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Everything posted by JB

  1. West of Memphis was what inspired me to find something similar and led me to Making a Murderer. Equally shocking stuff.
  2. Yes! Made worse when they leave their car at the pump and go and spend about half an hour doing a weekly shop before they actually pay!
  3. Something that pisses me off that shouldn't is when people tell others that the thing that pisses them off that shouldn't, shouldn't piss them off.
  4. Started on this last night as well, weirdly. I've only watched two episodes so far but it's unbelievably gripping. Have to keep reminding myself that it's actually real! The poor guy. Was inspired to find something similar after watching the brilliant (maybe the wrong word, given the events) West of Memphis.
  5. Interesting link between the seasons of Fargo... I obviously worked this out by myself. I definitely didn't read it on IMDb.
  6. As the season as a whole had been so completely brilliant, I guess the chance that the finale could be a let down didn't even enter my mind. I certainly didn't consider it that after watching it. But your post has made me think about it a bit more. And I agree with you. It was still brilliant but slightly disappointing. It was just kind of 'life goes on'. Which I guess might've been the point.
  7. I've also just finished The Leftovers. I don't know what I think about it. On the one hand, it's **** brilliant. Season 2 really took it up a notch. On the other it's a piss take. I'll admit, I'm a sucker for questions being answered. I don't like things being left too open-ended. This show answers virtually nothing. I can't remember who it was earlier in this thread that told me that the pretty much all of the season one mysteries were answered in season 2 but if they were, I must have missed it. It just keeps posing more and more questions without answering 90% of them. I did really enjoy it, though. Would definitely recommend.
  8. It seemed to be coasting on its concept and forgot to tell a proper story. Ironically, it seemed to be told in a more childlike way than almost all other Pixar films.
  9. I felt exactly the same about it. I'm a massive fan of Monsters Inc., The Incredibles and Wall E and was expecting great things based on the reviews but it was just a bit 'meh'. I can't help thinking that I must be missing something given all the praise lavished on it.
  10. Cyclists undertaking at lights or in slow traffic is probably the most annoying thing that I see them do on a regular basis. But to even things out, drivers who stick their hazard lights on and think that it entitles them to park wherever the **** they like. Sometimes in the middle of the **** road! words removed.
  11. Exactly. Suicide is the leading cause of death for men (and women) between the ages of 20 and 34 in England and Wales, regardless of socioeconomic status or background. Suggesting that there is always an explainable 'reason' for the issues that lead to men resorting to such drastic measures is plain wrong.
  12. WTF?! That's a gross generalisation that seems to write-off the experiences of the thousands of educated, skilled and trained men suffering from genuine mental health issues.
  13. Cool, cheers. I didn't expect them to explain the departures but I would have liked to have found out what was going on with Kevin's black outs, what happened to his dad and what the deal with that National Geographic magazine was. Maybe a bit more about Wayne and the random bloke shooting the dogs, too.
  14. Finished season 1 of The Leftovers last night. I quite enjoyed it but I'm a little bit ticked off that it answered almost literally none of the mysteries. I get that shows like this are meant to be about the "characters' journey" or whatever but I reckon that a lot of viewers are equally invested in getting some answers. Not sure why I'm surprised given that one of the Lost guys is behind it... Thought he might have learnt his lesson! Heard that season 2 is a lot better so I'll give that a go.
  15. JB

    Gym Routine

    I dunno. Having trained in gyms across the country and the other side of the world, I would conservatively estimate that about 60%+ of guys in gyms are total dicks. It's the nature of the beast isn't it? I sound like an antisocial word removed but the type of people I'm surrounded by is the major downside of training for me! Plenty of good lads as well but as with everything, it's the douche bags who stand out, right?
  16. JB

    Gym Routine

    Dropping the weights is necessary sometimes, for example if you've done a heavy set of DB bench presses there's no way out of that other than to let the weights fall to the ground. But actively throwing them is the behaviour of a word removed. I totally agree about 'gym guys'... so many absolute bell ends of the highest order at mine.
  17. The way that certain young female singers, in what I can only guess is an attempt to be seen as 'alternative', sing the last word of a line in a song in a really, really weird way, putting on some sort of non-existent accent. For example, the way whoever it is sings "down" in the new John Lewis **** advert.
  18. JB

    Gym Routine

    Massive, massive Defranco fan. Anything he puts out is worth following. WS4SB is pretty old now but most of the principles still apply. He's updated it with a new program called SB911. Although this one's not free unfortunately. Awesome to hear you're into weighted carries, too! Done properly they'll make your traps explode. I like suitcase carries as they're an awesome core exercise, thanks to flexion resistance. Sounds like we're on the same page mate!
  19. Well, that worked. I didn't write that. Not sure why I'm quoted...
  20. Haha no, I don't buy that. There's no way you would not ask the most basic of questions in that situation. It was just incredibly lazy writing that treated viewers as idiots IMO. He would've been found out straight away and the whole storyline would've ended immediately.
  21. JB

    Gym Routine

    Hopefully this will be constituted as advice but please feel free to delete if not. As harsh and slightly unfair as I think some people have been to YGabbana (I think I get what he's trying to say - he just hasn't expressed himself clearly/well enough - and I see his point if so), I would suggest that he stops believing everything that he reads on T-Nation. You have to filter the information on there, and similar sites, very carefully. There are some amazing writers on there but it's also rife with insecure, macho bullshit.
  22. Fair play to you mate. The predictable, repetitive nature of it annoys me but I know lots of people who love it, so maybe I'm missing something! And it can't be that bad as I still watch it! Although the whole bit last season where the guy with the mullet says that he's got the cure and everyone just BELIEVES HIM, literally no questions asked, is maybe the most stupid bit of supposedly good TV I've ever seen.
  23. I watched the whole of the first season. I thought it was awful. Uninteresting story, terrible overacting, unbelievably cheesy script. The reaction it gets these days has almost tempted me to go back and try it again. Almost. I agree with all that actually. I was a little lenient in my assessment! I'm not quite sure why I've carried on watching it. And will probably watch the new series at some point! It follows the same pattern every season: group hits the road, someone dies, meet another group of survivors, someone dies, it all goes tits up, someone dies.
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