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Posts posted by Xela

  1. 56 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    Being able to hear the missus on the phone for over an hour. On the one hand I'm glad so she not talking to me in that time. But on the other hand how the f**k can people spend so long on the phone. What the hell do they talk about? 

    My Mom rings my Nan about three times a day and all they do is talk absolute shit. In total about 2 hours a day. Now, I get why my Mom calls my Nan as my Nan lives on her own and is 90 and she wants to make sure she is ok but the length of the calls are insane. 


  2. 7 hours ago, Designer1 said:

    One of the most awful, repugnant and downright nasty movies ever made.

    Not a single redeeming feature on the whole thing. 

    Utterly awful shit.


    It's Goodfellas compared to the sequel! 

  3. 8 hours ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    How did people pass time before technology. Life must have felt very long. 

    People used to read more!

    I know I idd. be it newspapers, magazines or books. Now I barely read any of those. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Shropshire Lad said:

    Whether there’s any secret Charles Hawtrey fans on here who wish it was his picture used to highlight a double entendre rather than Kenneth Williams.

    I've used a Hawtrey occasionally and even a Howerd but Williams remains king! 

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    • Haha 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Genie said:

    That’s more the 30’s crowd trying to convince themselves and the world they are “crazy”.

    I’m talking about this 50’s Mother in Laws and other relatives who clearly spend their entire day refreshing the news feed and commenting useless shit on everybody they knows posts.

    Anyone who spends all day on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram clearly has something lacking in their life.

    • Like 1
  6. Never date crazy...


    Student, 21, flushed her 'emotional support' HAMSTER Pebbles down the toilet and drowned it after Spirit Airlines banned it from traveling with her (and now she's suing)

    - Belen Aldecosea was flying home to Florida from college with hamster Pebbles
    - She said that when she called ahead, Spirit airlines staff assured her that her emotional support pet, which had been certified by her doctor, could fly 
    - But when she arrived, she was informed that rodents weren't allowed to fly
    - She claims Spirit staff suggested she could let it free or flush it down the toilet
    - With her flight boarding, the 21-year-old felt she 'didn't have any other options' 
    - Spirit strenuously deny any employee ever suggested she should kill her pet
    - Aldecosea is now considering suing the airline for emotional trauma 


  7. Glad that week is over! Been a very stressful one but perversely I quite enjoy it sometimes. Nothing better than coming out the end of it with the right result.

    As Malcolm Tucker said, i've been working that hard i've been sweating spinal fluid!

    Will enjoy chilling out this weekend. 

  8. On 2/8/2018 at 11:01, Shropshire Lad said:

    I often wonder what fellow VT members are like in real life and whether their post content is an accurate representation of their personality.

    I’d say I’m a bit more passive on here than I am with people I know in the real world. I’m much more reactionary towards my mates if there’s a disagreement in a WhatsApp group for instance. 

    I'd say I'm fairly similar to how I am on here but i'm pretty shy with new people I meet. 


  9. 4 minutes ago, Shropshire Lad said:

    Yeah what I really don’t “get” about Sheridan Smith isn’t her chest, which I’m sure is splendid. It’s her ascension to an almost national treasure status.

    I don’t think she’s bad, I just don’t see what’s particularly brilliant about her. Maybe she has a local girl done good quality that people like.

    Yeah, but tits ;)

    I think she's a decent actress and seems to be a good egg, and not arrogant or precious at all, although she has had her moments in the last year or so, I think chiefly down to losing her Dad*


    * I know what you're thinking, but I don't subscribe to her fan club! I read the Metro newspaper on the train in the morning and she had a spell of being in it a lot. 

    • Haha 1
  10. While my political views may fall right of centre, I would gladly pay more tax/NI if it meant 'fixing' the NHS but I simply think it can't be done

    Increasing and ageing population, not enough hospitals, not enough incentives for young people to enter the field and other things like people misusing the system and health tourism.

    I think you could thrown trillions at it and it still wouldn't be right. 

  11. 8 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

    In practical terms (since patients will obviously lie to avoid being fined) what this actually means is running all kinds of extra tests to find out the way in which they are lying. Which is an enormous waste of time, money and patience. And at the end of it, you have a large group of people who now have a burning resentment towards the NHS, which doesn't exactly help its 'politically untouchable' status.

    This is just more detective work. What if my car broke down? What if my mother fell down the stairs that morning and I had to take her to hospital? What if my boss sends me on a business trip to Buffalo at short notice? What if I'm under enormous mental and financial pressure after my wife died, and I just forgot? Etc etc.

    When I was undergoing tests for my stomach problems a couple of years ago at my local NHS hospital (Good Hope) they advised I needed a colonoscopy. It would be about 10 weeks. No problem I thought, get it booked. Few days later I thought "**** it, i'll go private" and had it done at Little Aston the following week.

    When my NHS letter came advising me of my date of my colonoscopy I rang up the office straight away, informed them i'd gone private and cancelled it. The lady thanked me for my prompt response and said by letting them know early they could get someone else booked in earlier. Fine, job done. A couple of months later I got a shitty letter from the same office advising them I hadn't turned up for my appointment and telling me I was wasting their time and it could have been used for someone else. I was fuming and was very close to ringing them up and tearing into them, but I didn't. 

    Under the 'fine' proposal I'd be billed for that and I would have a hard job proving I cancelled it unless I requested their phone records. 

    • Like 1
  12. 9 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    Absolutely and that is just a GP appointment. imagine a hospital that runs probably 20-30 outpatient clinics each day seeing anything from 30-40 patients and 5-10 dont turn up lets say 5 for each 30 clinic thats 150 a day. That isnt even including those who are booked for admissions or pre assessments. These are worse because patients are sent a letter and called 28hrs before their procedure to ensure they are coming yet people STILL dont turn up. This is wrong and they should be fined . I think this should be done more than what @Ingram85 proposed with onging issues as that will be more difficult to implement. 

    What happens if they don't pay? Is the NHS going to take people to court for a £30 fine?

    What if they are on benefits? Are they not charged? Only workers who miss appointments to be charged? That would just create even more resentment. 

    People who deliberately don't turn up for appointments are cocks but what can you do? Its impossible to manage. 

  13. On 2/8/2018 at 14:13, tonyh29 said:

    I've still never seen Blair Witch  (other then Cherie of course )

    one of these days I'll stumble across it and give it a watch


    I really liked the original Blair Witch. Not sure whether it would stand the test of time now...

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