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Posts posted by Hev

  1. I'm with Rob on this - I dread playing them every season. Wish they were in League Two or lower. However, I am worried about this one- we are missing too many decent players . Mind you on Talk Sport this morning, the bookmaker quoted odds on Gabby scoring the first goal - he's not even going to be playing is he? (We have really missed him I think) . I think Albrighton getting sent off the other night was the last straw. All this "Take one for the Team" is rubbish - who says their player would have scored? At least if we had appealed the card, wouldn't he have played - even if it meant a longer ban? We would, by then, have had Gabby back. I was looking forward to seeing MA tearing down the wing in this one! :cry:

  2. Freezing cold, cold wind in face, poor atmosphere, terribly long drive - taking ages to get out of Sunderland round a stupid one way system and lots of "no car" lanes!!! Rubbish game too. That's just my humble opinion - although second half was better. WHY won't anyone have a bloody shot at goal (Albrighton excepted) Lovely cheeseburger at the ground though! Worried about next Sunday. :cry:

  3. Was going to ask the same question, earlier in the week you predicted we would sell out the next 5 games, shame to see 2000 + empty seats today. Also think the club need to look at the atmosphere created in the stadium, could not hear the Holte End at all from the North Stand and it was for me was embarrasing that Chelsea made more noise than the Villa fans all game long. Have the club considered moving the away fans to the opposite end of the Doug Ellis where they are currently situated ie, next to the Holte End? This maybe would create a better more intense atmosphere.

    Gen. Please No to this - my seat is at that end of the Doug Ellis and I love it there - as do most of the people around me - we love to be near the Holte. Please don't give our seats to away fans - just so that they and the Holte End can gesticulate at and taunt each other all game. :cry:

  4. I thought (albeit very reluctantly) that they were very unlucky not to beat Liverpool - it was only an outstanding performance by Reina that saved Liverpool. I am worried about playing them so soon and I hate it that the first game is at our place rather than theirs! I wonder whether we should have this thread anymore as there doesn't seem to be much to laugh about with them at the moment, they have an excellent manager in McLeish (too good for them) and seem to be doing very well. Absolutely no chance they will go down. However I was talking to a Blues fan here at work this morning and apparently their new replica shirts have all been held up becuase of the floods so we aren't the only ones with late kits!

  5. Well, I'm watching it on my PC at work BUT I'VE GOT NO SPEAKERS to hear what he's saying so quick catch ups on here. However, on just looking at it, he seems as if he is a great speaker - he also seems to be very jolly and smiley and postive. I always thought MON didn't look people in the eye sometimes. Anyway, guess I'll have to watch a summary on SSN later. Bit disappointed that he won't be at Stoke and not on the bench for Bolton either but guess he and his sidekick are taking training ? What is the management team then if KM is going back to the reserves - we have GH and this Patrice man - who else??

  6. The fat van insurance man is, I belive, Andy Scott from the 70s Glam Rock band "The Sweet" - I think it's Andy Scott anyway, but it is CERTAINLY one of The Sweet - who incidentally HATED playing all the Glam Rock stuff and were really aspiring to be a "heavy/rock" group - many of their B sides were in fact like that.

  7. Some of their fans were an absolute disgrace last season after the game at their place - really in our faces as we were walking along (this was lads probably in their 20s mind you - and some older Man C fans came along afterwards and had a sensible discussion with us as we walked back to the car). Man C fans used to be decent and I guess the majority still are - but there is certainly this horrid chavvy aggressive cocky element amongst the younger ones now

  8. After the weekend and the behaviour of the City fans,I changed my opinion and wanted Spurs to get fourth. Well they've done it - and, I feel gutted to be honest, because to my mind, that means that we will now be battling for 6th/7th place at best next season . I feel a great disappointment that we have been so close for three seasons now - yet Spurs have ONE good season and make it to the Champs League. Last season, they were in danger of being relegated - I well remember our away game to them early last season, hearing their fans on the walk back to the car discussing how we were so much better than them - now look, one year on! :cry: (Yes I know we've still had a good season )

