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Posts posted by MagicMushroom

  1. Could see him going there if they were interested, just to spite the Sunderland fans who racially abused his family.



    I cant.


    Have read he is pretty settled in the Midlands, so he may not wish to uproot that far. So Stoke or Baggies, both with rumoured past interest?


    This is the guy I want, and this is the one I'm most excited about us getting.

    I said in the year we need a CB version of Benteke and a midfield version of Benteke and this guy would fit the role well.


    This ^^^^^^^^^^


    A major weakness last season was CB. We seen the improvement when a not quite ready Baker - took over from the ineffective Clark. If this guy comes in and improves us a little more - one of our biggest holes will have been plugged.




    Dont get me wrong because i think he will be a hit here, but its not beyond the realms of possibiity that he may need time to adjust to here, new country, pressures, and a physical league. So another CB aswell as Okore might be on the cards at some point, just to add more cover.

  3. This happens all the time and lets be honest here Popov is hardly forcing a move is he? He said he has been approached however its up to his club.




    True, but things can change very quickly.


    One thing i do know for sure is that Stan has almost god like status in Bulgaria, and if he rings to tell you how great a club Villa is and how bright the future will be with you on board, it may possibly turn your head ;)





    How can you be 100% sure? No one apart from PL and the club can be that sure.


    As mentioned before, too much smoke on one side, no quotes on the other.



    Whats all this smoke business, technically Kendrick was right as Tonev deal won't be completed till this week.



    On one hand, you have the Montpellier chairman telling the media that there had been a bid from us, then the player himself specifically spoke about us and acknowledged that there was interest. Then there was all the twitter gossip about our people meeting Belhanda - taken on its own, it's not much. but when you couple it with official acknowledgement of our interest from Montpellier, the case for our interest in the player is much stronger.


    On the other hand, one quote-less and very dubious newspaper article, plus tweets from Kendrick, which are not always to be trusted (as mentioned before).


    Doesn't the fact that you had to use the word "technically" make Kendrick sound less trustworthy? "Technically" is a term that's used almost exclusively to suggest that something is ambiguous without being strictly be wrong or untrue. It is possible for someone to "technically" say the truth, while simultaneously deliberately throw people off the scent.


    (Just to illustrate my point, it is "technically" true that no signings are made until Jul 1. But would you, for example, trust an ITK who claimed that Villa would not sign any new players until Jul 1?)



    and the £10 - £15m fee , and likley £75k wages - all against what type of player Lambert has said we are after.






    But hes not going to say anything different!


    But, if the right opportunity comes along that suits all partys, would he be right in passing it by?


    Lamberts famous for talking in riddles, so lets see.


    How can you be 100% sure? No one apart from PL and the club can be that sure.


    As mentioned before, too much smoke on one side, no quotes on the other.






    And why mention us and not somebody like Arsenal alongside that of the type of  calibre of the other sides mentioned?

  6. I think this will be announced along with Bentekes signature at the kit launch, just in time for us to add their names on the back of our new shirts.


    Im pretty sure the reason the players agents have gone quiet, is an indication that the deals are done or very close to be being done.

  7. Express and star also said that tonev talk had cooled , next day he is being pictured at BMH, he is a new journo taken over from Abrahams so don't think he really has much clue what is going on




    My bet is that any negotiations are now close to finalisation and we are simply being careful we dont get gazzumped at the last minute, as you pointed out with Tonev. If you mention a premier league club to engineer interest, then it would not be us!


    How this plays is anyones guess, but im 100% sure that we are interested.

  8. Wigans alllocation is the biggest load of cack I have heard for a long time. They can dress it up as police reasons but its obvious that they are giving us just 3k as it could well be a premiership playoff match. I mean every half decent size club has had about a 5k allocation since they have got promoted so they must be used to it. If I remember Whelan tried at first to give the side stand to away sides of 8k allocation but he wasnt allowed to. Its not our fault that they have no support even nearly a decade into top flight football. He also moaned that he had to pay for policing around his poxy ground as well. Not happy with this.  :angry:




    If other sides have been allocated 5,000 tickets this season and our request has been denied, then surely we have the right to appeal?



    I see Wigan won't let us take 5k there for the last game if relegation is on the line - even though that's what they give most sides and what they're giving Spurs this weekend . Cheeky words removed. No matter, we'll outsing them regardless.




    There will be Villa all around the ground, no matter.



    And a load of Blues apparently...if the rumours are true.





    Yeah, hiding in tesco's from the inevitable kicking they will recieve. I mean, they are ran all over the place at that pig sty they call a ground, so i doubt it. They know whos top dog and Wigan is a far place to go to have it proved to them once again.


