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Posts posted by ciggiesnbeer

  1. Just now, Villarocker said:

    Nope. He's got the "Poch is coming in after we lose the next two games so Purslow and Lange asked him who he wanted and they're getting them in ready for him to take over" screaming all over him 😁

    This scenario would delight me.

  2. Moura maybe a good utility player I confess I havent watched him play recently. I just see a 30 year old winger/forward who will be a back up after we just shipped out Bertie. Meanwhile our midfield is wrong and we are light on CB's after we shipped out Hause after Carlos got injured.

    I am just confused by this is all. Maybe its an inspired signing I dunno. It just looks like spending money to stand still.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

    Well it's from the Telegraph so they're as reliable as we get in terms of transfer info

    Thanks, that is terrifying. The Telegraph is not my paper but their sports section has some credibility :(

  4. 19 minutes ago, est1874 said:

    Can't really compare him to Purslow, who in 4 years at Villa hasn't raised our profile one iota. We are the same size club as the one that got relegated. I will concede that he is a better CEO than the one we had at that point, but he's hardly brought us on leaps and bounds.

    Oh I dont know, he has raised our clown profile around the world. Many potential new fans will be laughing at us "oh Villa, isnt that the club whose CEO talked about Europe but ended up in a relegation scrap instead? Yeah I will go support Man City thanks"

    Bloody laughing stock we are. 

  5. Err I know we have all been busy rightly concerned about the manager. But its <24 hours left to get in two midfielders and a defender. Oh and we have 3 points after 4 games, two of which were against our relegation rivals. I dont understand why the club are not in full panic mode. I bloody well am.


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  6. 2 hours ago, Zatman said:

    Letting him go was a mistake really. We have a centre back out injured and now with him gone down to 3 with one woefully out of form

    Agree. I dont understand it. Maybe over the summer the staff convinced themselves Hause wasnt good enough for where we were going. Thats been proven laughably wrong. So now we have to find a new player to cover the cover who we have loaned out in less than 24 hours. Its ridiculous. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

    Every team in the league bar us, Everton and Bournemouth look well coached. It's kind of sad. 

    And Scott Parker out thought Gerrard. Based on this season so far I dont see how any neutral observer could conclude anything other than Gerrard is the second worst manager in the league. Edit because @Jas10 is right, depending how results go today& tomorrow he may well be the worst.

    • Like 1
  8. If its a choice I would sooner have Douglas Luis at this club than Gerrard.

    It would be madness to let him go. He isnt like Chuck, he doesnt have an attitude problem. He just wants to play in position.


    • Thanks 2
  9. 19 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    I feel more anxious about us by the minute. I can't wait until Gerrard's gone and am even debating whether I actually want to watch us tomorrow night. It's that painful to sit through.

    We disagree about a lot but I am the same. Nothing good will come of me watching the game. I am just going to be angry when I see us playing the same way and I don't want to be one of those negative guys in a match thread when other fans are trying to back the team during a game. I just dont believe any more.

    If we win I will be delighted to shower Gerrard with praise. But I have no desire to see another Villa spanking under Gerrard. Its too depressing. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    Tell us your reasons as to why you don't rate Sanson. And use detail.

    Tell us the reasons you rate Sanson at Aston Villa and provide detail.

  11. 2 minutes ago, ChesterDad said:

    Thats’s really harsh my friend, most villans I know think that the cameo’s he has been afforded have warranted much more of an opportunity.

    He was our best player at wolves last season and his reward was the bench ??

    The Wolves game. Which we lost.

    Here is an article from this year by a Wolves reporter congratulating Wolves for avoiding getting suckered into buying Sanson to who they were linked previously. 



  12. Just now, AvonVillain said:

    To be fair, I'm not sure you would've heard many Arsenal fans philosophically agreeing with this at the time. I know phone-ins aren't much to go by, but Arsenal fans were frothing at the mouth speaking about Arteta relegating them if he wasn't sacked.

    The one thing I'm looking forward to when SG is gone, is not having to read or scroll past so much invective and name calling. Most of our feelings are pretty clear by now. It's also clear that he's struggling and this opportunity came way too soon.

    I agree with this. I dont enjoy wanting the manager gone I really dont. I just want it over and I want us to be the ambitious club looking up that the owners want. If that happens by a Deano style 10 in a row miracle under Gerrard then great. But assuming thats not going to happen I would sooner make the change now. 

    Anyway I not gonna call Gerrard  names. I hope he can find top form but I have seen zero evidence he can.

    • Like 3
  13. 2 minutes ago, It&#x27;s Your Round said:

    How do you explain his performances for Marseille then? He was a regular starter in a team better than ours and playing the the Champions League - he can’t be that bad?

    Lots of players look good in Ligue Un and cant make the step up here. I have no idea if he got found out in the PL or he just took his pay day.  But the idea that we bought a player then two managers (including the one that signed him) simply refused to play him out of spite for 18 months is just silly. 

    He was a terrible transfer. It happens and it looks terrible for Lange & Purslow. There really isnt a mystery here. 

  14. 1 minute ago, Ingram85 said:

    How do any of us know? He never gets a chance. SG doesn’t like him that is clear enough but I wouldn’t trust SG to make the right decision on literally anything. 

    Gerrard is awful, has royally messed up the start of this season and needs to go. But Sanson is not on him. He inherited this useless lump.

    Prediction: the next manager of Aston Villa will also realise Sanson is crap as well.

  15. 1 minute ago, Tom13 said:

    He likes it at Villa. He's holding out until we get a competent manager.

    Good plan. And I am happy with that. He wont have long to wait. In the meantime he should get his dad to STFU.

    • Like 1
  16. 9 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    Daughter has come back from Reading Festival with a sticker on her T-shirt saying "Bollocks to Brexit" 

    Mrs Sidcow (very much pro remain) is horrified because of the language 😂😂

    Gives me hope there are plenty of youngsters willing to take this on.  She's of voting age in next elections. 

    I am moving back to the UK next year because the Republicans here have created a theocracy and removed the right to vote against them so the USA is screwed and I want my kids to grow up in a free country. I will be voting for the party that gives the best chance to rejoin the EU and donating to them (probably lib dems). I may even move to Scotland as that will be the fastest path to rejoining the EU.

    • Like 2
  17. Just now, Peter Griffin said:

    The best time to leave is when your stock is high. I don't see Brighton making a step up from where they are now. I can't see Europe and their better players will just be bought each summer

    Indeed. Rodgers must be kicking himself for staying at Leicester. It wasnt so long ago he was the hotness.

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