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Everything posted by ianrobo1

  1. the prospect of the comming week ....
  2. put it like this Scott, if nothing was happening or the TO by anyone had collapsed do you think MON would still be here or that Pat Murphy wouldn't have said something ??
  3. A number of things Firstly, when he was recently linked to Everton, it was said that the Fortress group were funding his bid, I provided a link to the Fortress group the other day, they are a company that specialises in funding undervalued companies. Secondly, recently one of his people said, admittedly off the record (one of those "sources close to things"), that the "consortium doesn't like doing business in the public eye" lastly, and perhaps most convincingly of all. he is worth what? £700m? And he plans to put up £64m to buy, and £180m on players? £224m of his total £700m? Is he bonkers? he must be, because he would have to gon ploughing tens of millions in every year for four or five years before he even began to get a significant return, and its a very high risk business football, with most people making the attempt ending up badly out of pocket. You dont get to his position in life by taking thsoe kind of risks, you spread the risk out by bringing in partners. Even if he is the total 100% decision making head of the consortium, he is using someone else's money, or the amount of money we are talking about is siginifcantly less than the rumours would have you believe. None of thaat I dispute Pete and certainly he could be doing it like Glazier but in a smaller way but the risks are limited. the facts are his record proves he funds teams and allayed to his undoubted buisness skill that is exaclty what we want.
  4. VB, don't think u r far wrong ...
  5. If Enic are owned by two blokes of which one is a multi billionnairre and the other one a front man more than anything that is not classed as a consortuim and because Sugar is a benign shareholder they have effective control ....
  6. remember between then them Ellis and Petchey own 53% of Villa and not a consortuim.
  7. history pof Enic ENIC The Business ENIC owner, Joe Lewis is believed to have paid £1.4m in 2001 to play a round of golf with world number one Tiger Woods. Lewis is believed to be close to Dermot Desmond, the Irish financier who is the largest single shareholder in Celtic. He is also understood to be associated with John Magnier and JP McManus, the Irish billionaires who doubled their stake in Manchester United to just under 7 per cent in 2001 and then in 2003 took this to more than 10 per cent. Between themselves, these four men have significant interest in four of the biggest brands in British football. ENIC control 29.9% of shares in Spurs, 43% of AEK Athens, 11.8% of FC Basel, 20.2% of Glasgow Rangers, 96.7% of Slavia Prague and 99.9% of Vicenza. In 2003, it became clear that the difficult financial climate affecting the football industry was going to have a considerable effect on ENIC and its shareholders. A new company called Kondar Ltd was formed by ENIC's majority shareholders to take the company off the stock market. A cash offer of £40 million made by Joe Lewis and Spurs chairman Daniel Levy will take ENIC back into private hands. Lewis and Levy control 52% of shares in the investment company. Because ENIC has cash in the bank of around £25 million, the £40 million offer values all its football investments plus its betting and retail interests at just £15 million. This illustrates the extent to which the inflationary bubble around the football industry has burst. In 2000, ENIC spent £22 million just on its investment in Spurs. The collapse of the transfer market and the expected drop in TV revenue are the main reasons for falling values in the football industry.
  8. Whilst I agree with your general point, erm ENIC? nope not a consortuim as such but backed by that guy who used to help fund Rangers ....
  9. so you are ruling out Lerner then Pete ? and then we will see then ...
  10. you know my antipathy towards consortuims Malc, they never work, always fall apart and one person always wantss to take the limelight even if everyone was of equal share.
  11. Malc, when you check the Midland rich list very few people on there would be capable of buying the Villa ...
  12. point taken Of course when you talk about consortuims you only have to remeber how Ellis darkened our doors.
  13. So lets get this right a consortuim only has the combined wealth of Lerner and are totally unknown ... Can anyone please remind me of any consortuim taking over a club that was successful ?? And if AV06 are just looking at us and not even got access to the books, like apparently the others and may go for other clubs the are way behind !!!
  14. exaclty imagine an AGM with Ellis in control of it but a takeover happening, it would be a farce.
  15. Basically Ali, every public company has to have an AGM, and would Ellis fancy another one, in fact what would the point be if a takeover is close. Of course you need an EGM for completion of a takeover why not just roll it into one ... Of course we could get the AGM notice of meeting tomorrow but what a farce that one could be.
  16. just seen the Mercuty and claims that Lerner will put in an official bid as early as tomorrow .....
  17. what does it / could it mean? It would make sense wouldn't it to put certain motions on the AGM papers otherwise an EGM would have bene called thus wasting a lot of money.
  18. has anyone received their copy of the annual report yet with the agenda for the AGM .... Normally get it by the third day after the annoucement.... hmmmm
  19. seems to be almost an apology eh ???
  20. no but he was an ex blooz player :notsure:
  21. no, but a party had to stop it before the end of july
  22. can't answer those gringo but understand totally the reasoning behind it
  23. The annual figiures were due two weeks ago .....
  24. He can't - "Stockmarket regulations prevent us from commenting except when I choose to forget" covienent to forget more like
  25. the recent comments by Doug are amazing, I thought he was not going to comment on the takeover !!! First time I have seen him admit so frankly he will/wants to sell. There is of course a cavat but clearly it is all over for him. Champagne on ice (but has been for 8 months !!!)
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