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Everything posted by ianrobo1

  1. Also I do not believe for one minute MON needs three pre season games to judge who wants or does not want ....
  2. Michelsen see my previous post.
  3. I really know nothing about this, but it should be possible to sort this out faster than that? If O'Neill really is lined up to take over tomorrow then I wouldn't exactly be surprised if an agreement regarding the takeover to be imminent. If an agreement is in place, then surely it would be possible for us to see some transfer action even if we weren't formally taken over yet? Someone care to enlighten me about this? Yet again lets clraify this. IF tomorrow a consortuim gets Petchey and Ellis to sell their shares, they will control the club from the time the money is transferred. They then can spend straigtaway. I would imagine MON already knows how much he has and who he wants. It can be done quickly
  4. this is going form sublime to ridoclous, surely rothschilds has to put a deadline on this and tell people to put in written bids by say the end of the week. this can and should not be allowed to go on any further. Unless of course this is all smoke and mirrors
  5. how about Pat Murphy actually breaking the Lerner news yesterday at 9pM ??? where is his info from ? He also knew the story of the Lerner walkout last week within a few minutes Smoke and mirrors
  6. well it is further confirmation of what we know ....
  7. change it round to this Steven ..... do you think MON would come to Villa, knowing Ellis was still in control, knowing all the problems highlighted by the players, iknowing he has **** all money ?? Look I can understand your sceptism, it is well founded and is the 'usual' Ellis trick, but not this time, no manager no matter how desperate they are would come to us with all this takeover rumour going on, unless he was certain of things. MON is.
  8. Steven, don't you think the bid has already been agreed ?? don't you think the new owners have allowed Ellis this last piece of ego trip as part of a deal ?
  9. Ellis is getting into position to claim some of the glory se can claim to have appointed MON and brought in the new owners. It's all bull of course for future book writers it is a useful tool.
  10. perfect play by Lerner, bid the best bid, know because he has been advised what Ellis is like, pretend to walk away but inform Rothschilds, allow the pressure to build, make it known MON is ready to be installed straight away. Fans protest, letters page in the mail go ballastic, work on the other members of the board. Leave Ellis no option
  11. correct Bully and no need, done through Randy;'s banker, Rothschilds and then they will go back to Ellis. We just need the bid properly ....
  12. it's all coming together from H&V 5 Live are reporting tonight that Lerner is to resume discussions with Doug.
  13. good on him, sounds the kind of owner we would love stands up for himself like the Blooz owners do !!!
  14. If Ellis does not want to sell, he does not have to, please remember that, this is part of the pressure.
  15. shares still climbing at 52.5p, a massive 77p up in two days, 20%.
  16. I use Hemscott, that one is sslightly more in front, now 35.5p, gone up by 10p in the space of minutes !!!!
  17. just bumping up as this thread appears relevant at last !!!! shares up by another 22p today a rise of nearly 13% in two days
  18. not at Villa, but what it shows is that people are speculating there is truth on this and therefore if a takeover happens at say 550p obviously buying shares at 400p gives you a nice healthy profit for nothing.
  19. shares up 18p to 398 based on a number of buys
  20. Andy, I don't know to be honest Half me thinks it is a daft time to issue this statement but the other half is wondering why .....
  21. don't worry some people will be celebrating the start of another 3 year cycle !!!!
  22. thats what Pat Murphy said
  23. is this thread relevant ????
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