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Everything posted by macandally

  1. There was 90% humidity, scratch your nose and your bathed in sweat!! :shock:
  2. I didnt get over excited about Blackburn and I am not going to top myself after Chelsea. The pitch was still crap and the humiditiy is still obvious. The latter gives two significant reasons why we should have kept the ball, but we couldnt. Petrov for me now is roleless, he is not a holding midfielder and does not have the legs to do a proper job there. Makoun and Delph are our two playmakers going forward, but we need an enforcer to do the dirty stuff and let them play. There are definite issues to be sorted out, but neither the starting or finishing eleven will start the season, it will be a combination of both. Therefore, not panicking yet.
  3. We cannot afford to do that, its got nothing to do with meaning business. Yeah lets spend shit loads we cannot afford and threaten the security of the club, we'll mean business when we're bankrupt. I think thats frankly sensationalist and not really true is it?? We have a billion dollar owner, thats a lot of wasted cash to go bankrupt. Financial fair play may be a consideration, but even then, Milner and Johnson would probably cost around 25-30 million. Add the 9.5 spent on NZogbia and the Young/Downing cash and we are about 3.5 million out? Is that going to send us spiralling into debt? I dont think so.
  4. Would rather us go all out and put in the money to bring in James Milner and Adam Johnson (a real statement that AVFC still mean business). Althernately, James McCarthy and Adam Johnson (due to rumours Randy wouldnt bring back Milner)
  5. Welcome to Villa Park Charles. As you might guess from this post, you have not much by way of expectation now weighing on your young shoulders. I hope you do well, you have the boots of two England internationals to fill.
  6. Not sure if that was to me as I mentioned the pitch wasnt great. I agree which is probably why neither played free flowing football! (although neither team are exactly reknowned for that style anyway! )
  7. I am not going to read too much into this, dodgy pitch and extreme humidity was always going to make this a difficult fixture. I thought Warnock had a good game but he has had a season off, Delph showed glimpses of why he could be our playmaker for the next 6-8 years. I just hope he can start to take a game by the scruff of the neck and pull the strings in there. Apart from that, a game of few real chances and although we won it comfortably, I wouldnt say we pulled up any trees.
  8. Here we go, 60 minutes and Petrovs legs have gone. Sloppy passes!
  9. Technically, alongside Makoun he is the best at the club. Mentally, he really needs to be supported and encouraged by not just the manager, but the fans and his teammates. If Shay Given can do what he said and get the best out of Ireland, it may just be the best 3.5 million Villa ever spent! The epitomy of a confidence player to me.
  10. I contribute a lot to this forum actually. Take a look at my golden lion. I just don't appreciate you, and a few others constantly labelling and insulting others who have an opposing opinion to yours. It took me lass than 10 pages to find all those quotes. I'm fairly sure mods have stepped in previously for less. OnlyOne, I may have cherrypicked those posts from 3 people with different views to mine. However, I believe I also picked the 3 most frequent offenders. Congratulations on the golden lion, Big UP! As I said when debating previously with a more sensible poster, there are definitely two differant factions on here and I personally feel that in reality, Villa currently stand somewhere between the two extremes. Which way we will go, I dont know but at the moment, I am concerned. I think it is fairly obvious there are those that think that Randy is asset stripping and the club is on a downward slide into the 3rd division. I dont think that is the case at all. He definitely seems to have his eye on the bottom line though with a view to the pending UEFA guidelines. There are then those that refuse to consider the current status quo as a negative thing, preferring to wait in hope or some unfounded belief that something tremendous is going to happen. Those same people slate everyone who refuses to believe the same. I dont know what is going to happen, I do know that what is happening currently is disturbing to me. That includes us quibbling over 1m (apparently) for a player who our manager rates as an important signing. If the quotes from yesterday re him hoping the board can seal the deal are anything to go by, McLeish does not appear enamoured with the current status quo either. If the Mods have an issue with my posts then I am sure I will be made aware but until then, I will continue to try and contribute rather than waste my valuable weekend compiling quotes from those who dont agree with my own views.
  11. Lesson Two: Occasionally, name your opponent in a made up group. Using speech marks will make the aforementioned group seem more realistic. Wow, busted. No where am I going to carry out my subversive activities?? Just goes to show that some actually try to contribute to the forum, others satisfy themselves with spending considerable research time in order to maintain or create point scoring.
