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Everything posted by Con

  1. Heat maps aren't exotic, they've been available on Fifa's world cup pages for at least the last two world cups. As for the psychology of Barry Bannan, if you want him to get forward more put a can of Tennants behind the opposition goal. If you want him to defend put a case of McEwan's behind your own net. If you want him toward the wing... Simple stuff really. Don't blame me for not being able to understand.
  2. Sorry, the opposite is true. It's 2013 now Dr_Pangloss and the game's changed. Until whoscored.com and squawka.com existed sharing high-quality match data and statistics for free, all football fans could do to judge players and performances was * listen to what the manager said * read what the journalists said * think about what they remembered from watching the game Opinions could be based on faulty memories, propaganda from the manager, agenda of the media, assertion and petty biases ... and nobody would know any different. Now we have statistics available to test all these opinions. They are free and available to all. They shine their own independent light on what happened during a game. This genie is not going back in the bottle - increasingly fans will be more educated about their players from statistics and not citing them will be seen as being stupid.
  3. Con


    Never mind the team, are there three worse managers in the Premier League than Paul Lambert?
  4. Look at this heat map of the WB game. Bannan was playing sub for Delph from about 50 min in the second half. Remember Bannan was blamed for the result? "Weak and bullied in midfield?" That's a myth. We were not dominated in CM. We didn't lose the game because we were "bullied" or did not control the midfield. What's happened - what the heat map proves - they got in behind on our flanks. That's tactics, which is the responsibility of the manager choosing 343 over 442, and the quality of WBs playing the WB system - they're not getting forward to support the attack (like Ridgewell is), keeping the ball at the other end so they can't attack our flanks.
  5. Our defensive system is not working for our defence or attack. Want more proof? The WBA heat map shows they (Ridgewell, Odemwingie et al) frequently got in behind in the space on our flanks where a traditional LB or RB would be in a 442 system. In a 3 CB system the WB is pushed further up the field in a more attacking role, creating this space behind them. The plus of the WB system is supposedly we have a better attack to compensate this vulnerability. This heat map proves this is not working for us. The WBA defense have not been pushed back at all as the heat map is very cold on their flanks. Does this tell us anything else? I got the heat maps at squawka.com.
  6. Sadly, if we are relegated and Bannan has continued to played badly other clubs will look at it as an opportunity to get him cheap. A team like Swansea, or a promoted side like Cardiff, will be interested in his set piece taking and crossing - if he keeps up the same level of quality he has to date (in comparison to other players in the league). Thanks for the report!
  7. Thanks for the picture. It's just an ordinary picture.
  8. Can someone provide a link to the picture? Why is it interesting - players are happy?
  9. Squawka.com Whoscored.com Feel free to also check out the statistics thread.
  10. My position is supported by the statistics... he is currently the best crosser in the PL. Not ashamed of pointing out the obvious. Now, if Barry Bannan actually wanders around in broad daylight in a cardigan... I'm not sure what's worse, that or Ireland's pink range rover. Okay the range rover is worse. I don't know if it's true yet. foreveryoung could have embellished the story. He really needs to come back here and tell me whether it's true.
  11. can we pay the £6m we need to bring in a new manager?
  12. does he really wear a cardigan or did you just make that up? truthfully ... did he or didn't he wear a cardigan?
  13. I really believe Bannan wanted to win that game. No I don't think he's Messi, Xavi or Iniesta but he's not that bad and wanted to win more than our manager apparently did.
  14. I totally disagree. We've won 4 PL games this season, all 4 with Bannan in the team. He can't be that much of a hindrance as the worst critics suggest. Also, he's managed to be the actual best crosser in the PL according to official statistics. He's crossed crap last few games so you may laugh at that, but those are the stats. Actual talent in action. There is an element of hearing, reading, and seeing what you choose and filtering out the rest. Sure, that applies to Bannan supporters as well. Surely this Bannan bollocks is a side-show now though.
  15. If Lambert won't resign put him on indefinite gardening leave. Let Cowans and McAndrew take over. Maybe Lambert will then have the pride to resign without us having to pay out to sack him.
  16. Bannan is only one player in the team. This is ridiculous. He was our only threat on the Millwall goal and the commentators only very reluctantly praised him for that shot. What were the other guys doing? I like Westwood but he's not saved us tonight, yet nobody will criticise him for not being Mr Hero. Yes, Bannan played badly, but the team lost. It's a team performance, not helped by atrocious tactics.
  17. The commentators know he is the whipping boy and were playing to the crowd. When he did good stuff they said it very quietly and never mentioned it again. These commentators are professionals at stirring up their audience. they can play you like a small violin.
  18. "Villa's only threat in the second half" had a shot on goal. one man doesn't make a team, unfortunately.
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