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Posts posted by Xela

  1. 14 hours ago, sidcow said:

    Johnny come lately. 

    St Paul's club is the only proper club in Birmingham, though they have also bowed down to the ladies. 

    I don't play golf but a few years ago I was at a Golf day at Edgbaston Golf Club and I saw 2 what I assume were members stare at and tut a lady golfer on her way past. 

    I don't think there is anything wrong with a few men or women only clubs as long as there are plenty of others that admit both.

  2. 5 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

    How politically divided and obvious everyone is. 

    Can't do anything online now without seeing "far left", "far right". 

    I guarantee that without the anonymity of the internet, no one would know, or give a **** about anyone else politically beliefs. 

    It's so tedious and boring. 

    Facebook, twitter.. covered in it.  

    There is your problem right there! Ignore shit that berks post online (apart from me of course :P)

  3. 10 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    Yep same happened to me on Tuesday. Someone within KFC has probably cost them literally millions of pounds. 

    This is one of the problems with the constant drive to cut costs year after year. Eventually some chancer will spin them a yarn about new tech (which was the case here) and they will take a short term view to save a few quid under enormous pressure from above to do so and it goes wrong and costs tons more than they ever would have saved. 

    They moved away from a specialist food distribution company who they dealt with for years to a jack of all trades one. Like you say, initially they thought they could cut costs and save money but will ultimately cost them far more now. 

  4. 50 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    What a very British attitude. It never ceases to amaze me how hostile us brits are to children in restaurants when they are so welcomed everywhere else in the world. It's almost Victorian 


    As Mike says, its down to the fact that there is so much shitty parenting in this country now. Kids are just left to run riot while their parents stare at their phones. This breeds resentment. 



  5. 4 hours ago, mottaloo said:

    In a desperate attempt to tidy up my house in advance of entertaining a young lady tonight, I decided that I'd "do the shake n vac" and give my front room a fresh, citrussy aroma.

    Problem is my vacuum sucks (or doesn't, that's the point) and despite it's best efforts, my front room now looks like I have a serious coke problem, no matter how much sweeping i do :(

    She'll be here in a couple of hours. What do I do ?!?! (Apart from DHUTWU ?!) 

    Why on earth is she going in your front room? Escort her straight up the stairs and DHUTWU! 

    • Haha 2
  6. 6 hours ago, Rob182 said:

    Apparently the Polish midfielder from PSG is on £120k a week.

    Morrison and Barry on £80k per week. So between the three of them that is nearly £15m per year. Insane

    Football is basically propped up by TV money now. 


    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    Had a work night out on Friday. Well, not an official organised work thing, but a night out with people I know from work.

    Anyway, turned out to be a massive night. Rolled in at 7am.

    Nothing wrong with that. But... early on in the night, about 9:30, my boss text me and asked if we were out in Brum and he'd come meet us. I said yeah. He didn't turn up for about 2 hours, by which point I was hammered, and barely remember him being there.
    I sobered up a bit later but he'd gone by then and I can't really remember anything I said to him.


    Get in to work this morning and he's put a 1 to 1 meeting in with me, which is unusual for him.

    I'm a bit nervous!


  8. 5 hours ago, Lichfield Dean said:

    Just looked at house prices in the centre of Sutton. What on Earth has happened in the last couple of years? A nice but unexceptional three-bed semi detached can be anything upwards of £360,000!!! Crazy!


    That's what drives prices up. There is a 3 bed semi by my folks for sale (a lot bigger than my folks 3 bed semi) and its £500k. Absolutely insane!



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