  12. Well, the amount of times people havent understood that you dont necessarily buy after you sell - its just ridiculous. If I came across patronising then apologies it wasnt intended. More a claim that nobody actually reads peoples posts, but instead seem to get half an incline of what peoples opinions are and if they disagree, jump down your throat. Of course the affairs of the club affect me, but just not in the way Im witnessing on here which just seems to be pointless anger. I think the last few weeks are totally defensible!! Its randy lerners club and he can do whatever he wants with it. And seems to be proving that now for those who kid themselves he cant. Is that a good thing. I dont know. Maybe he does want the best for the club. Who knows?? Whether you agree or disagree with what hes happening is purely opinion and everyones entitled of course - But the way those disagreeing opinions are expressed on here and in the generals thread are so ridiculously childlike in many cases (not by any means yours), that it becomes impossible to have a proper debate with them I agree that there are two distinct factions on here and some of the comments between the two are childish. It is not my intention to follow that line of posting as I believe that we are actual somewhere between the two current pro and anti Lerner groups. Unfortunately, if NZogbia ends up at Sunderland then there is more fuel to the fire of discontent. Personally, I am not sure NZogbia is the best we could bring in as a replacement, but he is a safe option and due to the minimal support McLeish has is likely to be typical of our signings. Low Risk, proven in the premiership and therefore priced at a premium.
  13. Good luck with explaining that to this lot God I wish I lived in your little enlightened clique!! :shock: You know as much as the rest of us which is bugger all. If you want to be all happy clappy, good for you but at the moment we are looking silly haggling over a million quid for a 2nd rate winger. the fact that hes 2nd rate, is probably why were haggling. Like I said earlier though. If you want me to look at NOW instead of wait and see - Were 2nd in the league, and were unbeaten this season!! Have you got your fingers in your ears going la,la,la,la,la,la??????? I am surprised you know there are two sides to a fence. I hope that NZogbia to Sunderland is bullshit, as if its not then even "daydreamers" like your good self might get a bit of a wake up call. Im not sure what your getting at? Im not sure you understand my viewpoint. Id prefer Randy to spend millions but understand if he wont. I even understand if hes using Aston villa to pay off loans etc. its sad, but thats the way football is, and if hes lookin to make a quick bunse off it - Good Luck to him I certainly have no allience to Randy lerner. I dont love him or hate him. Ive just got to a point where Im that bored About worrying about this kind of bullshit that whatever happens, Il look forward to the season. Said it before, even if onlyone and nowidontlikethat are our front 2 next year, Il still look forward to going to watch Villa, because its a hobby, an interest - something I enjoy, and the moment I let stuff like this get to me (in the way that you and others clearly do), is the moment I stop enjoying it. Perhaps I am getting at the bits I quoted mate. I have no distrust of Lerner. I voted "approve" of his ownership. That doesnt mean I will blindly follow the party line and ignore the facts that are coming out of the club. The goings on since a couple of weeks prior to the end of the season have been farcical and to me indefensible but there are those that try on here. The reason my back up is due to your post on "explaining that to this lot" which I found patronising plus the flippant comment of second in the league and unbeaten. Good for you if the affairs of the club dont affect you, but perhaps you should then refrain from winding up those of whom it does.
  14. Good luck with explaining that to this lot God I wish I lived in your little enlightened clique!! :shock: You know as much as the rest of us which is bugger all. If you want to be all happy clappy, good for you but at the moment we are looking silly haggling over a million quid for a 2nd rate winger. the fact that hes 2nd rate, is probably why were haggling. Like I said earlier though. If you want me to look at NOW instead of wait and see - Were 2nd in the league, and were unbeaten this season!! Have you got your fingers in your ears going la,la,la,la,la,la??????? I am surprised you know there are two sides to a fence. I hope that NZogbia to Sunderland is bullshit, as if its not then even "daydreamers" like your good self might get a bit of a wake up call.
  15. Its not about playing Devils advocate?? Im not justifying anything, Im just understanding it. First couple of years he pours in a bucket load of cash to try and make money from results. Makes nothing!! Last couple of years he stops or looks like stops spending and makes money from sales of players!! Oh Understanding one, please name me a chairman who makes money out of football. Randy threw money into the team & infrastructure to develop the club, he knows that he will not make any money from AVFC unless a) we repay his LOANS (he hasnt put money in out of the goodness of his heart) or he sells on the club. You do not make money of any great size form league position or even to an extent, champions league as you then have to speculate to maintain momentum. Football is a bottomless pit! Stop spouting shite to support a case that only you and a couple of others "head in sand" wallahs understand.
  16. Good luck with explaining that to this lot God I wish I lived in your little enlightened clique!! :shock: You know as much as the rest of us which is bugger all. If you want to be all happy clappy, good for you but at the moment we are looking silly haggling over a million quid for a 2nd rate winger.
