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Posts posted by MagicMushroom

  1. PL said no clause like that would be inserted.  However think there may be a gentleman's agreement for next season that he can go for a certain price



    He would publicly say that, but privately im not so sure since these clauses seem to be the norm now.

  2. I'm sure agents are pushing like hell to get their younger players to us too


    Lambert's phone probably doesn't stop ringing these days



    Apparently, Lambert has said that.

  3. He's not pissing about is he?

    Time to offload a few of the deadwood, get a few more in and we're sitting pretty. 




    I think what we are seeing at the moment is adding competition to the squad with another 2 to 3 to come. This is being done within budget, and i would hazard a guess and say that its only phase one of our summer activity.


    Once this is complete expect a bigger push at moving out Bent, Ireland ect, with the cash saved and raised going towards 2 higher calibre players coming in. I say higher calibre in replacement to experienced since the latter word gives us a rather narrow view.


    Dont forget that the manager had a couple of these in mind during January and im positive his view on that has not changed. Also remember that Europe is a cheaper place to buy players, and so i guess thats where they will come from.

    • Like 1
  4. Then we have the fans favorite Vlaar who really is not that great to be honest..


    I thought i was alone in thinking that!


    In his defence though, i think it was always going to be a tough first season for him and thats without having three "kids" around him.


    Im betting hes performing at a higher level next term. Im pretty confident in predicting that aswell.

  5. Hands up from those old enough whom moaned about Saunders, and then Barton.


    You can never tell, managers need time and not instant results.....which can cloud over other inherant weaknesses that will later pop up and create problems. A good manager will concentrate on the set up behind the scenes aswell as whats on the pitch.

    Lamberts been doing that and its the right way to go.


    Theres been to much concentration on instant success for quite a few years at Villa Park, and what has come has been short term. Weve never had the infrastruture or program in place to ever sustain anything.


    We grow, then go backwards. Lamberts building to change that, and im 100% behind him in that.

    • Like 1
  6. You have to keep in mind that the local press are only fed things from Villa, and its all done for a reason. If Kendrick tells us its not happening then its plausible something is.


    I think the locals are happy with that, because its a lot more than what the nationals get.

  7. Not happening. Move along




    Do Morocco play this weekend, with Belhanda now free to play?


    If so, then it answers why its gone silent, but if its still quiet by the middle of next week then i think you may be right.


    Im still hopefull :rolleyes:

    • Like 1
  8. I think they look pretty sharp.



    I love em!


    Will be purchasing both the home and away and the grey keepers top. Judging by the reaction from neutrals, Macron have really hit the button with this years design. Best kit weve had in yonks!

  9. Blues fans on their board think we'll hate the home kit because it is the same style as they've had in the past. Thick words removed




    Still obsessed with us it seems. If they actually got off thier hillbilly backsides and showed the same level of interest with thier own infestation of a club, they might get to the level of being shit.


    At least the kit aint zulu pink.

  10. Out of curiosity, how many games does he get next season before he starts getting slagged off?


    My bet is after our first defeat :suspect:



    Yes they offer a legal service, however it's a service which can lead to massive problems for many people , a problem that is on a massive increase. We will now be normalising the next generation of kids to believe that betting / in play and all this nonsense is part and parcel of the game and sport generally. I don't endorse that and it's a shame my club do. Yes I bet. I can control it (I think).

    Not everyone can control it. Its a problem that's only getting bigger .

    If you have such a strong moral objection to it, should you not then hold yourself to that standard and not gamble, as an example to your peers?

    I see where CI is coming from Gareth.

    I myself enjoy driving, but what about those people that are less educated, perhaps less middle class than myself? They may drive irresponsibly. This can ruin my day, and also ruin lives.




    Do you wear sandles with your white socks when out to brunch, sipping pims in your cardigan? :D

  12. Just because the club haven't announced how much the deal is, doesn't mean that it is less than the genting deal. Perhaps Dafabet don't want the figures released, perhaps the club are negotiating transfers and don't want other clubs to know that they have an additional x amount in the accounts.




    Sorry, but i dont buy any of that.


    Your right about reasons but the two mentoned hold no substance in my opinion. If the club are holding fire on releasing figures then im guessing its at the request of Dafebet.

  13. TBH im not bothered our sponsor is a betting company. Im just disappointed that our great club can no longer find a classier company such as Land Rover or Jaguar, rather than some tin pot back alley betting firm ive never heared of.


    I guess it comes down to getting the best deal however, but would we gain more interest and possible future investment if we ran around with Acorns on our shirts again for 12 months?

    Im a cynical old git, but i would like to think the latter holds true.

    • Like 2
  14. Guessing they were highest bidder and that is all that matters..




    Highest bidder from how many back street merchants i wonder. They are paying us cash so fine. But its hardly a brand to be associated with imo.

    • Like 1
  15. He really is struggling to live up to all the hype that surrounded him.


    Is he overated or are we all guilty of believing the hype and raising our expectations to a level that was always going to be hard for him to attain with all the pressure that it brings?

  16. Can't see NUFC matching his wages therefore he won't leave




    Well, we are a much stronger squad with him in it, so i wont be unhappy about that. However, its pretty obvious that Darren is not happy about being part of a squad.


    If not the two clubs i mentioned, then maybe Fulham or West Ham. Both can find ways to pay his wages since they may drop if hes desperate to get away, and moving house may not be a huge problem since both could supply lodgings down there, whilst he keeps his home here.

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