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Everything posted by Xela

  1. England fans who go too far. Few mates of mine were in Flints (in Mere Green) last night. It was packed and lots of people watching from the public footpath, as you can see the screens from there. Big celebrations when we won but people take it too far. Soon some of the lads who were on the footpath (I think they were under 18 hence why they weren't inside) started running in the road, stopping traffic. Then it turned into kicking passing cars, smashing wing mirrors off and jumping on bonnets and roofs. Inevitably the police are called. My mates said it was proper moody and they won't be watching the game there on Saturday I think it was the same outside Yates' in Sutton Coldfield - took the police hours to disperse people. I'm not an old git who doesn't like to celebrate but some people lose perspective and reality. This was just a last 16 game. I think the country will burn if we win the thing!
  2. Yep. Enjoy the moment you are in and not trying to get the 'perfect' video to boost your social media likes.
  3. Well they see things wrong Messi is one of the few who doesn't throw himself around like a salmon. Hand of God aside (and a huge 'aside' it was) Maradona was never one to play-act or cheat. He had lumps kicked out of him. Maybe its my hazy memory but it seems to get worse every tournament.
  4. I admit I don't watch a great deal of it but I have to say most South American players in this world cup have displayed scumbag like tendencies. Cheating, diving, play acting, etc Hoping Neymar breaks his leg on Friday.
  5. Sweden will be tough but think we have the edge. However, if we do get past them, I can't see us beating Croatia.
  6. Hope its France v Belgium Want South American teams to **** off.
  7. These once every four year fans coming out the woodwork now the World Cup is on. The News showed some of these fan parks and there are people there, mainly young women, who look as though they have no idea what is going on or why they are there! Still, makes for a great selfie or Instagram post! /miserable bastard
  8. Or the 'General thread' We love a good toilet/shit/scat based anecdote.
  9. Might be a broad generalisation of a continent but I have no time for South American nations playing football. Petty much all of them are despicable cheats.
  10. **** off Colombia you cheating bastards
  11. As someone said previously, looks like a competition winner
  12. My big concern is that we don't create much from open play
  13. We're still the better team. Need composure. I don't want to face a penalty shoot out against these words removed
  14. Colombia playing with 11 players now
  15. If there is any justice these Colombians won't get through
  16. Damn, they've taken Sanchez off. That means they have 11 players now
  17. Same. Can't believe how cynical they are.
  18. The holding at corners has been insane at this world cup. Never seen anything like it.
  19. Brain dead from Carlos Sanchez again.
  20. **** get in! Dirty Colombian bastards
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