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Posts posted by Hev

  1. I love cats. Wiggy and Bromsgrove AVFC - your comments about your cats have quite upset me! I still haven't got over reading about that absolute bitch who threw a defenceless and cute little kitten out of the flat window in Stechford - but that's another subject I guess.

    Cats over dogs every time for me

  2. I reckon we will get either Man U (we haven't had them for a couple of seasons after all!!!) or Blooz again - I just have that awful feeling - if Blooz let's hope it's a home tie this time! Otherwise I'd like a nice lower league team away - Crawley Town or something!!

  3. Hmm a bit worried about talc now - might have to finish up what I've got and then stop using it - just stick with the body butter/lotion. My bathroom does get very talcy - it is a pain in that way I admit. :cry:

  4. Oh No, I just hate Stand by Me (except the Oasis one) - I presume you're on about the Ben E King / John Lennon Stand by Me and not the Oasis one? Still if it were to be that, and we adopted it as our "Anthem" then so be it - I guess I would get to like it. We definitely need an Anthem (and new run out music)

  5. :crylaugh: This thread is hilarious. You can't get Talcum Powder as much as you used to be able to though lads so you had best buy Baby Powder or maybe some "Simple" talc? I always use it but some of my friends don't anymore - I find it a godsend after a nice shower and before applying body butter (you men will be on to that next!) Ha ha
  6. I have thought for so long that we should have our own "anthem". Brilliant to bring this to a thread. Going round the grounds, VP has one of the worst pre-match atmospheres of any. Quite a few play the same series of songs leading up to the team coming out tune. eg Liverpool - Fields of Anfield Road and YNWA, Everton - Grand Old Team thing and Z-Cars, even Blooz play Mr Blue Sky and then The Tamperer (which I must admit is a great tune to come out to) - maybe if we had a selection of tunes and possible coming out on to the field tunes, we could have maybe the top three played to build up to the final coming out tune - but please scrapt that awful shrieking that we come out to now - it's dreadful.

    (I still think Marillion Assassing has one of the best intros and could be great to come out to). I am all in favour of this, we need to build up the pre-match atmosphere in my opinion. Let's have some ideas and a Poll. - Sorry I can't think of anything other than the one I've said for running out to at the moment. We need more Rock tunes though I think

  7. What's happened to AVFC Laura lately (seeing that she started this topic reminded me that she hasn't been seen on here for a while) - wasn't she seeing one of the other posters too?

  8. Just to think, after Man City on Tuesday, I was seriously considering not putting myself through this, but, so glad I went now. It is days like Monday that make you keep going to away games and suffering all the dross, just for the odd great game like that. More please and let this be the start of a run now.

    What about whoever it was after Man C that said they HAD taken their tickets for Chelsea back!! Bet they regret it now.

  9. Very dissapointed not to have come away with a point as really should have been 3

    Fans were fantastic Fulham always a good day out

    We DID come away with a point Andy - but I know what you mean, it felt like a loss! In fact, we were saying that when virtually the same happened at Stoke earlier in the season, although we lost that game, we had dropped only one point from a drawing position. This time, we were in a winning position and dropped to a draw - thereby losing two points - gutted.

    Great atmosphere though and great meal before the game at a little cafe nearby. Love going to Fulham, one of my favourites.

    The "shoes off" thing was good, but didn't Newcastle do it first?

  10. I'm with Rob on this - I dread playing them every season. Wish they were in League Two or lower. However, I am worried about this one- we are missing too many decent players . Mind you on Talk Sport this morning, the bookmaker quoted odds on Gabby scoring the first goal - he's not even going to be playing is he? (We have really missed him I think) . I think Albrighton getting sent off the other night was the last straw. All this "Take one for the Team" is rubbish - who says their player would have scored? At least if we had appealed the card, wouldn't he have played - even if it meant a longer ban? We would, by then, have had Gabby back. I was looking forward to seeing MA tearing down the wing in this one! :cry:

  11. Freezing cold, cold wind in face, poor atmosphere, terribly long drive - taking ages to get out of Sunderland round a stupid one way system and lots of "no car" lanes!!! Rubbish game too. That's just my humble opinion - although second half was better. WHY won't anyone have a bloody shot at goal (Albrighton excepted) Lovely cheeseburger at the ground though! Worried about next Sunday. :cry:

  12. Was going to ask the same question, earlier in the week you predicted we would sell out the next 5 games, shame to see 2000 + empty seats today. Also think the club need to look at the atmosphere created in the stadium, could not hear the Holte End at all from the North Stand and it was for me was embarrasing that Chelsea made more noise than the Villa fans all game long. Have the club considered moving the away fans to the opposite end of the Doug Ellis where they are currently situated ie, next to the Holte End? This maybe would create a better more intense atmosphere.

    Gen. Please No to this - my seat is at that end of the Doug Ellis and I love it there - as do most of the people around me - we love to be near the Holte. Please don't give our seats to away fans - just so that they and the Holte End can gesticulate at and taunt each other all game. :cry:

  13. I thought (albeit very reluctantly) that they were very unlucky not to beat Liverpool - it was only an outstanding performance by Reina that saved Liverpool. I am worried about playing them so soon and I hate it that the first game is at our place rather than theirs! I wonder whether we should have this thread anymore as there doesn't seem to be much to laugh about with them at the moment, they have an excellent manager in McLeish (too good for them) and seem to be doing very well. Absolutely no chance they will go down. However I was talking to a Blues fan here at work this morning and apparently their new replica shirts have all been held up becuase of the floods so we aren't the only ones with late kits!

  14. Well, I'm watching it on my PC at work BUT I'VE GOT NO SPEAKERS to hear what he's saying so quick catch ups on here. However, on just looking at it, he seems as if he is a great speaker - he also seems to be very jolly and smiley and postive. I always thought MON didn't look people in the eye sometimes. Anyway, guess I'll have to watch a summary on SSN later. Bit disappointed that he won't be at Stoke and not on the bench for Bolton either but guess he and his sidekick are taking training ? What is the management team then if KM is going back to the reserves - we have GH and this Patrice man - who else??

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