the Labour party really are. Only fifteen years or so until you can start blaming Maggie again...
  23. The road to hell is paved with good intentions (and poorly drafted law, which allows the home secretary to frame these requirements as mandatory conditions for all licensed premises using those dodgy statutory instruments permitted under the abolition of parliament act which where only ever, ever (promise) to be used to tidy up old legislation and never ever to try and squeeze in slightly controversial amendments such as the one last month to exempt MPs expenses from the FOI act). Owned.
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