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Posts posted by Xela

  1. 15 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

    I know it's a terrible thing to say, but her disgusted face is the very definition of irony!

    I don't know the women in question but I can surmise:

    1) she writes a blog on feminism

    2) she did a degree in 'gender studies' or some other such rinky dink qualification

    3) she refers to herself an pansexual or some other such ridiculous gender pro-noun

    4) she reads Buzzfeed

    5) she has cats

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  2. Men across the board are paid on average more. That's a historic thing that is going to be very difficult to change due to:

    1) Women doing more part time / key time rules due to children.This won't change IMO despite a slight increase in stay at home Dads

    2) Men are more career and money driven in general across the board in my opinion (obviously that's a generalisation and there are career driven women as well but I feel its a far smaller %)

    3) Men work in more dangerous/physical roles which pay more

    My office is probably evenly split between male and female but the more high pressurised roles tend to be majority male. The type of roles which stress people out and make people ill and loaded up on medication. Women are clearly the smarter ones in that regard!



  3. 6 hours ago, Davkaus said:

    Today's news about Tesco's 'discriminatory' pay pisses me right off.

    It boils down to warehouse workers, who do hard, physical work, being paid more than the shop staff. 

    Shop staff get paid X, including the men who work there, warehouse staff get paid Y, including the women who work there. Most women work in the shop rather than doing dirty work with loads of heavy lifting in the warehouse, and now suddenly this is a gender pay gap issue.

    It's an utter load of bollocks.

    Yep. They are different jobs. The shop floor job is easier/warmer/safer, so they get less money. 

    If more women wanted to do the harder job then they'd get paid more. 


    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Rugeley Villa said:

    I've gone a week without meat. That video that I seen last week really shook me up. Been on corn sausages, and burgers since. I've not had a decent sausage in ages, then I tried a corn one, and it was really nice. 


    • Haha 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Rob182 said:

    Honestly, he follows me around. He’s tagged on to me because he doesn’t know many people. He’s a nice enough guy, but I’ve just been unfortunate that I get the same train to and from work as him. As I type this, he’s next to me on the train playing a film trailer on his phone with the volume up full.... no headphones.

    I hate him already. Nearly as much as 'fitnessprick' from @Paddywhack's office. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 7 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

    I done my hamstring at football last night.  Felt a pop and something rolled up the back of my leg.  Went to A&E this morning because I can barely move my left leg.  Pretty excruciating to be honest. 

    Anyway, the people in A&E - why though? 

    1 bloke in a hi-vis looking moody at everyone - he went in with a sore throat. 

    A couple with a 6 month old looking baby went in because she hadn't pooped or wee'd for a day.. that's pretty normal sometimes.  Just google it. 

    And when I got through to see the physio, there was a guy waiting to be seen who I heard saying "I ent seeing no DR.." - well if that's the case you word removed nugget - why are you in hospital?  

    So many time wasters.  We need Karl Pilkington on the wards to tell people with bullshit reasons to be in A&E to **** off - and that's coming from someone who went in with a hamstring injury :lol: 

    The bonus was, I was in and out in an hour.. Very good. 

    And yes, I did google it before I went in - NHS website said I should have gone! :P  

    The best time to go to A & E is early morning  - about 8am. Usually empty. The daytrippers and scumbags aren't awake at that point. 


  7. 4 hours ago, bannedfromHandV said:


    Here are my best two:

    Around 8 years ago I was ejected from a huge company conference in a Novotel in West London after consuming 3 bottles of red wine before it had even hit 9pm, this was after drinking whiskey on the train down, believe it or not I kept my job,

    I spent a summer in Puerto Banus and worked on a bar for a few weeks, kind of like a working holiday I guess. Anyway, turns out the owner of this bar was English and a frickin blose fan! He was actually okay to be fair to him, it was mainly English staff he employed and you were allowed to drink whilst working provided you did not drink too much, this worked fine for the first few weeks but one evening I had too much, to this day I only have sporadic memories of what ensued but anyway, I awoke the next afternoon and didn't remember a thing, I had the hangover dread but didn't read too much into it as often wake up with hangover dread after a heavy sesh. So later that evening I walk down to the bar and help to set things up, everyone was on edge around me, we were about to open up and I was about to walk behind the bar when the owner stopped me, 'what do you think you're doing mate?', he asked, 'just getting ready to start mate', I replied.

    To which he uttered the immortal line, 'we sacked you last night, you were a f**king pissed up nightmare, we had to physically restrain Peyman (6ft6 Spanish doorman) from ripping your head off'.

    Without doubt my most embarrassing moment, which is some feat given the situations I've found myself in oft times.


    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

    Please settle a debate VT.

    Me and Mrs P are making our way through a TV show at the moment and I recognised an actor in one episode but I couldn't work out where from. Naturally, I loaded IMDB on my phone to have a look. 

    I then said "Ooh....oh that's interesting". Mrs P asked what was. I said "Well, it's kind of a spoiler, I've just seen something on IMDB".

    She replied...AND I QUOTE..."Ah, I'm not bothered". So I proceeded to explain what I'd seen and told her the spoiler.

    Then she got angry, she said, "What are you doing, why are you telling me!?" I said, "You said you wasn't bothered!" She said, "Exactly! I didn't want to know, I wasn't bothered about knowing!"

    Who's right VT, it's me isn't it VT?

    End it now, it'll never last. 

  9. 21 hours ago, LondonLax said:

    Well in the case of F1 they have been replaced with kids, like the mascot kids who lead the players out at football games, which is pretty cool. 

    If you can't exploit women at least exploit kids! :P

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, AvfcRigo82 said:

    Outrageous by the pundit at the end interviewing Conte how he did in the post match.

    He wouldn't have got away with doing that to someone like Souness, Fergie or Dalgleish etc. he would have been slapped down immediately.

    Or Jim McLean


    • Like 2
  11. 4 hours ago, bobzy said:

    So the reaction of people in Philadelphia is pretty pathetic.  Not entirely sure what mentality kicks in to celebrate by looting?!?!

    They are just scum. 

    You've won the superbowl so lets loot shops, push cars over and set things on fire! What would they have done if they had lost?! 

  12. Not sure whether this fits here...

    Removal of F1 grid girls and PDC Darts 'walk on' girls. Is this a move for progress or was it all harmless fun and should still be around?

    The only people it has harmed is the women themselves. Taking away their income. Fully grown women who make a conscious choice to do the job and everyone they have spoken to have said they enjoy it. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, Shropshire Lad said:

    Possibly a little trite, but today a female contestant on pointless said that their occupation was an “actor”, after which my dad asked me if “actress” is now considered sexist. 

    I said I thought it was down to the individual, if a woman wants to say she’s an actor or actress it’s fine either way. But at the same time people shouldn’t get too hung up on  it and there are bigger issues than that. Ditto chairman/chairperson and the like.

    Is that about right?

    Yeah I think so. Although the Oscars still use Actors and Actresses. 

    However with Doctors and Dentists you don't differentiate between sexes. I guess its just evolution and acceptance of gender neutral terms - like firefighter or police officer. 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, Genie said:

    Lloyd’s blocking purchase on credit suggests they’ve got a lot of customers who are potentially in a lot of trouble.

    Virgin Money have done the same today as well

    Won't be long before the other banks follow suit. 

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