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Everything posted by rodders0223

  1. If it was purely down to begineer's (begging engineers presumably) luck then why do you want an old goat like Pulis? If a manager you consider not fit to clean his boots was able to match his best league finish with a fraction of the time and a tiny fraction of the spending only for this reason then surely you'd be in favour of picking a randomer out the crowd to manage us to best capture some pure, extra virgin begineer's luck? Maybe Lambert's 7th season in management after back to back promotions wasn't entirely beginner's luck. I actually think that Lambert is a good manager for a Championship or League 1 side just not us! As I said he is a Megson or McLeish type who can get a team up but struggles over a season in the Prem. He has kept 2 teams up for three seasons running on a shoestring, so thtat is nonsense.
  2. We all know what was promised to Pulis when he joined, a multi million pound bonus if he kept them up. He done the job, took the money and left them in the lurch a few days before the season started. A words removed trick. He also signed Martin Kelly the day he resigned, messing with a young lads career. A words removed trick. Also you are seriously saying you would take Pulis over Lambert? He plays the worst football ever seen in this league, worse than Megson, worse than Fat Sam, worse than Joe Kinnear. His record in the transfer market is worse than O'Neills, £12m on Crouch, £7m on Jones, Palcious £6m, Kitson £5m, Pennant, Jerome, Tuncay. He never pushed Stoke on, he never developed their play, cheque book manager at best. Pulis over Lambert. Laughable. In my opinion Lambert isn't worthy of cleaning Pulis boots. Lambert as a manager is about equal with Gary Megson or McLeish! When Pulis has 11 years of age on Lambert. We will see if over the next 11 years Lambert can match Pulis' trophy cabinet. EDIT : Tony Pulis as manager, do you actually watch football?
  3. We all know what was promised to Pulis when he joined, a multi million pound bonus if he kept them up. He done the job, took the money and left them in the lurch a few days before the season started. A words removed trick. He also signed Martin Kelly the day he resigned, messing with a young lads career. A words removed trick. Also you are seriously saying you would take Pulis over Lambert? He plays the worst football ever seen in this league, worse than Megson, worse than Fat Sam, worse than Joe Kinnear. His record in the transfer market is worse than O'Neills, £12m on Crouch, £7m on Jones, Palcious £6m, Kitson £5m, Pennant, Jerome, Tuncay. He never pushed Stoke on, he never developed their play, cheque book manager at best. Pulis over Lambert. Laughable.
  4. I think the vast majority of fans are happy to give him another try. Don't let those who shout the loudest fool you. Results will dictate, as ever. 'Vast majority'!!! This is a joke, right ? Maybe the vast majority on people on here. I haven't forgotten the last 2 years of absolute shite. The crap home performances, the lack of wins, the struggles to avoid relegation, the regular cup defeats by lower league opposition, record defeats, lack of tactics and lack of ideas. Maybe the summer sunshine has bleached the memories of the 'vast majority'. The only reason he is still in a job is because his boss is a coward, who expected to sell the club and let the new owners do the deed. There is not another club in the country where he would have survived last season. The sooner lambert is gone, the better. Signed, the minority. Not a joke. Neither was I expressing a personal opinion, so no need to get shitty with me pal. I am not your pal
  5. They've got goalscorers. Are there any promoted teams who wouldn't take Murray and Gayle? Oh yes, and this year they've got Frazier Campbell. They're gonna score goals, and Bannan will deliver the goods. Just need the right manager. None of those players has scored goals in the PL, Campbell flopped at Sunderland and Cardiff at PL level, Gayle had about 2 good games last year, Murray is hugely unproven despite that one season he had. Oh, and Bannan is shite
  6. I am seeing many Villa folk on the facebooks and what not begging for Lambert to be sacked and Pulis to be hired. I would rather be relegated to league 2 before I see this guys brand of 'football' at Villa Park.
  7. I want some god damn official confirmation, I wanna see him holding that shirt!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I don't know, if they meet the agreed fee then they can offer him a contract and conclude the deal I would think without us objecting.. It would be up to us to convince Tonev to say/offer him a new contract. Hypothetical of course!
  9. I don't. Guessing you don't follow Ligue 1 then? Yeah, the quality is terrible. Gervinho and Chamakh looked like world beaters last time I followed it.
  10. I am not panicking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. We already all know you're too cool for school and far superior to the mindless sheeple. You don't need to point it out. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAN CALM DOWN!!!
  13. If he turns out to be rubbish after all of this I am going to be quite dissapointed
  14. Update on what exactly? It will take as long as it takes, chill out everyone.
  15. I dare you. I double dare you mother******
  16. ..or I just have Villatalk on one page, and right click open new tab on each thread. Close said thread when I am reading but keep the Villatalk message board page opened. Right click, open in new tab. Repeat.
  17. I am old school me, cursor to the refresh button on the toolbar, sometimes I even right click on the page and click reload/refresh just for the fun of it. **** it, I got time to burn.
  18. Well this thread has taken a turn for the worse.
  19. i am not sure anyone cares what you say, I think you flatter yourself too much.
  20. I haven't seen Joe Cole's contract but I can 100% guarantee you for a fact that there is no term like that in his, or in any other players, contract. Maybe not written but verbally. He wasnt going to go to a team and take the paycut he did to be played out in the wing like big sam did. He also said as much when he signed. I can nearly guarantee he is our no 10 when fit and so he should be. He didn't take a paycut, he wasn;t under contract anywhere and I think the days of Joe Cole dictating where he wants to play to a PL club are over.
  21. he and MON almost had a punch up didn't they? not sure what over Allegedly : Delfouneso misplaced a pass in training to Nige, Nige started mouthing off, O'Neill said something along the lines of "I don't know how you can criticise anyones passing." Nigel continued to mouth off so O'Neill went for him
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