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Posts posted by MagicMushroom

  1. The more i watch those vids, the more im convinced that he is Bentekes eventual replacement. I dont think they would compliment each other at all, in that they are very similar. Looks to me we have replaced Benteke early and saving a few quid in the process. 12 months covering Benteke aswell as a few starts in the cups ect, gradually building up his strength and we have a top class player for next to nothing and one whom i think well be a lot better than Benteke!


    Lambert really is turning into the messiah in my view. Absolute gem of a deal.

  2. Pretty much all sports clubs are, however I think he made his choice when he sold the Browns.




    Choice of selling the Browns over us or getting out of sport entirely due to his ex taking half?


    Browns were straight forward with no debt, us will take a little longer due to him reigning in his debt. 



    I don't love Benteke.

    I think he's a great player with a magnificent future in the game and I would like him to stay for our benefit. But I have no loyalty to the player at all, he's shown us none so far.

    I can't bring myself to love somebody like that.


    What do you mean he has shown us none so far?


    Have I missed something? Everything that has been reported regarding Benteke's future has either come from random twitter updates, holiday snaps, or his agent drumming up potential interest. Has Benteke himself come out and categorically stated that he wants to leave? No.


    Like any footballer after a long first season in the Premier League, he is currently taking a well earned break. And he is hardly going to tell a fan that he is leaving. Come on.There is no rush. I know that will frustrate many Villa fans. I want it sorted out as much as anyone, but we have plenty of time & I am sure once he returns from his Holiday, we will have a clearer picture on what Benteke himself actually wants.


    Personally, I think he would be mad to leave after only being with us for 10 months and committing to a 4 year contract. I know contracts mean nothing these days, but I think Benteke will do well to remember that Lambert was the man who took a punt on him & he seems a level headed enough guy to me who will take that on board. We are building something for the future. Will Benteke want to be a part of that. I hope so.


    But, I will be reserving judgement on Benteke's loyalty until he gives us an answer. Give it time.



    The fact that we're even having to sit down and wrangle over a new contract, one year into his current (first) one tells me enough. 


    I'm not saying I dislike the bloke, he's your average modern day footballer. I'm just not about to idolise him. 






    I would assume that his only minus point is that he listens to his idiotic agent too much.


    Express and Star also had an artical sources at Villa had confirmed there was nothing in this.


    Do you think they'd really go out and say "Of course we're trying to buy Belhanda"?






    Well we live with a generation that believes everything thats in the papers, so i guess its not a shock that they also believe the likes of Kendrick :o

    • Like 1


    I prefer to back the Guy that is still with Villa and is trying to put right some of the wrongs.




    Is he though?


    Why is he doing that and not clearing debt for an easier sell?


    Why would he sell? It's one of his last 'big' assets,





    Or drain on his assets?





    He may want to keep his options open, but i can not see anyone meeting our valuation on him yet. If he performs to the same standard next season then i could see clubs coming in with the big money in Janurary, but not before.




    Which suits both parties. Cant believe he wants all the unsettlement a move will bring, just before a World Cup and the better options that will give him. If thats what his agent is pushing, then Beneke really is the thickest footballer to wear a Villa shirt.

    Luckily i dont think he is.




    But didn't he come out & state in the press at seasons end that he was sure it wouldn't affect his World cup chances if he moved or wasn't playing for whatever reason?





    Misquoted of course!


    Then the club should tell him that we can wreck his options if he starts spitting out his dummy. Im sure the thought of losing out on the World cup and looking like a greedy, ungrateful brat to "bigger" clubs will ply on his mind. He signed his name to the present contract, and he honours it or plays for the kids. Simple has.



    Look at it another way, we offer a player a contract say, Helenius, a player looking to make a name for himself and sees the Villa as a stepping stone,does he turn that offer down based on the way we treat a player who wants to leave after one year.Is it better to have had Benteke and lost him or not to have had him at all?









    However, we can throw that in the other direction in that players will be merely using us to better themselves, whilst we stand still. The new Bolton model as opposed to the new Dortmund one :D


    Im positive we will have him for another 12 months, the silence from his agent and Weimanns quotes about the team following his extension are a clue, me hopes :ph34r:



    He may want to keep his options open, but i can not see anyone meeting our valuation on him yet. If he performs to the same standard next season then i could see clubs coming in with the big money in Janurary, but not before.




    Which suits both parties. Cant believe he wants all the unsettlement a move will bring, just before a World Cup and the better options that will give him. If thats what his agent is pushing, then Beneke really is the thickest footballer to wear a Villa shirt.

