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Everything posted by Risso

  1. I was trying to remember the timeline of us all joining, I know it was Tarj first (back when priests could name their guild) then I think it was me, then Dan, then Nays followed by Sam, Limpid and Jay. Something like that anyway.
  2. Something like that. Loads of us grouped in Mulgore, then all of a sudden no Wowrush Dashers guild tag anymore. Very sad, Shack sounded pretty choked on vent. People who don't play the game won't understand I guess, but for me playing with the VT boys has been an absolute pleasure.
  3. Dashers disbanded tonight. Damn sad moment.
  4. So, group invite to BOTS incoming. Me, Sam, Nighteye, Gone, Cait and Drek.
  5. Cheers for the donations Dan and Nays, wouldn't have made it without you!
  6. How many people to go until everybody in Strong City has posted on here?
  7. Hope everybody in Strong City has a nice Christmas, however (and indeed, if) you celebrate it.
  8. Happy Christmas all! (And cheers for the gold Nays, just what I always wanted!)
  9. Bizarrely, I had a dream about all this last night. That'll teach me to eat cheese before bed I suppose.
  10. With an attitude like that you should post more often! Alternatively you could join my "Grammar Police" sect.
  11. My maternal grandparents were Jehovah's Witnesses, and that happy brigade has been predicting the end of the world for decades now.
  12. What does it say? Make your own mind up, Strong City website Here's an example though I'm sure I'll be accused of being a "pervert" and looking at things with my "earthly views" or whatever, but I can spot a lecherous old fraud when I see one. I don't believe in God, but if I did, I can't imagine that the being who created the world and everything in it would take time to instruct some random old chap to sleep with various young women.
  13. I've had a good read of the Strong City website, and some of it makes very disturbing reading indeed.
  14. Amazing, have you people never heard of email?
  15. Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but god doesn't exist, and you're all wasting your time.
  16. I'd just like to point out that nobody has forced your or your children to come and post on here, or read what's written. This is a forum for English football fans, and if you can't handle the ribald humour then I suggest you look for more suitable sites elsewhere. All things considered, I think your cult has been treated pretty fairly on here.
  17. We get a link on Pru's blog, which is nice.
  18. This is getting more bizarre by the day.
  19. Answered here That doesn't sound very omnipotent to me. Even my wife can make herself heard when I've got the iPod on. But anyway, I'm just off to the beach to take the dogs for a walk. It's nice and quiet down there, with just the faint splash of the waves and the odd cry of a seagull. I'll be waiting for his call.
  20. I want to know why God won't talk to me. Miserable old git!
  21. As a confirmed atheist, I nevertheless find this thread, and Terry's contribution in particular, absolutely fascinating. It's always interesting to read about a way of life that's so completely at odds with what you believe yourself.
  22. If any leavers would like to contribute to Risso's epic flying mount fund, all contributions gratefully received! (Remembering I dished out all my gold and stuff when I left on a break!)
  23. Ah shite lads. It's bad enough not being in the same guild without you stopping playing altogether. Ah well, maybe I'll give real life a go!
  24. Ah shite lads. It's bad enough not being in the same guild without you stopping playing altogether. Ah well, maybe I'll give real life a go!
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