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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. On a very tangentially linked point, our Eurovision entry isn't actually all that terrible. Or maybe it's just that literally anything is better than the Villa game.
  2. Plus one for that sentiment here. It's actually quite a relief that I'm in a Tory / Lib Dem marginal meaning I don't even have a decision to wrestle with.
  3. Apologies for replying to a tweet with another tweet, but this thread from the weekend was pretty eye-opening about what's just around the corner...
  4. Perhaps. If we were entering into talks with the intention of retaining Single Market and Customs Union membership, there's an argument that nothing extra was needed to clarify the border in Ireland. As there would be no deviation on anything, so no need for anything to be checked, now or in the future. As that's not the case, arguing about where the border is going to be in order to check those differences doesn't seem that stupid a place to start.
  5. He doesn't need to wonder, he just needs to read his Dante. They'd be in Malebolge, the eighth circle of Hell, in Bolgia (ditch / trench) eight of ten (which are arranged in a circle like spokes on a wheel) That's where you find the souls of "deceivers who gave false or corrupted advice to others for personal benefit". They are constantly on fire, appearing as little more than living, speaking tongues of flame.
  6. "Leave the EU to save the British fishing industry!" https://www.gov.uk/guidance/exporting-and-importing-fish-if-theres-no-brexit-deal "Ah. Bugger"
  7. I think I've mentioned this before, but just in case. It seems that the 7,000 or so Nissan workers are pretty resented in the northeast, as the hoity-toity, well-paid, europhile professional elites. And that the vote to leave up there was a bitter backlash at them, as much as against the rest of the country. So the poor Nissan workers end up getting pelters from all sides. Hope that doesn't diminish your positivity.
  8. No disagreement from me at all. If we continue on the current trajectory, I expect he'll be in the Lee / Bebb corner before too long.
  9. Richard Harrington does seem to be on admirable crusade to see how far the limits of collective responsibility can be stretched.
  10. Anyone who thinks that the current position is sensible (not that many people seem to) should ask themselves what the UK reaction would be if the request were coming from the other direction. If the Commission turned round with two months to go and said "sorry, but that deal we sorted out - we need to increase the outstanding liabilities bill by 15 billion and go back to the old, Northern Ireland-only backstop. We just can't get it through the European Parliament otherwise". If we wouldn't agree to that, why on earth does anyone think it will be different in the reverse?
  11. Yes. It will be under consideration if a request from the UK arrives and will be for the next two months until we leave. The main consideration if / when it arrives will be why an extension request is being made and what it is intended to achieve. Just as bicks said.
  12. No, because that's what the European Commission and European Council have said.
  13. Brady amendment passes. So, we're back to just negotiating with ourselves again.
  14. Any MP who voted against Cooper and in favour of Dromey/Spelman really need their heads checking.
  15. Surely the Dromey / Spelman "we don't want no deal, but not enough to do anything about it" one will go through. Not that it means anything.
  16. That everyday life in the south of the country shouldn't really have to be put on hold or cancelled because of the gridlock and chaos that the Government's chosen policies are going to cause?
  17. Official confirmation of the above. This is all fine. This is all normal.
  18. Thank goodness for that. Reckon it'll still probably fail, while the utterly pointless Stoney / Spelman one will fly through. Assuming they're selected...
  19. https://www.politico.eu/article/europeans-love-the-eu-and-populists-too/amp/ The main figure are in here.
  20. Most likely seems to be that every amendment fails and we are in exactly the same position as we were two weeks ago.
  21. Support for EU membership across the member states is currently at it's highest level since 1983.
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