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Everything posted by Rocafella

  1. Firstly, Tottenham's strikeforce is far better than Liverpools IMO. It's only Pool's better midfield that contribute to them scoring more. Secondly, I am not talking down on Bellamy's ability, I am questioning his idiotic behavior. Thirdly, I don't think Jermain Defoe should be third choice behind Robbie Keane. That is only my humble opinion though, but we're allowed to have them.... or else this place would be pretty dull.
  2. This season has been disappointing because: 1) We aren't scoring goals 2) We aren't playing good football 3) We are worse off than last season under DOL
  3. So what MON has done today is almost promising Berger a new contract and bid his interest for Craig Bellamy, the second most rated gipsy in the world of football, after our own John Carew, shocking. We should not keep Berger, he is never good enough for top-6 now, neither as a starter nor as a joker. And that's that. We should be making McCann and Davis the jokers and reserves, not the 5th pick in our squad. It is possible to alter a squad quicker than this MON, and it involves getting rid of the dead wood. I don't want Bellamy, he means trouble. Is it a chance worth taking? I don't think so, he has shown numerous times he can't be trusted. Splash the American cash on Darren Bent or even Jermain Defoe before him. I don't want second best in our department, I don't want Spurs and Newcastle to snatch the best whilst we take their riddens.
  4. World class was probably a too big a word guys, sorry... But I think you know what I mean
  5. I do not know what to expect to be honest, on how much Lerner will spend in the summer. He has used around 20M up until now, but we are far from even being an UEFA candidate, so it is much needed. I expect us to sign a world class CB, a world class striker, a right back (if Bardsley leaves) and a central midfielder. To be honest, he needs to be of a certain class as well. Who should they be? Beats me, although I am certain Darren Bent would do a great job at the Villa.
  6. Jason Koumas? Yeah bring him, Gera, Kamara, Davies and such, and suddenly we are WBA! Great!
  7. But if we were to sign a new central defender, who would you like at VP?
  8. Joey Barton seemingly arrested up in Manchester for assault and stuff, guess he is a class A prick after all
  9. You must be a Man U-fan then! I would love Jefferson Farfan, he look the real deal by far!
  10. Testimonials goes to players who have served the club and done great things. Hendrie has just been here, he has never really made a big difference. He was never good enough to leave for another club above us. Testimonial? I wouldn't turn up if I lived in Birmingham. Why give more money to a rich guy who has drained the club's pockets the last 5 years without giving anything back?
  11. I am not saying we should never sign a player with aggression such as Barton. On the scale I would rate Bellamy a 10/10 troublemaker, Barton not so much. I am aware of him having some behavior problems, but not in the same manor at the childlish Bellamy. Showing his ass to the fans is humor in my eyes, hitting a team-mate with a golf club saying he wants to end his career is a little bit different.
  12. Yeah, and actually we are what he should be looking for. We are just like City right now, only we have better leadership, money, more fans and a huge ambition compared to them
  13. Surely it is diving and a yellow card
  14. Bellamy is trouble, why the hell do you think he will suddenly turn around at Villa? Just like many of you said Carew will end his problems with scoring goals at Villa, even though he played with better players in all of his former clubs. He is a talented player without a doubt, a consistent edition of Baros if you will. He is not very clever though, in every club he has been in he ends up doing stupid things, fighting with the manager etc. Why oh why would we want such a player? And to this price? More money than they bought him for? Never is that a good deal. I want us to look to Europe for a striker, if not Darren Bent.
  15. I think Kone would be a good buy. Very interesting player with a bit of penache pinned on him. Can develop into a very, very good player indead.
  16. He is to me. I read all the books (in publishing sequence) before I saw any of the films. OK, I realise that I'm in a minority here, but for me the films are (post-Connery at any rate) irrelevant. The books are where it's at. Mike Of course they are, and I agree with you on that, but like I said they are two different things. The movies are on its own, as well as the books. We can all agree that they are great though. I am not speaking with much experience though, I have read only one book. I am a passionate film lover though... I have the collection box so Bond gets a lot of time in my DVD player
  17. I am pretty certain you get a distanced relationship to your fav club when you play professional like Micah. Would you join Arsenal and go for the Champ League, or join Watford because you simply love them? Also, I think you somehow change easily when you join a club, and get to be a part of a team fulltime.
