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Posts posted by Delphinho123

  1. Roberto Martinez.

    Young, ambitious, Great to listen too.

    Would bring a philosophy here that would help us build for the future. The young players like Bannan and Gardner would flourish with him on board. He can bring Moses and Diame with him too.

    For him to have done what he has at wigan is very commendable and we could miss a trick by not bringing him here. I would give him time and be very patient to allow him to tranform us. Better to bring him sooner rather than later though as I think he will need the whole summer to analyse the squad, realise that Warnock and co. are crap, and bring in fresh faces.

    Make it happen Randy. We are only going one way with the current manager.

  2. I actually spoke with someone who works at the ticket office just a few days back.

    He was telling me how difficult his job had become this season compared to the last couple. They simply arent taking calls for renewals and purchases and instead are filling there day by ringing current ST holders asking them to renew.

    He mentioned how it had just become cold calling and a real call centre vibe. ST renewals are around the 6,000 mark he thinks but doesnt actually have access to the exact number. The funniest thing he mentioned was how fans actually take their frustration out on him over the phone as is its his fault Mcleish is the manager!

    I can honestly see the club only selling 12-14 thousand season tickets next year if Mcleish isnt removed from his position next week.

  3. The media are starting to label our fans, they say we didn't like DOL, GED now Eck

    They even say we weren't satisfied with MON at the end

    Just think 90 mins protesting at Norwich will not help matters

    It won't affect Lerners decision making process and it could really put off any future managers

    Anyone with half a brain who watches football can see that the job McLeish has done has been completely unacceptable. We have a right to be angry.

    What's your view on the players this season, are you happy with the shift they've put in

    CI, Your posts are almost as embarrassing as Mcleish' post match interviews.

    I dont know who's more deluded. You or him.

  4. Things are about to get worse before they get better

    So prepare yourselves

    You don't half talk some rubbish sometimes. What does that even mean?

    Are you stating that we're definitely going to be relegated in your opinion, despite that facts are on our side like QPR's poor away record and Man City's amazing home form this season? Add to that that QPR will also need to pick up points from their other game which isn't a given and Bolton will too. It's all still up in the air at the moment, no-one knows what will happen but it's looking more favorable that we'll stay up than go down so stop being such a drama-queen.

    In five minutes you'll have changed your opinion anyway.

    Its provocative. Gets the people goin'

  5. Martinez for me.

    Would signal a move away from this ancient philosophy of kicking it as high and far as we can and hoping Heskey wins the header.

    Martinez has done terrific things at Wigan and he comes across as a bloody nice guy in interviews as well. He would have my 100% support from the off and would love to see what he could do with our younger players.

    Think he could work wonders with Stephen Ireland as well.

    Go and get Him Randy. You massive bell end.

    i seem to recall that he tried to bed martinez and he said no.

    True. But different circumstances this time. I believe Martinez is out of contract? And also, there may be money to spend this time as the wage bill will have been reduced slightly.

    Hopefully its Martinez anyway.

  6. Martinez for me.

    Would signal a move away from this ancient philosophy of kicking it as high and far as we can and hoping Heskey wins the header.

    Martinez has done terrific things at Wigan and he comes across as a bloody nice guy in interviews as well. He would have my 100% support from the off and would love to see what he could do with our younger players.

    Think he could work wonders with Stephen Ireland as well.

    Go and get Him Randy. You massive bell end.

  7. I am not revelling in anything, the whole farce was so predictable that there is no satisfaction in being right.

    Saying that, I lose count of how many arguments I had at the start of the season with those who thought he "deserved a chance" and that "given some time he could be OK". There is no joy in being villafied for seeing what a shit appointment this guy was and the statement it made about our club to the football fraternity. There were a few like me who took abuse at the start of the season for not getting on what was often called the "Happy Clappy" bus.

    What has happened was always going to happen, before a ball was kicked I said McLeish was a dead man walking. The fact is, I am surprised it took so long to come to this.

    It was annoying I agree. The media were the worst. I remember listening to a talksport phone in the day after he was hired and I wanted to tear my hair out.

