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Everything posted by Risso

  1. Risso

    MON stay or go

    I understand that, i just think it's a real shame that the main villa forum is full of so much negativity and has been for some time. SNIIIIIPPPP When do we get to sit back and enjoy being a villa fan? For someone who is supposedly against negativity, you probably do more moaning on here than everybody else put together. Any slight hint that a poster isn't 100% happy with everything at the club, and you stamp your little feet like a spolit four year old who didn't win a rosette at pony club.
  2. Risso

    MON stay or go

    Who has said that's the reason they'd like him replaced?
  3. Take the best two players from any of the top 4, and of course we'd be much better. If we had Lampard and Drogba, or Ferdinand and Rooney, of course we'd be transformed. The thing is we don't have any players remotely in that class, which is why they're the Big 4 and we're not.
  4. Risso

    MON stay or go

    Big_John, your constant assertion that people who criticise the manager must consider themselves to be superior football managers to O'Neill, really is childish drivel of the highest order.
  5. Risso

    MON stay or go

    It isn't our best start in 10 years though. *renders rest of juvenile post redundant*
  6. Risso

    MON stay or go

    Just have a look at the league table. Although I'm not sure why Chelsea winning 5-0 means they have less chance of winning the league.
  7. Risso

    MON stay or go

    The accusation that MON is dishonest is quite strong and not a little extraordinary. The only thing that's extraordinary there is your reading things into a post that aren't there.
  8. Risso

    MON stay or go

    I've spent many thousands of pounds over the years supporting Villa home and away, Mr Better-Fan-Than-You.
  9. Risso

    MON stay or go

    Come back when we're ahead of them both in the table.
  10. Risso

    MON stay or go

    Ah, the inevitable Newcastle comparison. We haven't had "fickle" for a while now, that must be due soon. Or "at least we're not Leeds".
  11. Risso

    MON stay or go

    Well in that case there's no point debating anything Villa related is there? Nothing that anybody says on here is going to directly influence anything, it's just a discussion board. As such, this thread is no more pointless than any other.
  12. Risso

    MON stay or go

    Which further proves the point that it doesn't just take spending loads of money. Surely the main reason that 6th should be a given, is that O'Neill is a brilliant manager (according to you). if he's that good, why should we accept anything left. Newcastle haven't achieved anything because they're owned by an idiot, who has appointed a succession of divs to manage the team.
  13. Risso

    MON stay or go

    You neglect to mention Everton, who have been a regular top 6 side, despite not spending as much as we have.
  14. Risso

    MON stay or go

    Spurs have got closer a couple of times in the last 5 years than we have. I fully expect Man City to achieve it this year. If they don't, they'll be closer than us.
  15. Christ, I think I know now who nicked ClaretMahoney's drugs! Played better today than we did against Chelsea? That's as mental a statement as I've ever read on VT.
  16. Risso

    MON stay or go

    No, but overall the football was dire today, and even though we now appear to have sorted the defence out, our attacking options are rubbish. A quarter way through the season, and Gabby is our only striker to have scored. Our central midfield is totally ineffectual, and we have zero movement off the ball.
  17. Risso

    MON stay or go

    Today was the perfect example of why I think we've reached a plateau with O'Neill. Mind-numbingly predictable football, and no plan B to change things round, other than the same tired option of bringing Heskey on after 70 minutes.
  18. I agree, the defence wasn't the problem today. The problem was the midfield and style of play. No point getting it out wide at every opportunity when you've got a winger as out of form as Ashley Young.
  19. My ratings Fridel - 7 - not much to do really Cuellar - 6 - not really a right back is he? Collins - 7 - another good game from the ginger Panzer Dunne - 6 - not as good as he has been. Warnock - 8 - what a great player he is Milner - 7.5 - worked his knackers off as usual Petrov - 5 - completely anonymous Sidwell - 4 - completely anonymous, and cost us all three points with a hopeless challenge Young - 3 - Abysmal, needs dropping as soon as Downing is fit Gabby - 8 - worked his socks off, contributed loads, and scored a well taken goal Carew - 3 - I'm a big fan of Carew normally, but he did precisely **** all today, and worse, seems to be going through the motions O'Neill - 4 - same old plan A of missing out the centre of midfield, getting it wide, then bringing on Heskey after 70 minutes to not score. Predictable and very dull to watch.
  20. A dreadful, dreadful performance. O'Neill really has no other plan than to get it wide all game, then bring Emule on after 70ish minutes. Pathetic.
  21. Risso

    MON stay or go

    Try a bit harder next time then.
  22. Risso

    MON stay or go

    Or he might not, just like Harewood didn't. The thing is, petrov always had the ability to be the player we need, Heskey doesn't. When was the last time Heskey scored more than 10 goals in a season, in all competitions? As we don't play with attacking central midfielders, just how do you think that Heskey is going to start turning things round?
  23. Christ you just need Aberdare and you've got the 'lived in shittest places' badge all sewn up! I can think of so many more worse places than any I've listed. What's wrong with Sutton, I was only young but I remember it as a pleasant enough town. Milton Keynes was a bit soulless, but was a clean and modern place to grow up. Wigan is an awesome town. Full of northern, working class charm, and halfway between Manchester and Liverpool. It was a great place to be a young, single bloke in my 20's. I really miss living there. The IOM is also a great place to live. A bit quiet for some, but then I've got a young family, so it's brilliant. Beautiful scenery, hardly any crime, and no traffic. At the moment, I wouldn't live anywhere else.
  24. Risso

    MON stay or go

    Yes how inconsiderate of Everton not to give in to Man Citeh at the drop of a hat. That wasn't frustrating at all, it was obvious. As soon as Lescott moved Central Defenders started moving left right and centre. Its just another of those things that people blame the manager for when it was out of his control, he knew his targets but no CD was going to move with the Lescott situation still ongoing. What did the Lescott situation have to do with Collins? The only team who were reportedly in for him before us were Stoke.
  25. Risso

    MON stay or go

    No it wasn't. You don't receive any more points, money or anything else tangible for any of the things you mention. 6th is 6th. So If a team finishes 5th with 58 points in one season, while 4th have 72 points. Then the next season, 4th have 75 points, and you finish 5th again but this time with 73 points. There is no improvement? That is what your saying isn't it? I could turn that round and ask you if finishing 17th one year with 36 points, then finishing on 18th with 38 points the next and being relegated would be an improvement? The only thing points are there for is to decide the final league table. If Chelsea get less points than last year, but win the league, they'll have improved, end of story.
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