    (Not that i condone violence)

  10. I see Wigan won't let us take 5k there for the last game if relegation is on the line - even though that's what they give most sides and what they're giving Spurs this weekend . Cheeky words removed. No matter, we'll outsing them regardless.




    There will be Villa all around the ground, no matter.

    • Like 1


    Let's at least see how he does as a fully fit member of the senior squad before writing him off.


    It is the worry that that has eluded him for 2 years, which weighs so heavily against him IMO. - Injuries damage\ruin careers - we have to go on what we see - not what we would like to see .....haven't got the precise stats - but six games in 2 seasons - in which he has been at best adequate........He could turn it around play every game for the next 4 years.......but thats gotta be against probability. 



    Messi and Gerrard were picking up a lot of injuries when younger and both play nearly every game now





    Besides, every Footballer will suffer some type of injury that will sideline them for a while at some point. Gardner has unfortunely had his bad one early in his career, and to write him off or invent a notion that he is injury prone is pretty unfair.


    The injury will proberly have him more focussed and hungry to suceed now, due to lost time. He has the talent, so dont be suprised to find him close to forcing is way backinto the first team by August ;)

  12. I think he may turn out to be a very good player for us. Hopefully, his perfrmance after coming on against manure is a sign that he is finally adjusting. I would start him against Sunderland, alongside Delph and Westwood.

  13. If there is one thing i hate more than a Heathen is a Manure or Chelsea fan. They represent everything that true football fans dispise. Glory hunters are nothng but spoilt brats with an ego you just want to punch.


    Lowest of the low and soccer parasites.


    I can talk to heathens, but when those glory hunting parasites start talking so expertly about the "game". i simply go into ignore mode ,turn my back, and walk away from the irrelevent twaddle.

  14. We will beat Norwich. They leave so much space for attackers to run into, so our quartet will have a field day.


    Sunderland is the key.  Beat them, then Norwich and we are more or less safe.




    Yes i agree, and tactically he is to blame, but he cant be soley to blame for the quality of the midfielders that has been bought.  In general in life you get what you pay for with a few exceptions.  Lerners/Faulkners wreckless spending and then slamming on the brakes and depleting the squad has a massive part to play in the mess we are in.  If we manage to stay up i think the fans should demand Faulkner is gone.  Can anyone actually tell me what he does?





    I agree with every word of this.


    Sometimes, a team reflects just how badly a club is being run off the field. If we all take our differences and whom we blame for the current position we are in to one side, put our hand on our heart and think about everything that has transpired over the last 3-4 years, then in all honesty, theres only one conclusion we can make.


    Whatever happens between now and the season end, all eyes are on them.This club should not be fighting relegation, this club deserves better than that.

  16. Im happy with Lambert carrying on next season, mainly because i think hes had one hand tied behind his back, but aso because we need stability. However, how much time i give him next term depends on defensive improvement. Any more of the same, and he will have to go.


    BJ is right saying its the worst defence in memory. Hes had all season to sort it, and its as bad now as it was from the start. I imagine he was hoping for the return of Dunne, but was then let down from covering Dunnies loss when he was denied funds in January. However, its his job to learn from mistakes and tighten things up. Its just not happened, and that falls squarely with the coaches and manager.

  17. We've gone 24 games now without keeping a clean sheet

    Sweet Jeebus



    Its shit.


    However, win our next two  games by 2-1, and we are fine.


    I know we are not happy, but we ALL need to get behind the team on monday. Even if we go one down, we need to keep right behind them. Jitters in the stands are felt on the pitch.....lets just make VP a wall of noise from start to finish B)

  18. .


    You seriously don't see why ?


    We need 2 wins from 4 games - Stoke and Sunderland need 1 win from 4 games -


    If you think stoke and sunderland will go down - a trip to the bookies may be in order - you can get up to 28-1 for stoke\sunderland to be relegated - think villa are 13/8





    Might have a go at that!

  19. I think we will see Baker there for the rest of the season (baring injuries)



    I would prefer Baker where he is tbh. Clark is a liability next to Vlaar, so why not put him at left back?




    you sometimes have the be cruel to be kind.... "Nice Bunch of lads" and " we will go again" lines is taking this club down.




    TBF, i doubt he says those things on the training pitch. Worst thing he could do, is publicly humiliate one of those youngsters. ;)

  21.  they targetted him early on and got great results from it. Other sides will see that now and we need to do something about it. Sunderland have Adam Johnson on that side and they'll do exactly the same thing if they've any sense.



    Sides have been doing that most of the season, so it wont change whilst he starts.

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