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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. We did? Our interest in Doyle I seem to remember was far more 'confirmed' than any interest in Defoe or Bent.
  2. I think perhaps Young replaced SWP in MON's mind, thus we're not interested now? As Young is going to be a far superior player to SWP, I would hope that Young was our first choice in MON's mind.
  3. Yup, with their one player purchased to our zero, they're really streaking away from us.
  4. The Daily Star, Nick. What an excellent source for people to get their knickers in a twist over.
  5. Yes, I'm sure that's how they decide on which players we should sign.
  6. True. Which is good, as we now have the better of the two players.
  7. So the fact that Carew decided to come to us rather than Bundesliga-challenging Werder Bremen is a good thing, no?
  8. Tottenham are bigger than boro and sha, probably wham also and we beat them to Young. Werder Bremen were also in for Carew so we beat out a Champions League team there also. There WAS interest from big clubs in those players. FACT! You know what I mean with big clubs and you know that I know what you meant by that too...so...do you know...there wasnt BIG clubs in for them...FACT! But there was i just pointed them out! You are confusing big clubs with huge clubs! Jesus what a fabrication because you were found out with your pants down! Whats next? Mega clubs is bigger than huge clubs? I know you say some funny things from time to time, but are you saying that Werder Bremen are not a big club? :?
  9. Nope. He has said that he is moving to Munich. If Werder don't sell him, then he will wait one more year and go for free.
  10. Which is why you have a squad in the first place. You don't just discount them from the numbers.
  11. Our current first team squad: Sorensen Taylor Delaney Hughes Mellberg Laursen Cahill Ridgewell Bouma Barry Petrov Gardner Osbourne Davis Maloney Berger Young Moore Agbonlahor Carew I count that as 20. Any you disagree with? So if nobody else leaves, I say that we need to bring in four players. If more do leave then replacements need to be signed.
  12. By my calculations we currently have a first team squad of 20. If we add your 'ten players' to that, we will have a first team squad of 30. How many clubs in the Premier League have a first team squad of 30 players?
  13. Thanks, I will. In Barry, Gabby, Young, Carew, Laursen, Bouma, Petrov, Mellberg and others we do have 'material for Europe'. All of those players are good enough. Now we just need to sign a few players to supplement them. Which doesn't have a lot to do with our 'fragility', which is what you were originally complaining about. How shocking. Does it matter though? we finished 12 points clear, as we always were going to with the run-in that we had. Er....yes. As you do to win any game.
  14. I don't remember struggling every game last season. I remember our defence looking generally very solid more often than not, and I remember us finishing with the sixth best defence in the league - even without a great right-back. No, we were good enough to avoid the relegation fight. In terms of points, we were closer to fifth place than eighteenth.
  15. Smith is crap We've got Petrov for that job. Smith is not crap and I would love to see you say that to his face. which is the best way I can think of demonstrating what Smith would bring to Villa. Where exactly would he play? Striker? With three goals in his last fifty games? Midfielder? Would you really prefer a player who is only a midfielder because his manager decided that he wasn't good enough as a striker over the likes of Petrov, Barry and (potentially) Reo-Coker? Alan Smith? Really? :shock:
  16. Without counting McCann, Djemba-Djemba and Hendrie I calculate that we have 21 players in our first team squad. Adding your '10-12 players' that we supposedly need, how many clubs do you know that have a first team squad of 31-33 players?
  17. We have a special offer on Wesley Sneijder shaped straws if you want to replace your Nasri brand ones?
  18. He wasn't. He was rumoured to be at that game, but was actually at the game between Ajax and Alkmaar which was on the same night.
  19. Because it has been printed in more than one newspaper? As we have seen dozens of times on this thread, if somebody prints something then another paper will then print the same. It doesn't mean anything. Do you have any quotes from agents, players or managers to link us to anybody apart from Reo-Coker?
  20. Have we made a bid for Jagielka? Who have we missed out on so far? As far as I can tell, we've made one bid - for Nigel Reo-Coker. And he wants to join us as soon as we can get the fee agreed.
  21. True, but Sid was picking up your point that Spurs defence was better than Villa's. Which is a load of nonsense.
  22. But surely the comment above it "anybody at Celtic Football Club" is a bit of a clue that he's not after Boruc?
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