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Everything posted by Danwichmann

  1. Do you think adults have been immune to that? I think huge proportions of people are influenced by social media, or even worse, the sun. Academic now anyway.
  2. Whether the young voted in or out isn't the point, it's that the results will effect their lives, for better or worse, and they haven't had a say in it. They may have voted out, we'll never know, but would have meant they had a say in their future.
  3. I'm not saying we should take the vote away from pensioners, that clearly isn't workable even if I thought it was fair. But it could have been given to 16 and 17 year old. They are as capable of understanding the issue as most of the country, and will ultimately be the most effected.
  4. I do find it very unfair that pensioners, that in truth only have a few years left, can swing this vote, well 16 and 17 year old who have the most to gain / loose get no say.
  5. Official result is 7 am, but we'll likely know before that.
  6. Still more than half to declare so must do, but I don't think it's going to be enough. We're **** ed.
  7. Still more than half to declare so must do, but I don't think it's going to be enough. We're **** ed.
  8. Worcester 55% out. That was meant to be a close one, and having walked around worcester town today I was feeling optimistic about a remain vote after seeing a lot of in stickers in windows. I'm thinking about moving my money to my Nepali account, it may be less volatile
  9. Immigration is definitely a big part of it. The media have spent so long relentlessly portraying foreignersas bad guys that there can be no common sense on the issue. There also seems to be a lot of people rebelling againstthe establishment. I can't see any sense in that, as both sides are being run by the establishment, and people should be able to see that this is so much more important than letting Cameron know that you think he's a clearing in the woods,
  10. Was planning to go to bed when the winner became clear. Looks like that will be a long time.
  11. I'm sided with Cameron, Osborne and London. I need a shower. Really need some bug remain results to slow my pulse down a bit.
  12. I'm quick going off Wales though. Will be supporting N. Ireland in football now.
  13. They get more out than put in net. I don't think it's the most gross.
  14. I think the country is going to be very much divided whatever the result now, not just along geographical lines.
  15. Hope you're right, but I'm pretty much panicking at the moment to be honest. Almost every where the bbc are going, Leave seem to be performing better than expected.
  16. It's not a finger in the air. If the pound is weak, it buys less with foreign currency. I'm genuinely interested to hear why you think that wouldn't be the case or is not significant.
  17. In all seriousness, would you mind explaining how you come to that conclusion?
  18. It matters quite a lot if you buy anything imported.
  19. Apparently I've used all my likes for today, and we're only 84 minutes into it.
  20. And low turnout in London. Soft southerners costing the referendum because they didn't want to get their hair wet?
  21. I want to see the results, but getting fed up of the coverage. Wish they showed funny cat videos in between results instead of banging on immigration and punishment voting.
  22. People voting out to 'kick the establishment '. Boris Johnson and IDS are obviously working class heroes now.
  23. Swindon closer to what was expected, but feel Remain really need some stronger than expected results at the moment.
  24. Brexiters only use pen or blood, otherwise MI5 change it.
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