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Marka Ragnos

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Everything posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. I hear you. I think a lot footballers are out of touch with reality, and you're right, they were lucky. If it had me tripping some excited supporter, I'm sure I would have been lamped.
  2. Isn't that almost exactly on the opposite side of the globe from VP?
  3. 3,400 miles. I live an hour's drive from NYC. My granddad was born on Booth Street in Handsworth. Don't know much about it. My father lived in West Brom.
  4. In miles, as a crow flies. This is an anonymous poll, so no one will know your response. If you need help calculating distance, here's one tool that seems to work but you may know a better one. If you care to, please tell us below your location, if you're an ex-pat, why polls are rubbish, why you're living in Antarctica, etc, etc. I'm hoping that an interesting graphical image, one that tells a story, eventually emerges above. The usual disclaimers about the flawed nature of polls, etc. etc.
  5. Just watched the clip for the first time. I have to say, both players were very lucky that the supporters involved didn't react in either case. If they had gone at the baggies players there would have been full on rioting I'm sure of it. I agree, but still -- really hard to feel bad for these particular Villa supporters because, well, the "violence" didn't look too violent, and the WBA players were being overrun in an unusual situation. One player throws a shoulder out, another tripped someone. That's what happens when you rattle someone's cage. Not nice, but still on a completely different level from the sociopathic Baggie fans throwing parts of seats down on Villa supporters and their families. That seems quite criminal to me. The footballers' behavior just seems petty -- but kind of understandable?
  6. Marka Ragnos

    Top Gear

    Now there is a Guardianista who just doesn't get it. I would love to know her opinion of the McLaren P1. The "Guardianista"? The "apparatchiks at the BBC"? The indignation towards "political correctness"? Whence this impassioned rush of poetical polemicals? Now I see: Despite all appearances that this controversy is about some insipid car programme's host simply fugging up badly and being violently ill-mannered, it's ACTUALLY the continued unfolding of a leftist -- nah, Stalinist, probably, right? -- master plan to bore Tories and UKIPers to death and snatch away their personal freedom. I, for one, would like some credit for playing a part in this deviousness.
  7. Marka Ragnos

    Top Gear

    Ah, the poor old English millionaire chappy from Repton School, harried by bloodless limpwristed smartypants. The outrage! easy mistake to make but he wasn't some kid born into money ..his parents were a teacher and a salesman .. who found a way to get their child through private school as many middle class people do (myself included) Yes, I read Wikipedia too. My dad was a machinist -- and I can still be, as you can see, an inexcusably pompous arse.
  8. Marka Ragnos

    Top Gear

    Ah, the poor old English millionaire chappy from Repton School, harried by bloodless limpwristed smartypants. The outrage!
  9. Marka Ragnos

    Top Gear

    I love Top Gear, Sherlock and Doctor Who. Clearly those are the best British shows to date... Joking aside, those shows are popular in america because of BBC America and they are fairly decent as well. Any BBC show will get popular because that is what is shown. I really quite liked Misfits, Black mirror, IT crowd, and Broadchurch, but those shows are not easily available to the masses. There's a certain quirky sort of American who loves Doctor Who and likes to let everyone know it.
  10. Maybe Black Cat supporters haven't felt the existential agony we did the week before last, but they are certainly seeing this game in pretty bleak terms. Maybe it's too soon, but I don't detect the wave of optimism that swept through VillaTalk in last week and half. There's a lot of discontent and disillusionment.Here we are, same problems of whisperings of structural problems, lack of ambition or investment, poor transfer targets or strategy, in the middle of a seemingly endless string of managers. Nothing has changed In that time I don't believe we've seen 'the lads' playing out of their skins over a full 90 minutes AND getting a result...apart from a flash in the pan at the end of last season (and who can imagine a repeat!) Hope for the future...yes, faith...less. If Villa win I think that would be the end of my interest - 45 years - you can hardly say I've not given them a chance...
  11. Marka Ragnos

    Top Gear

    I wish the whole Downton clan would hurry up and contract TB before antibiotics are invented.
  12. Marka Ragnos

    Top Gear

    Can't stand that show. Hate it. Can't understand why so many of my fellow Americans fall for that dross. Why can't they watch old Peep Show and IT Crowd episodes instead? Always seems like the shittiest British shows are the ones that get popular over here -- don't get me started on Downton Abbey -- whilst the ones that are actually interesting are seen as "Too English."
  13. So with Mcmanaman barging into fans who are just running past him, and Morrison tripping another fan up who was just running past them, yet the fans are a disgrace ? Seems to me like the WBA players are trying to provoke them, James Morrison. I know the perfect home for him.
  14. I think Sunderland's going to be tough. They know they're up against it. They lose to us and they are looking very squarely at releg -- I believe they will step things up in way that we did in last two weeks, so I do think this is going to be a desperate, scrappy affair. I worry about the card situation -- we can't really afford any, can we? I'll sum up: Worried.
  15. It's hard to say what makes someone "likeable," but I admire footballers who give back materially because, well, they don't need to do it, and they'd still be surrounded by groupies and flatterers. It's especially amazing when a footballer does something without the press cameras following him, 'cause then you know it's genuine. As I said, I'm not sure I always "like" such people, but still ...
  16. A logical counterpart to LxYoungAVFC's fun Players you dislike thread ... By request from PaulC. I myself need to think about this one ...
  17. poyet has to know this. You wonder if he has a surprise.
  18. In a perfect world with a deeper bench, no way. As sub only, please. We need two goals before, IMO.
  19. Ha, beat me to World Cup vid ... And in the Lazio-Roma tie, that dickcheese can't even punch like a flippin man. What a wuss. Can't deal with sneaky, cowardly cheaters like that.
  20. Dunno about the rest of the lineup, but I hope we again see this ... Given N'Zogbia Agbonlahor Sinclair
  21. Dani Alves Pepe Branislav Ivanović DeRossi Nigel de Jong Retired, but I can't stand Paul Scholes Dunno any of these people personally, of course -- they may all be lovely chaps if you sat down for a chat, but based on what I see on TV, etc.
  22. Swear I heard that across the Atlantic. I love how articulate the "yeah" actually is. You hear all kinds of indistinct crowd roars, but this one was very, very clear.
  23. Almost literary in its poetics of nonsense. Makes you wonder how the offspring of these Baggie parents* turn out in life with such loving parental sensitivity for the little ones. "Ere, lad, 'av this seat, roight, and stick it on ya yed, roight, to stop the gobs?" * Wait, I think I am one, actually.
  24. It was from WBA corporate, after all, right, so I wouldn't expect much. It does acknowledge "reports of serious misbehavior." I suppose they could have said "alleged criminal behavior" but, again, this is their home side -- they're not going to go out on a limb until the investigation is done.
  25. Beginning to look like the Baggies malefactors will also face serious scrutiny. I am encouraged by WBA's public statement today abhoring the alleged violence and property destruction by their own fans.
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