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Everything posted by Spoony

  1. "the former Luton man" is this the class we're up against. Just a shame our former Luton man is one of the worst members of this team
  2. why on earth do you want to go to Inter Mr. Sneijder?
  3. I am a referee myself and as a result, I try to back referees wherever possible however...
  4. people aren't just being negative for the sake of it. There was a time last season when, if Villa were on the ball, you were always confident that someone will conjur up something and we scared defences. Now it's us that just look (generally) scared
  5. Reo-Coker really does add something to this team. He holds it together quite well. He really ought to be captain. As soon as you go behind Reo-Coker though...my god
  6. jesus **** christ. last year it was all about "Villa's incredible pace on the counter attack". Whatever happened to that?
  7. wow that was an easy chance. i'm getting flashbacks of how we played under GT Mk.2
  8. I think I hate Ashley Young. Has he spent any time on his feet?
  9. precisely!!! It's coming close to half a **** season of utter shit
  10. out of 10, I can't see why any of these players would deserve more than 1. Please go Martin "pay 3 times the market value for a pile of shit" O'Neill
  11. First time I have ever said it, but I think MON has had it. Not really an over-reaction, i'm just thinking that he has spent the best part of £100m on UTTER SHIT
  12. OH FFS!!! this is awful. I kid you not, if we play like this for the rest of the season we should be worried about **** relegation not Europe. This is just a continuation of how shit we were before the end of the season. MON has spent **** millions more than most managers, and for what exactly???
  13. FFS there is no communication at all! I've never seen us look so unorganised
  14. **** off brown you cheating word removed
  15. I wasn't criticising Delph and I am a massive fan of his, but he shouldn't have been starting because he has no experience at this level and he's been thrown in the deep end way too early. I don't understand why we didn't start NRC cos he's been solid in pre-season. Delph should be worked in slowly, just like Milner was
  16. why did we ever stop playing 4-5-1?!?! We were 13 games unbeaten, so we changed the formation, added Heskey and here you have it, we've won 1 game in the last god knows how many
  17. why the hell was Delph starting anyway?!? He is 19 and has no experience whatsoever, and Reo-Coker has had a great season Heskey has done **** all, Davies may as well go home and Nicky Shorey is insistant on being Nicky Shorey
  18. This is truly shocking. One of the worst performances i've seen in a while. Absolutely no one is playing well (except maybe Beye)
  19. we may as well play no one at the back
  20. not alot changes really. can't have a game without a little tension can we?
  21. it was a penalty tbf. These commentators are raping my ears
  22. Yup. He's just such a massive Villa fan that he couldn't resist taking part
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