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Everything posted by scottyav

  1. sidwells days at the villa should be over now ,thanks but you were shit
  2. exactly ive no idea but some on my fb site are so deluded there just utter tw@ts
  3. the sha scum are being cocky already i see dirty **** inbred scum!
  4. once a word removed always a word removed thats halsey! dont get any smpathy off me always hated the pompous prick
  5. totally agree lets hope its not another bum deal but it dont look promising
  6. weve always been a good side in need of a good striker for years when it happens watch us go
  7. what a cack strikeforce weve got brings it home
  8. My god you're annoying Hmm because I think Petrov has been poor? Bit rich coming from you eh? No because you moan about Petrov regardless of how he's playing. Show me where I have moaned about him other than after a poor performance , like last game. Don't make up stuff. ENOUGH OF THIS CRAP. DISCUSS THE GAME. NV
  9. crikey beyes got some six pack like a body builder
  10. look at old games links still showing the sites?
  11. no striking options cost another win, chances spunked away hope we buy 2 strikers january or were **** again its so obvious its a joke
  12. nice!!,what age are you.. why,not gary glitter are you?
  13. go suck your moms cock francis!
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