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Everything posted by Awol

  1. UK mortality rate is actually on a higher trajectory than Italy. Said this a few days ago/last week (it’s all a bit blurred now) but absolutely meant it: in six months our ICU nurses will be spoken about by the population in the same tones as the Spitfire pilots of 1940. I wouldn’t swap jobs with them for all the tea in China, but they have my unconditional respect.
  2. Virology fella on the radio this morning saying it may just be a fluke of the way the outbreak had developed in Germany, but as the case load increases their ICUs will inevitably become overwhelmed. Possible Germans just have better genes, but that conversation might get a bit controversial
  3. Lolz. Interesting then that Germany is following a very similar line to UK.
  4. Nah, blot with toilet paper after a good squirt and your ring is pristine. It’s the thing I probably miss most about living abroad, far superior to bog roll only.
  5. Got a back garden, a hosepipe and a high hedge. Morning glory right there.
  6. The evidence base for UK measures:
  7. Worth reading this thread from an NHS doctor, on exactly these points.
  8. Maybe those people panic buying now have realised they don’t fancy strolling round Sainsbury’s in 2-3 weeks time, when the infection rate is 10-20 times higher and the hospitals are collapsing? Once people wised up to what was happening and s*it themselves this was inevitable.
  9. The pillocks are the people who saw this happen in Wuhan, saw it get out of China, saw it balloon in N Italy, saw the frantic social media posts from Italian medics - in English - that this was a deadly virus and to prepare ourselves , but still acted like it was no big deal. The government dropped the ball in terms of not acting soon enough, but too few people took responsibility for their own sh*t. This is the result.
  10. This is in Brum somewhere. When it’s all over, there needs to be a reckoning for scumbags like this trying to take advantage of people.
  11. I got, ‘if everyone does everything we ask, then hopefully, maybe, we’ll be over the worst of it by the end of June. If not..’ I don’t think the strategy has fundamentally changed. No vaccine realistically available this year and a deep fear of a second - worse - peak going into the winter. Still pushing for herd immunity before then.
  12. Leaving aside the cases like @LakotaDakota who are being left out of the stats, the folks unlucky enough to be on that graph are hospital admissions in a bad way. It’s roughly doubling every 3 days and we’ve got at least two weeks of similar increases baked in before new measures have any effect. You can do the maths but we’re in for a rough ride, Johnson is (perhaps unsurprisingly) a bit squeamish about spelling it out in public.
  13. In 2-3 weeks we’ll look back at this as a ‘good’ day.
  14. Watching it for you. We’ve been buying the first antibody test kits today, they’ve been approved in the last 2 days. They work like a pregnancy test but using a drop of blood instead of lady pee. CMO has been saying for days this would be a game changer for modelling the spread and seeing how many people have already had it asymptomatically.
  15. Swap you for a lettuce? Can use the leaves as a bog roll substitute, but am telling you, it’s the tip of the Iceberg.
  16. We‘re seeing a master class in Trolling, too. Someone in the White House is reading VT..
  17. Reckon it’ll be a big problem in the first wave in London, after that the work happening now in industry will probably ensure the rest of the country has was it needs. Wouldn't surprise me at all if we’re a global hub for production by May and exporting through DfID to affected countries.
  18. Both wrong. Milk chocolate hob nobs are God’s own biscuit. Ask Peter Kay.
  19. Prince Albert has caught Coronavirus - this isn’t the first line of a knob joke.
  20. No.10 saying categorically no lockdown coming in London, so if you’re there probably best to start running now.
  21. Michel Barnier’s got it. No more trade talks for a while!
  22. They closed the US-Canada land border yesterday I think, not sure about air travel.
  23. Glad to hear you’re home. So the 700-odd new cases yesterday were admitted to hospital 48 hrs ago (how long the test result takes to come back) in a worse state than you - who still needed paramedics & a blue-light call out... Out of interest how old are you mate, normally healthy?
  24. There’s loads in London, just owned by criminals. V sorry to hear about the bar. That sucks.
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