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Posts posted by Xela

  1. 6 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    I just heard some awful news i dont know if anyone heard about the stabbing and shooting of a 23 year old in enfield north London early Saturday morning but just heard he was the son of one the medical secretaries I know.

    I despair about our inner cities. Even up here in Brum, there is daily reports of shootings and stabbings. 


  2. 16 minutes ago, mikeyp102 said:

    That’s surely because you don’t want to tell people what you’re actually doing in Asia. Yet us at VT know your sordid little secrets...

    Its all about the temples. Always the temples. 

  3. 14 hours ago, mottaloo said:

    Villabitch - I presume she's out of nick now, seeing as she has a new twitter handle of villabitchreturns. Has anyone seen - sorry, heard her back at VP ?

    I would really hope not & that she keeps a low profile after those frauds she was convicted of !


    Never heard of her? Is she (in)famous down VP then?

  4. The prospect of doing what you have described is probably what will drive me to sell up where I am and buy a house. I love my apartment and it is great in winter but when the summer comes I really miss having an outdoor space. I don't want anything massive, just a small paved/gravelled area I can sit out in and have a tea / lager / whisky when I fancy it.

    Ideally a penthouse apartment with a private roof terrace would be the best of both worlds but not many of those about! 

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  5. 3 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    I was utterly shocked today to find out that Tesco actually security tag some of their joints of meat now. We're talking about standard food here which is now expensive enough and presumably theft attractive enough to be tagged. 

    Razors, whisky and meat! They'll tag most valuable things now. 

  6. 12 hours ago, mjmooney said:

    I've been in worse Spoons pubs than the Briar Rose. The one in Perth (Scotland, not Australia) is appalling. 

    I think another 2 in Brum are worse - The Figure of Eight and Square Peg.

    The one in Chinatown is OK

  7. 1 hour ago, Davkaus said:

    How much money must we spend every year getting the police to surround football stadiums in case of crowd trouble. Never seems to happen at any other sport, does it. Football has a massive crossover with the 'lad' demographic, where lad is a synonym for word removed.

    Don't the clubs have to pay for this? Certainly I think for league games 

    Not sure about iInternationals. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    I like the old joint stock personally 

    What does let it down is the briar rose is probably the worst weatherspoons ive ever been in

    The Stock is the one I always take clients too. Grand old pub magnificently decorated. 

    You are right about the Briar Rose...


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    • Haha 1
  9. Just now, sidcow said:

    Yes, which is why I will always go to Edmunds instead. 

    I do like Edmunds as well. Used to be the Hogshead? Always used to be our meeting place after work on a Friday. Some great escapades planned in there over a beer or three! 

  10. 9 minutes ago, NurembergVillan said:

    Thanks guys.  I genuinely appreciate the support.

    Any suggestions for boys names are gratefully received too.  I've got a hit list of favourites, but the Mrs doesn't really agree.  I quite fancy "Thor" for a laugh, but she's definitely not having that!

    Alex is a great name, for either sex ;)

  11. 2 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    I was briefly in Primitivo last night. Its been refurbished well. 

    I work in the financial district. What it's missing is a couple more proper boozers. Swanky bars are well and good. They open, become popular, charge silly prices, the owners make a ton of money, something shinier and newer opens next door, they close.  Rinse and repeat. 

    The proper boozers however have all been around for years and are packed to the gunnells still for a reason. Need more proper pubs. 

    Is the Old C's still like a sardine tin at 5pm? 

  12. 3 hours ago, Shropshire Lad said:

    So a weekend which is unlikely to be ruined by Villa, anyone have any plans?

    I was meant to be looking after the little one Saturday night, but her mum has changed it to tonight. Means I’m now at a loss as to what to do for the rest of the weekend.

    My go to drinking buddy in such an event is doing a half marathon on Sunday so he won’t be up for a beer.

    Other than going for a run tomorrow, I haven’t got anything on the agenda.

    Pretty quiet for me tonight. Listening to Pink Floyd at the minute and will probably watch a film later

    Lie in tomorrow and maybe a non league game local to me. Plus a bit more reading up about investments.

    Sunday is a day of chores (shopping / cleaning) before the impending doom of Monday kicks in. Least its a short week next week. Hoping I can organise a Easter weekend drinks meetup with the lads

  13. 3 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    Yeah those 2!

    The best of it is for me you can drink around there from pretty much anytime after midday, get the last train home and have had a great time, you dont need to be there at 2am waiting for it to get lively

    I've always thought those places should have a dedicated cocktail bar separate from the main bar. No greater frustration than watching some trendy 'mixologist' painstakingly make 4 different cocktails for the Brum version of the sex and city women while all you want is a pint of bastard Moretti! 

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