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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. It would be better though if political decisions were taken with more than that in mind. I don't necessarily think that this is necessarily the issue, but the principle of doing things in politics because they're the right thing to do is probably a better one than the principle of doing whatever you think might get a hypothetical voter to vote for you.
  2. “Yes Boris, the man who won the Conservative Party a massive majority, was unforgivable enough.” I'm inclined to agree with her.
  3. As Stephen Bush pointed out, her job is basically Minister for the Whips doing maths and realising they need someone from the right of the party attending cabinet to keep the nutters as onside as possible.
  4. Because Sunak knows that his time is up when he loses. And a bit like Brown in 2010, he'd rather squeeze another 6-9 months out of being Prime Minister.
  5. I'm prepared to look silly, but I reckon he might see a bit of a jump. Nothing spectacular obviously. But I think a few "Tories + 3" here and there.
  6. Greg Hands binned as Party Chairman. Probably means fewer outings for that 2010 Liam Byrne note from now on.
  7. It's probably not a bad move. Don't really see it changing things massively though.
  8. For "next election" watchers - several junior ministers (Nick Gibb, Jesse Norman, Will Quince, Neil O'Brien) are asking to leave Government, rather than being fired. ACOBA rules say that you need to be out of Government for six months prior to taking on certain jobs outside politics. Six months from now takes us to....May, and one of the potential election windows.
  9. He could only stand as an MP again if he relinquished his baronetcy. He could then do all of that stuff that you mention. But (a) he won't. And (b) definitely not in the time frame in which they will be looking for Sunak's successor.
  10. Neither of those will be the next Tory leader either. Or even be plausible candidates to be the next Tory leader.
  11. Sure. But by what mechanism does that person become David Cameron?
  12. Cameron confirmed as Foreign Secretary. Always a bad sign when a show has to bring back characters that they killed off in a earlier series.
  13. Braverman gone. Good, good. Let's hope she doesn't go quietly.
  14. It might be sinister and performative, but most people at train stations are there to catch a train rather than involve themselves in political protest. He might just have been doing that.
  15. This is a bit of a specious question. Firstly, because some quarters say that anything that they don't like is "left wing radicalism". I've seen people describe sections of the Tory party as left wing radicals. And the Current Affairs department of the BBC. And The National Trust. And the Archbishop of Canterbury. Just because some nutty person says something, it's not evidence that it's a consensus. Secondly, they're not. Plenty of "UK Jews" criticise Netanyahu without being described as such. As you'd probably expect, given he's massively unpopular in Israel. It's a pretty mainstream position to take. If you're referring (as I think you are) to people describing Jewish Voice For Labour (and those similar organisations who take an explicitly anti-Zionism stance) as left-wing radicals, it's because they as an organisation position themselves on the left of the UK's principle centre-left political party. So it's not exactly a slur, is it?
  16. Pretty sure lots of people appear on that (and other) shows who aren't MPs.
  17. And possibly more serious offences too - those women who did the rounds a couple of weeks ago with pictures of paragliders on their clothes have been charged with offences under the Terrorism Act.
  18. I think it's because the broader group there today gives themselves the name The Football Lads Alliance. So the media run with it. A run of the mill bunch of bell-ends, who want to give themselves a slightly more friendly name, rather than running under the EDL, BNP etc banner.
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