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Posts posted by ciggiesnbeer

  1. 6 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    I think this is needed even if we DON'T sack Gerrard.

    If they are keeping him on, even that would need explanation behind the thinking IMO, as currently I think as fans we are just lost.

    We need something to bring back some sort of unity or understanding of our direction and " project " ffs.

    1000% if we dont sack Gerrard than yes we deserve one helluva explanation.

    • Like 2
  2. if we had competently recruited another top midfielder as we clearly needed (and to be fair to him Gerrard also pointed out) then Luis could have gone and we could have cashed in on him and he could have enjoyed Arsenal. But here we are, a player who now will rightly demand to play every game ("if you didnt want me why didnt you let me go?")

    Lets hope Luis is a professional but I didn't expect him to be pushing himself particularly hard this season. Why should he? He wants to avoid injury so he can leave next summer.

    • Like 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, TheLegendOfLeonBailey31 said:

    I think a personal message is due again to address what's going on... maybe it would help turn around the toxicity some.  Transparency and just trying to reengage with a fan base that is less than pleased.

    I think this is needed as soon as he sacks Gerrard, I am amazed and angry it didnt happen today.

    He may have an explanation (maybe we owe Gerrard less compo if he loses 5 in a row or is bottom of the table or something) but we need to hear it. Because now it appears Purslow is watching the owners investment go up in flames and is seemingly paralyzed by it.

  4. image.png.bc24676cec8e8bca35b6bc58e92adb0e.png

    I love John McGinn and I am so happy he is at this club, I hope he will be for a long time. But if the reason Tyrone needed to be stripped of the Captaincy was to focus on his game then that goes double for McGinn. I didn't see him barking out instructions or lifting the team.

    This decision has harmed the confidence of two of our best players. McGinn and Tyrone. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, SuffolkVillan said:

    I agree, both signings are pragmatic and Dendonker certainly isn't a Gerrard type signing. God forbid we might actually play 4231 now.

    Dont be silly, 4231 is a recognized standard formation the players would understand. Next thing you will be telling me is we will play our full backs in position. Madness.

  6. 10 minutes ago, thabucks said:

    If he is so good why hasn’t there been much reported interest ? Genuine question as it’s somewhat baffling as with Sanson…  

    My guess is neither are willing to put in a transfer request to make a move because that would cost them money and neither believe they will ever earn as much at other clubs as they do here. We were their payday.

  7. I would not blame Douglas Luis one iota if he left for Arsenal. He should be desperate to leave here. He knows he will get benched again soon enough or asked to play out of position and why should he trust a future manager would be any different?

    Now all of a sudden Gerrard rates him because we are in trouble? he is no fool he knows its just because its inconvenient timing for Villa.  Wouldn't blame him at all for going. 

  8. I am now blaming Purslow for this debacle. Gerrard is still employed and we have royally screwed up the transfer window.

    Yes Christian this is now your problem. You didnt fire Gerrard Sunday when you should of and get to work on retaining our good players and recruiting the obvious gaps.

    Now you have a threadbare squad, a manager who our competitors are praying you keep around for the next few games, a **** up coaching staff oh and unhappy star players. 




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  9. I developed a lot of sympathy for Leon and his dad watching that game. He is bloody well right. These players are not being coached properly. I would be angry as well seeing a manger throw away my career because he doesn't know how to manage a football team. They are sent out with no help on how to win a football match and asked to fit into some bizarre formation nobody understands and the opposition doesnt need to because they can easily pass through it and it presents no danger in open play.

    I didnt want to hear Mr. Butler either but he has a bloody good point. Its in nobodies interest to see our players careers being wasted and losing games because the manager doesnt know what he is doing, the more its said openly the better.

    • Like 2
  10. 36 minutes ago, Marka Ragnos said:

    Miracle it wasn’t 5-1. Luiz helped us save face, but that was a case of lightning striking twice.

    I only watched the first half and that was enough. They should have scored 3 and could have scored more in that half alone. We were very lucky to go in at half time only 1 down.

    I was appalled to see us openly abandon entire areas of the pitch at times. At times we abandoned the right flank, at times we abandoned the center each time to have to spring back at full pelt as Arsenal predictably passed into these abandoned areas creating another attack for them. It was frightening just how badly coached they had clearly been. That doesnt even begin to address the bizarre  team selection and style of play again.  We oscillated between a 2-3-5 formation (with the full backs as part of the attacking 5 naturally) or a somewhat more sane 4-3-3 but with the front 3 scattered randomly like marbles across the pitch.

    The owners simply cannot watch that first half and think anything but "oh my god this man is destroying our investment."

    Yeah it was a bad first half, maybe the second was great I dunno but that first made a mark, in a bad way.

    And I am giving the players a pass for this game. It was clear to me they were frustrated. I am not a professional athlete but I imagine being sent out without a plan to win would anger me as a manager throws away my career because he is too lazy or arrogant to do his job and help these talented players win games. These are good players, very good in some cases, they need a competent coach.


    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Villaphan04 said:

    Wonder if we could tempt Mancini from the Italy job given they didn't qualify for the WC?

    Emery is also a good shout

    Not for me. Dont get me wrong he is a great manager and would be the perfect man for the job in every way but one.

    See my wife fancies him and when he was at Man City always asked "is the good looking manager on today?" Then would park herself on the couch and comment on how good looking he was and compare his grooming to mine and how I could learn a thing or two from him. Something about his Italian style and salt & pepper looks.

    I really cant handle her getting moist every time he comes on camera if he became our manager.

    • Haha 4
  12. 5 minutes ago, KentVillan said:

    How is what I suggested a conspiracy?

    I just think if Beale believed this club would be challenging for European places this season, he’d have likely stuck around for another season and then could have taken on potentially a better job than QPR.

    Might be wrong, of course, but don’t think I was being conspiracist.

    We will never know but the ghosts of Culverhouse (Lambert) & O'Kelly (Deano) loom large in my mind when I think of Beale and Gerrard.

  13. I dont want to see gerrard demonized or treated shabbily but if he really wants to reward the clubs faith in him then he should resign and throw his compo back into the transfer kitty for the next manager.

    But he wont do that so my compassion has limits.

    He is waiting for his severance and thats fine. A few uncomfortable questions is a small price to pay for the millions in compo he is going to get for failing at his job.

    • Like 3
  14. 3 minutes ago, Lupinthe5th said:

    Is Quique Setien the former Betis and Barca manager. If so his football is boring lol 
    At Barcelona they had no plan B and just passed the ball for the sake of passing it. 

    No idea tbh.

    I have watched a lot of Real Madrid under Zidane.

    Purslow likes a star name, they dont come bigger than Zidane. 

    Its not going to happen of course but if it did, all my concerns about Purslow would be wiped away in a stroke.

    Fantastic manager.

    Zidane: "keep dreaming ciggies, keep dreaming."


  15. Just now, Lupinthe5th said:

    Please someone post a list of good manager choices that isn't Rodgers, Poch and Potter please. Best Post receives a like

    This isnt my list but a decent start.


    10. Quique Setien
    9. Sean Dyche
    8. Jorge Sampaoli
    7. Andre Villas-Boas
    6. Javi Gracia
    5. Marco Rose
    4. Marcelo Bielsa
    3. Rafael Benitez
    2. Mauricio Pochettino
    1. Zinedine Zidane



    • Like 1
  16. If Poch or Rodgers or Potter are not available then I would happily take a short term manager while they look for a long term replacement. The important thing is the sacking of Gerrard immediately. 


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