    Luckily i dont think he is.




    But didn't he come out & state in the press at seasons end that he was sure it wouldn't affect his World cup chances if he moved or wasn't playing for whatever reason?





    Misquoted of course!


    Then the club should tell him that we can wreck his options if he starts spitting out his dummy. Im sure the thought of losing out on the World cup and looking like a greedy, ungrateful brat to "bigger" clubs will ply on his mind. He signed his name to the present contract, and he honours it or plays for the kids. Simple has.

  8. He may want to keep his options open, but i can not see anyone meeting our valuation on him yet. If he performs to the same standard next season then i could see clubs coming in with the big money in Janurary, but not before.




    Which suits both parties. Cant believe he wants all the unsettlement a move will bring, just before a World Cup and the better options that will give him. If thats what his agent is pushing, then Beneke really is the thickest footballer to wear a Villa shirt.

    Luckily i dont think he is.

  9. As long as we get something close to £30m it won't be the end of the world.





    And Randy has a track record of providing the whole fee received back to the manager to re-invest.


    Then we have to find a replacement whom is willing to play for peanuts. It could really could be end of the world if we get relegated due to it.


    Its not easy to replace like for like and this view of Villa rolling over for the highest bidder has to stop. 

  10. Home and away me, and i dont slag the players off. So why when thinking back on Bannans contribution last season, i get flash backs of aimless long passes, useless corners, and him being easily shoved off the ball. Sorry, but two giffs does not cover over what i watched.


    Hes simply too lightweight.

    • Like 1
  11. To be our fair our defence has been poor for years. Dreadful under Houllier and poor under McLeish. The only reason we didn't ship loads of goals under McLeish is because he always set out for 0-0 draws. Add in injuries, inexperience playing together, the loss of Petrov and a manager who prefers attack to defence then it's not surprising our defence was so poor last season.




    And its something the manager was aware of, since he wanted to remedy it during January but did not have the funding to do so. Its not his fault that money was not forthcoming or the reasoning behind that, but im sure he will be adding to Okore in the next month or so.

  12. If Benteke does want a move the smart thing to do would be to stay here another year and play the best he can, then he could really put himself in the shop window during the World Cup.




    Something the Club and Lambert will be telling him and something im sure hes fully aware of. My advice to him would be that aswell has getting a new Agent, because the one he has now will eventually ruin his career.

    • Like 1
  13. It looks like he isnt going to sign a new contract anytime soon. Interested teams wont start annoying us for him untill the end of july IMO.

    If i was Villa id let him wait untill next summer for a move. Its more of a point than anything else to other clubs and our players. We are taking risks getting all these young players in with potential. They cant think once they have 1 good season they can leave and likewise big clubs cant think we are a pushover.

    There is more at stake here than Bentekke. Its the complete ethus of what we are trying to build.




    Precisely this.


    Even though im confident the player will be staying, i will be fcuking seething if we give in and once again sell our top player. You dont progress by doing this, despite how much cash we get. Its about development of a young side, and selling the core ingredient at this time is insane from a football perspective and a financial one.


    Lambert would also go ape.


    On whats reported to have been said to a fan. Why would he say that? It does not make any sense.

  14. Well its not exactly meltdown on here, but we are trying our best in getting there lol.


    So all the fretting has been caused by someone on Twitter whom has "inside knowledge" and the word of Black Danny whom has more knowledge about organising ruck's than anything else!


    Now these two individuals may know one or two associated at the club, but i very much doubt that they are Lambert, Fatman, the Agent and their respective lawyers so in essence im sure they know **** all.


    Then there is that word negotiation, which means all sides sit down and make offers which at first get argued about until a compromise is reached that meets all parties satisfaction, which is usually between the two extremes. 110K????, well there's extreme and absolute bullshit, and even though his agent is a giant knob, hes not a colossus knob!


    Bottom line is this.


    The Agent and Player signed a 3/4 year contract with the current wage set in ink. We don't have to do naff all if we wish not to, and the Player will ruin his career if he throws a hissy fit after only 10 months,and his side know that. We hold all the cards and im still very confident this will be done and dusted once Benteke returns from holiday.


    Incidently, going on his agents past form, why is he not shouting his mouth off to the media if things had broken down?

    Chill pills guys ;)

  15. The clause will be for if a champions league club comes in for him I'd imagine and even then there'd probably be a hefty minimum release clause which would be effective from the summer transfer window next year

    They may even be able to get away with the release clause excluding English clubs which would be great






    No English clubs would be ideal, but he would be narrowing his options if he agreed to anything like that, so it wont happen.

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