  18. absolutely 100% spot on Peter. I am quite shocked by some of the posts here in support of Moore. he is nothing at all like the Bond Fleming created. He's a wooden comical cartoon version of him, who got the part thanks to his outings as Simon Templar in the Saint. Moore was not helped by the increasingly comical scripts for his Bond films, but i've yet to see Moore excel in a serious acting role, and the Bond role is (or at least should be) a serious role. Fleming wrote books, the Broccoli's make movies. JRR Tolkien wrote LOTR, Peter Jackson made the movies. I am certain Tolkien would hate several things about the lovely movies. Bond is not known for the books, the movies have made "him" and the story one of the most well-known ever, which is pretty incredible. Look at the years they have gone by! Bond is a package, Roger Moore has that package no matter what you say, why did the popularity stay for so long and why did he make the most movies? Because he was perfect for the role, easy as that. You can criticise the movies, but that would be another thing You have to distance the books from the movies
  19. Bond needs to be rough (Connery), he needs to be elegant (Brosnan), he needs to have the natural ease with ladies (Moore) and he needs to fit the role as a an agent for the British government. Daniel Craig is an instant action hero, I totally liked Casino Royale, but it is not a classic, it did not have any real characteristics of being a Bond-movie other than the given plot, music and effects. You never got, well I didn't get the "feel". I am a Moore-fan, but I think he and Sean Connery were (equally good) the best characters, and the third best in Brosnan was more of a modern Bond. Roger Moore - 6/6 (Elegant and great with the ladies, natural fighter and brought with him skiing to the movies, which is cool. Yeah it was actually his idea, 7 movies You who say he is not a real Bond, what are you talking about??? He was Bond the longest, and he kept it interesting after Connery quit) Sean Connery - 5+/6 (The oldest Bond, old movies and footage. Yet he is recognized as the best. He was the best fighter, did lack a bit in the elegance department, but that was also due to the time he was Bond, which was the 60's primarily. He played 6 movies. -0,5 for his involvement in "Never Say Never Again", which sucked!) Pierce Brosnan - 4+/6 (Easily a great Bond in my eyes. Natural elegance and probably the best handler of weapons. Looks great as an agent, cool guy overall) Daniel Craig - 4/6 (Remember I am rating as Bond, not action figure. Does not really convince me as a lady handler, but he is a great fighter and agent. Bond is very much down to being bullish with the ladies, and it just didn't seem very natural. I would have wanted Julian McMahon to be Bond, he would be awesome) Timothy Dalton - 3 (He was OK, but never good enough to continue for long. His movies was also in the 80's, which made them much too Miami Vice) George Lazenby - 2 (His looks was boring, his voice was weird and his fighting was pretty dull. Didn't last very long and rightly so)
  20. Odd, Reo Coker must be a horrible passer of the ball then...
  21. I would rather have Reo-Coker than McCann, so it is a step up. From the little I know of him I know he is good going forward.
  22. For me it is Roger Moore Why? He fills the role better than nr. 2 in Connery, and nr. 3 in Brosnan. Firstly because his charm and wit is superior to the others, but also because the movies he was in was better than the ones made in the 60's
  23. Demitri top level proven players simply are not going to join a club not even in the UEFA cup. We may get the odd one with some previous baggage (ie Carrew) but not enough to rebuild an entire team straight away. Surely its best to buy these potential top players to compliment the slow influx of proven quality over the next few years. After all why put all our eggs into one basket and hope the young players we have will make the step up (odds are they all wont) so surely its best to spread the risk and buy as many as we can. Tottenham and especially Arsenal have been doing it for a while and it has not served them too badly! And what has spurs won?, what have Arsenal won this season?, at the end of the day there's no way Nugent is better than Moore or Gsbby so for me it wouldn't make sense, especially when there's likely to be the likes of Tevez, Bent and Ashton just waiting to be snapped up in the Summer. So why is Nugent in front of Gabby in the England U-21 setup? Even playing for a lower division side... just asking
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