  9. I, and a few around me, thought the atmosphere at the game turned really nasty yesterday. Over to our left there was some sort of fight between villa fans , which left a little girl, who presumably was with her dad, crying. Later some people behind us (obviously totally tanked up, seen them before at away games always well pissed) were just shouting that we were shit shit shit shit - relentlessly! when one of us asked why they were saying that, got abused and offered out - we managed to calm it down and then someone behind them pushed said person straight into the lady sitting three seats away from me - who often sits by us at away games and I know she suffers from a bad back - which left her upset too - and her husband really really annoyed. Then, to cap it all, on the way out, we too got abused by citeh fans - right in our faces, - they really have turned into arrogant Man U/Chelsea type fans haven't they! I wont say what they called us ! Anyway, I had always had a lot of time for Man City fans as I remember their large crowds when down in League One (or div three whatever it was then) but now, I just hope Spurs get fourth. Have to say though that some Man city fans asked if we were OK when they saw how the stupid element were in our faces, and we then walked along the road having a good chat about the game - clearly though there are still some decent Citeh fans but my opinon has definitely changed since yesterday.

  10. following on from a charity would be a "PR Disaster" and that Villa will struggle bigtime to find a sponsor willing to take that risk........

    I don't understand why this should be so? Anyone in PR able to explain?

  11. Well this thread hasn't been half as bad as I was expecting. I think the Chelsea support is appalling - they just don't know HOW to support their team do they? I'd love to see how they would react in the very unlikely event of their team ever taking a 7-1 thrashing - how many of their suporters would still be in the ground singing and clapping as we were. Then, all they can do is after the game stand in the streets making stupid gestures at the Villa coaches. Pathetic. Trouble is most of them have only been Chelsea fans since they became successful I guess. Just once I'd LOVE to see one of the top teams taking an almighty thrashing - never happens though does it - that's why they are the top teams. Why did it have to be us though. I think though like others that it has been coming for a while. I really hope it has served as the kick up the arse that they need, players, MON and all!!!!

    Oh and please let's just turn the tables on those smug Chelsea so called "supporters" at Wembley please - you can guess that they're gonna taunt us with it.

  12. I was talking to a lad at work today who was at the Pompey - Blooz cup game on Saturday. He said that Craig Gardner was warming up near them and they were all singing "We hate Villa more than you" to him and he was laughing, clapping and touching his badge . I pointed out that one day he would remember he had always been a Walsall fan (as someone on here said)

  13. I thought the catering was OK. The drinks were cheaper than at VP. Anyhow, when Carew had scored two goals, I thought we should've changed the chant a bit - how about "John Carew, you see, he's bigger than you and me, he's gonna score two or three, John Carew you see"

  14. A good day out, so sad about the end result though - especially as Dowd was their twelfth man. Was rather disappointed in Wembley Stadium though - but then maybe that was because of our seats. £70 to be on Row 2 - not what I expected, couldn't see large part of pitch as too close so spent £70 to watch a good portion of the game on the big screen! Next time I may go for the £54 tickets - what was the view like from those? I prefer The Emirates Stadium to Wembley - based on yesterday - and 90 minutes just to get out of the area! Horrendous. Might try car/train next time (here's hoping we get there). Villa fans were great. Man U awful - so arrogant as usual, no noise until they are winning then they pipe up. Just seems unfair - this meant everything to us and nothing to them -they are just so used to their team winning I guess! Disappointed but a good day out .

    Ironic too, advert on the side said "Randy We Love You" (in Claret and Blue), we love our owner. Them - well they are winning and start chanting how they want Glazer out, mass green and yellow "Newton Heath" scarfs everywhere too. Randy and The General deserve a trophy they really do. Oh well, maybe the FA Cup?

  15. The local media have ALWAYS bigged up SHA in my opinion, even when they were in the Championship. B'ham Mail, nearly always they have the back page headline, Tom Ross's show is like Radio Birmingham City - just driving home after a game from Villa - 95% of the journey will probably be Bham City related - calls from fans or an interminably long chat with the manager or a player. Eventually, the odd Villa fan will get on - and then it is usually a sweet kid who Tom Ross will humour and the call will be about 60 seconds or something. The only time Villa get decent coverage seems to be if Blooz aren't playing! (and if Albion aren't playing also)

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