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Everything posted by scottyav

  1. kenwyne jones played with his hair all night **** turd
  2. plz gerrard get us a decent left back, warnock really is poor
  3. haha **** off stoke cuuunts
  4. stoke are a joke **** cloggers and hoof id hang myself watching this shit every week
  5. 218 posts on a villa site wow thats really sad , get down your club more or outside mommy will let you go ya know
  6. agreed exile, no more to say in this thread for me your post should be the last on the matter and we should all wait and see now thread finished imo
  7. i meant i'll unfortunately be proved right that it was a wrong choice , we'll just wait and see
  8. A lot of happy posters posting I think you will find....That is the question afterall. If your not happy, tough...He's our new manager! i'll save this and remind you in 6 months time matey dont worry i wont be too happy when i say told you so , hope im proved wrong i'll admit it most on here wouldnt
  9. a lot of hopeful wishful thinkers voting i see
  10. out of all the appointments over the years this one feels the least excitement for me, hope he can perform well as after Christmas and were struggling he's sure going to get stick regardless of being new
  11. No idea but Chief Inspector Clouseau has always been in my mind from the first time i saw him 10 years ago
  12. its all going to end in tears especially if that rocket polisher thompson comes in, **** dick of the highest order
  13. i agree with the post but general is a bit rattled as opinions are good and he may be trying hard but end of the day he's American and has not got a lot of experience of english football fans, i agree with a few points MrWeedMcGrass has made above in there defence but all we want is for Villa to be one of the best because we love the club passionately.
  14. didnt know been done before plus i have got family in christchurch NZ and they said bout time some of the shacks needed pulling down by them i did lol a bit at that tbh.
  15. BOF edit : Bindunne 6 years ago in this very thread and edited due to the poor timing.
  16. who cares sit and wait and stop bricking yourself who it is there's so many paranoid fans out there , we've got no say in the matter so lie back and just see, these posts are on every forum going at the min were a laughing stock with so many numpties posting so much drivel its embarrassing at times
  17. its so frustrating watching an attack turn into everton shooting at our goal 5 seconds later through lack of pressure
  18. petrovs lucky to be on the pitch hes commited so many fouls today
  19. Was thinking that. As soon as he hits one bad pass the 'NRC is terrible' brigade emerge he fell over like a fuctard with an easy pass to make it 2-0 thats why, take the nrc loving blinkers off hed be lucky to get in the wolves team!
  20. agree 100% totally unacceptable home performance
  21. warnock or baines no comparison imo and hes not in our team!
  22. downing just break your foot again please you use pile of shite
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