  17. You know jack shit about how much we do or do not have to spend. Correct People like Onlyyou were slagging off the club for the same thing on Jan 10th or whatever it was. Tell you what - lets just see how much we've spent on Sept. 1st. And, even if it is not a penny more, why don't you just wait and see what they do on the pitch before you slag the club, our players, the manager , the owner and everyone else off. Makes me laugh it really does - I bet if I could be bothered, I could look through these threads and find you slagging off the club for letting a talent like Gary Cahill leave and saying he should have been given a chance !. Whilst people like you will be making excuses for the cost cutting, poor managerial appointment, lack of signings and poor results. You are working on "why dont you wait" while most of us are sat looking at what is happening now. Hell of a differance!! You may as well be whistling "The sun will come out, tomorrow" Poor management appointment - no mate, I'm just 40yrs old who has life experience, and I know that, although I wish I was brian Clough, I know I'm not !. It may very well turn out a bad appointment - but how do we know. For the record, I was jumping for joy , running around my office telling everyone how Villa were gonna win the league the day we appointed David O'Leary, a guy who took Leeds to a champions league Semi final. I also slagged the club off when we appointed Graham Taylor when I thought we should have got the recently sacked from Man U Ron Atkinson. And, taking sentiment out of it - I remember every person in this country telling the whole world how England were dominate world football now we have the most successful manager in Europe who is a "winner" - and the same press trying to hound a certain Bobby Robson out of the job calling him an embarassment after the first two games of Mexico 86 ! On paper, I admit, its not the best -- but lets just wait and see shall we (quote - Mark Robins kept Alex fergusun's job ahem......) So your the same age as me and have a poor track record of predicting what might happen at the club and in football generally?? Not exactly selling yourself as the leader of the "wait and see" brigade with a record like that!! McLeish is a poor appointment, even now before a ball is kicked. It gives out a statement of resignation that we will not be competing for the top four. McLeish whether good or bad is walking a tightrope which is frayed at both ends, he genuinely has no room for manouvre and the moment he suffers a run of poor results his position will be untenable. You can live in hope mate, I am concerned as to what sort of damage is being done on a daily basis by our constant feet dragging and dithering. I include the whole NZogbia saga as part of that. We are haggling over 1 million which although of course, it is a lot of money to me and thee, in football terms its is very little. The fact we are haggling over that type of figure concerns me more than anything.
  18. You know jack shit about how much we do or do not have to spend. Correct People like Onlyyou were slagging off the club for the same thing on Jan 10th or whatever it was. Tell you what - lets just see how much we've spent on Sept. 1st. And, even if it is not a penny more, why don't you just wait and see what they do on the pitch before you slag the club, our players, the manager , the owner and everyone else off. Makes me laugh it really does - I bet if I could be bothered, I could look through these threads and find you slagging off the club for letting a talent like Gary Cahill leave and saying he should have been given a chance !. Whilst people like you will be making excuses for the cost cutting, poor managerial appointment, lack of signings and poor results. You are working on "why dont you wait" while most of us are sat looking at what is happening now. Hell of a differance!! You may as well be whistling "The sun will come out, tomorrow"
  19. They are playing Al Ain which is the team ODreary used to manage.
  20. I cannot believe how close this is. I may not be happy with the appointment of McLeish or the current transfer status quo, but Randy has created an infrastructure for success at Aston Villa. Bodymoor Heath is state of the art and everything is in place for development, apart from the Manager and to some extent the squad! Minor things though ;-) I approve by the way!
  21. Mauro Zárate is shite? Lazio will listen to offers......... http://www.teamtalk.com/news/7555/7047237/No-bids-for-Zarate-Lazio-chief
  22. Or Juan Vargas. Or Ryad Boudebouz. Or Lewis Holtby. Or Maksym Bily. Or Dusan Tadic. Or Oussama Assaidi. Or Yassine El Ghanassy. Or Giorgi Merebashvili. Or Zlatko Junuzović. Or Valentin Stocker. Or Cristian Tanase. There's a whole damn world of options out there. But we have McLeish who doesn't seem to attract oversea players. Zigic Zarate Beausejour Hleb Martins Benitez Michel Jiranek My god there is some quality there to look forward to..............oh wait, hang on a minute. They are all shite!
  23. Water off a ducks back. Couldn't give a monkies TBH. Some people are so blinded they don't even read what has been posted half the time! Ok Julie,I'm not having a dig at you personally but I'm bored of reading constant...this was just tweeted by such and such... For example everyone was pissing their pants when some so calked Villa insider claimed Moyes was a certain for the villa job and we all know what happened there! We now have Nzogbia stories and the truth is no one knows apart from the club,player and his agent. It is all just speculation yet someone tweets it some people take it as fact yet if it was in a daily rag it would be dismissed as bollocks. And that article you linked too,I won't apologise TS is not classed as a credible source on here and not a quote in sight just some journo's opinion. Do you know what? If you dont like it, dont read it. The first part of the thread title states........SPECULATION so if Julie has heard or seen something that might give us a clue then good on her. I love reading Julies, Gazton and The Trees posts and interpret them as I see fit. If you think that they are BS then fine, but dont slate people for being willing to dig and post information they come across.
  24. I see Darren Bent has started to put the feelers out too. "Everyone wants to play in the Champions League" aka, "Come and get me!"
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