    They were banging on about how he deserved a chance because of his success in Scotland and how he beat France as Scotland manager.

    It was crazy.

    Any honest football fan with a scrap of knowledge knew this would never work out. He was doomed the moment he arrived at Bodymoor Heath. The man is/was a failure of a manager.

    He will never succeed as a coach. He is to football what Colonel Mustard is to Cluedo.

    A right prick.

  8. You know, I would have massive respect for Alex Mcleish if he walked at the end of the season. As silly as that may sound.

    I hate the bloke as a manager, I think he is downright awful and Im starting to think even he is realising it. A lot of the media have picked up on his body language at the Albion match stating he looked like a beaten man.

    I hope more than most this bloke leaves at the end of the season. But If he resigns and takes the decision away from Villa, saving us millions of pounds in compensation then part of me will have a lot of respect for the man. I mean, as bad as he is (and he is ****' bad) who wouldnt have taken the job in his position? The chances of him succeeding were slim to none and he probably knew that but on a big contract managing a massive club, he was perfectly within his right to take the job. It was Lerner who was the idiot even offering this sad excuse for a manager the position. You know, I still cant believe it ever happened...

    But, Like Ive said, If he walks, holds his hands up and admits he couldnt hack the job, Ill respect the man.

    The chances of that happening are slim though, I mean, who would walk away from millions of pounds...?

    You idiot Lerner.


  9. Him or Adkins for me, but I refuse to get my hopes up just yet over the next manager, I o believe though that a corner has been turned with Macduff I do think the clock is ticking for him. Any new boss though will require a fortune to correct the mess of the last two years, not sure Lerner will provide the funds needed.

    Im not so sure you know. They will require funds but maybe not the 'fortune' you state.

    I look at the team for next season and I see....






    A couple of shrewd signings. Maybe 1 or 2 big money 7/8m pound players and we will have a decent team again.

    We havent got a 17th/18th place squad, more like a 10th place squad. Dont be fooled into thinking we have a poor team just because Mcleish has dumbed down any expectations you might have of ever seeing decent football at Villa again.

    A couple of decent signings and the right management/tactics and we will be ok again. We might not be europa league standard yet, but something to build on.

    Mcleish Out.

  10. "They realise the tough job I've got and perhaps that's why they've chosen me because they've seen me getting through tough jobs like this before."

    Anyone care to pick apart this statement?

    I woke up with a chuckle when reading this anyway.

    Could it be that they wanted a 'Patsy' and he fit the bill perfectly?

    I just think its tremendously senile for the man to honestly stand there and claim he has 'got through tough jobs like this before'.

    I suppose he is right. Only problem is Alex, you always ended up in a division below the one you were supposed to be in you fat ginger cretin.

  11. I dont think we will go down. I think we will survive by default. I just cant see the other 4 teams below us all doing enough to leap frog us.

    That said, there is a very real chance it could happen and if it does then Que sera sera. Randy Lerner came to this club and inherited a very poor football team. He has spent circa 150m pounds on the club and 5/6 years down the road now has a team of less ability than the one he started with. Staggering.

    In Alex Mcleish, Villa have potentially the worst manager to have ever graced the division. Hideous to all 5 senses the man will take us down next season if not this one. The mans position was untenable the day he stepped foot into villa park and this hasn't changed since. Every football fan knew it was a disaster the moment the decision was announced yet Mr Lerner decided he knew best and paid Birmingham City for the privilege.

    The club is a complete shambles from head to toe. If we go down, it will be no more than Lerner deserves, its just a shame the great fans of this club have to witness it. Mr Lerner/Alex Mcleish will eventually leave this club with millions of pounds in there pockets and we will be left to pick up the pieces.

    AVFC is rotten down to the core.

    Up the Villa.

    Mcleish/Lerner Out.

  12. Looking at others fixtures and our goal difference, I think a draw against Bolton will see us safe.

    If we lose, I think we will go down.

    I personally wouldnt mind losing though, it will really crank up the pressure on that ginger spastic.

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