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Everything posted by Awol

  1. That’s clearly inappropriate, death seems fully justified under the circumstances.
  2. This is a useful review of the evidence for those (like me) who thought the government didn’t do enough, early enough. A lot hinges on the lack of openness from China about the nature of the disease. links to original docs are included:
  3. Is he really, didn’t know that. What did he do?
  4. Is that why you were hoping Stanley Johnson gets Coronavirus? He’s old and therefore a disgusting racist?
  5. Yep. Quite amazing to think we’re living through an event that will change the world, probably in even more consequential ways than 9/11 and 2008. After this people won’t be looking to fix the system, they’ll be looking to replace the system.
  6. Speaking of which, I’ll bet Boris is glad he dropped a few dress sizes recently.
  7. Matt Hancock positive too. Edit: Meaning he has Coronavirus, not a sunny disposition.
  8. There’s only two permanent exits: a vaccine or herd immunity. The Imperial College modelling suggested that after the initial suppression phase, we’d be doing a series of lockdowns interspersed with normalish working periods, closing down again once the NHS came under strain dealing with the increasing cases. That could be rolling on and off again for about 12 months (or however long a vaccine takes to develop).
  9. No offence mate but I think that’s a little bit silly.
  10. He is the Prime Minister so maybe quite important to know the answer, don’t you think?
  11. Could be. Depends a) how long ago he got infected (up to 14 days) and when he started spreading asymptomatically vs when the Cabinet moved to more remote working. If they all start dropping the military may have to take a bigger role in operational planning. They also train for crisis on the basis that elements of the leadership are regularly taken off the field, so the organizational resilience is unsurprisingly much more developed than the political-bureaucratic machinery.
  12. If Boris has got it then there’s a good chance the CMO and CSA have it too. This could all get quite interesting!
  13. A failed state inside a military superpower. Some combo.
  14. The Dutch just kicked the idea of Coronabonds/Eurobonds (mutualised EZ debt issuance) into touch. Italy, Spain and probably French banking systems will be in the hurt locker quite soon.
  15. Fair enough, I’m not a medical professional and can only go with the evidence of my own eyes, i.e. the grass is only greener up here because of the rain. The idea that there’s a pool of untapped epidemiological talent in Scotland waiting to be unlocked by Sturgeon is arsecakes, and pure politicking on her part. I could believe almost anything about Cameron and Osborne, amoral men with self-serving intentions, encapsulated by their conduct towards China. The ‘filth’ part is a bit OTT though, I viscerally despise Corbyn/McDonnell but avoid phrases like ‘Labour filth’. Not a very reasonable way to describe people you disagree with, imo.
  16. I’ve lived in Scotland coming on 3 years and my youngest has used the NHS extensively. During the same period my sister has been using the NHS in England. Anecdotally neither has been a good experience, and I don’t believe what you’ve written above is actually true, despite the funding for Scotland per capita being higher.
  17. Exactly. Westminster starved the NHS in England, while Scotland’s NHS with its 58 ICU beds, was run lock stock and barrel by the SNP. The Conservatives will pay the reputational price for austerity after this, as they should. The original discussion was about Sturgeon trying to find a nationalist angle to the Coronavirus, so I’m not sure what point your trying to make?
  18. Why would we be in an EU procurement programme when we’re not in the EU? Like saying why aren’t we in a joint programme with Russia, or Algeria. Why would we be?
  19. The SNP has run the Scottish NHS since 2007. But Westminster.
  20. Quite. Also the Czechs had to stop using the tests they got from China due to an 80% failure rate.
  21. Imagine the Spanish are going to be a bit narked about this.. Salvini stood up in the Italian Parliament earlier and accused China of crimes against humanity for concealing the extent of the virus, and denying human to human transmission until late January. Don’t think we’ll have to worry about getting Huawei 5G when this is over!
  22. Taking this at face value it just means the numbers tomorrow might be a bit grim. Don’t think it’s an attempt to cover things up, dead bodies can’t be hidden.
  23. Stress? It’s my wedding anniversary tomorrow and still trying to figure out how to have a shag with two kids in the house! Happy Birthday mate.
  24. Info for the morbidly curious (like me)
  25. SAGE is the cream of UK scientific advice, consolidated to give national support. There is no group of qualified subject matter experts in Scotland that’s not feeding into the wider effort. She and her ultra nationalist mates are terrified the benefits of the union are about to get a definitive demonstration. Scotland has 58 ICU beds, we’re going to get clobbered up here without UK support.
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