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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. Probably. But more importantly, to salt the earth so a future Government has no possibility of resurrecting it.
  2. I guess in their defence (and that is something that I say very rarely), at the time such things were being legislated they were in a coalition with the Lib Dems, so the NIMBY wings of the governing parties were going to be even stronger than if it were just the Tories on their own.
  3. Looking forward to them campaigning anywhere north of Cannock. "Yes, we know that you plebs lent us your votes because we pretended to care about you and your problems for one election cycle. But even thought we cancelled your bit, at least we're still doing out bit. Now, about voting for us this time..."
  4. Probably few things more on brand than Braverman obliviously chatting away while standing on a guide dog.
  5. Apparently loads of people leaving Tory conference in Manchester tonight as there are no trains tomorrow. Therefore missing the Prime Minister big conference announcement that he's cancelling the upgrade to Manchester's train system. They're basically doing improv. Yes, Minister now.
  6. It's not even really a question for debate. It's definitely the second one. As has previously been discussed though, a lot will depend on who still has a seat and how much support they have in a smaller PCP.
  7. In today's "party unity" news, a heckler was thrown out of the hall for shouting stuff during the Braverman rally. Turns out that it's the Tory Chair of the London Assembly.
  8. It's definitely interesting that that's what she's doing at the moment. First, in more normal times you'd think that one of the bigger names in the Tory party would be at conference right now being hosted at posh dinners by various groups wanting to hang out with her. Second, that she's taking her Toryism *so* seriously that she's taken the time herself to go door knocking in Tamworth. Nobody is making her go there. It would be perfectly easy for her to go and do a couple of lucrative speeches somewhere or just have a nice holiday for a couple of weeks. And Tamworth staying Tory for another twelve months makes literally no difference to her personally. So while they're pretty terrible ideals she holds, you have to admire her commitment to them. edit - scrap this, she's in Manchester. Cleared popped in to Tamworth on her way up.
  9. Think I read one of Twitter psephologists saying that the underlying data is pretty similar to all the others, but because of the way that Opinium weigh the "undecided" it produces different results on voting intention percentages. So it's methodology rather than data.
  10. Like those branches of the British Communist Party that had to close when they realised that everyone at the meetings was an undercover police officer.
  11. Done a bit more digging, and either I misremembered what I'd read or read something partisan and wrong - but worth correcting nonetheless. So not a massive cock-up, just all sides acting with a bit more maturity than usual.
  12. Part of me wants to mock him for his hilarious downward political trajectory (currently out of office after his Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party lost both of their Senedd seats in 2021). But then, he's already achieved his shitty, treasonous life goals. So he's probably already had the last laugh whatever happens next. Until we rejoin in the late 2030s.
  13. It only happened because of Tories. No other party. Even those who didn't want it to happen, caused it to happen. So they're not "unlucky". They're just c****. All of them.
  14. Eh? They were "unlucky" in having to deal with their flagship policy of the last seven years, having been the only mainstream party that wanted it to happen?
  15. I read somewhere that they messed up the booking and had to reschedule it. I know, the Tory party being terrible at admin. I'm as shocked as anyone.
  16. None of it's his money - some weapon called Jeremy Hosking pays for it all.
  17. At least the "moon landings wuz faked" crowd are being properly represented in Parliament.
  18. Hilarious stuff: (with apologies for the link to that sewer I'm citing)
  19. Don't think there was ever a single moment when it wasn't.
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