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Everything posted by magnkarl

  1. A few weeks ago this exact thing was done when Russia flattening Mariupol was mentioned, in this thread. The argument that was used was that Russia was attacking soldiers and weren't committing genocide.
  2. A good idea. In my humble opinion you'd need to also go after the people who are stealing the aid that is meant for the Palestinian people. The heads of the PA\Fatah\PLO\Hamas are dripping rich and have absolutely no incentive to have Palestine be a proper state, it'd remove their cash cow. We also need to seriously look at how the UN is prolonging this rather than actually helping the people who are suffering by using militants and corrupt officials to hand out aid. It hasn't worked. In example, how is Yassir Arafat's widow so rich? How did Suha Arafat amass all these millions?
  3. I despise Israel as much as anyone else for what they're doing, I'm just a bit fed up of the one sided gang-hysteria coming with the Pro-Palestinian stance at the moment, it's been 7 months of harassment, racism, bad arguments, going around calling for wiping out the only Jewish state in the world and a complete lack of awareness of other things. The oxygen that other issues need is essentially outplayed by a war which Palestinians started themselves, over and over and over. No one talks about how they've got a history as checkered as anyone, they're all talking about Israel. People (like you've seen in this thread) hold Israel to a much higher standard to other warring nations, be that the US, NATO, Russia or whatever. When someone then brashly comes in and lays all the blame on the country that has been invaded by their neighbours umpteen times, terrorised and had the (for some) unreasonable reaction to invasion and terror of striking back, in mostly defensive wars, I'll react. I'm tired of the childish pro-Palestinian stance with no context, no other thought than screaming about intifada and justice for a population which have been massive troublemakers not just to Israel but to everyone else around them, where no one holds anyone on 'their side' to account, while at the same time expecting Israel to behave better than any other warring state in the world. It's beyond me. Go back in this thread to the days after Israel started responding, by the look of some of the posters we were already then at 100.000 civilians killed, hospitals bombed (which turned out to be Hamas) and - when after 8 months, we're still not at 35.000 - including Hamas fighters, they're still banging the same drum. At the same time, a reported triple of that figure has died in Sudan, I don't see anyone at all protesting for helping the Sudanese military stop RSF who are actually committing genocide on the behedst and with the support of Russia\South Africa. The Palestinian cause is popular, popular to the point of people cheering for a people who are doing absolutely nothing in the way of moving forward or stopping the spiral even with billions and billions of aid every year. If you count the issues Egypt had with Gaza, this is the sixth war Gaza's population have brought to other people. Maybe it's time to start asking why, and trying to figure out what it is about Palestinians\Gaza which makes the population so prone to acting like this, even if it is Egypt, Hamas, Israel or whoever who is trying to control it. it's not all Israel's fault, and Palestinians aren't children.
  4. All perfectly fine. By that account it is also perfectly reasonable to point at the things Palestinian organisations are doing. People aren’t. They’re whitewashing everything Palestine and furthering the conflict by not holding the Palestinians accountable for anything. It is not like Israel is the only country who have had its share of issues from the group of people millions are protesting for every weekend. If you can plan and enact the largest terrorist act since 9/11 you can also be held responsible for the appalling state of your government, corruption, stealing of aid and terrible treatment of anyone not male and Muslim. Terrorism has consequences, and Israel is by far not the only country who has gone totally overboard dealing with it. There are obvious things that the Pro-Palestinian organisations don’t want to talk about. Hostages, terror, fundamentalism, killing of opposition, gay people, minorities, stealing aid and water pipes to make rockets. +++. It can’t all be Israel’s fault, it’s been happening since 1948, aimed at not just Israel, but Germany, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Christians, Kurds, Turkmen +++.
  5. The same child lives in a state where the government is withholding and hoarding aid to use as their own combat rations. The blame is still on both Hamas and Israel. Pro-Palestinian people need to put at least a tiny bit of responsibility where it’s due, which is both sides. Feverishly protesting for Palestine with absolutely no idea about how to better people’s lives outside of removing the Jewish state from the Jordan to the Med is as mindless as it gets.
  6. No one is advocating for Israel to kill civilians. No one is writing off the murdered on both sides. Some people are naivly thinking that two sides who have been at it for 70 years are going to not kill each other. At the same time as was replied to your earlier in this thread, Hamas is hiding in refugee camps, shooting rockets from civilian areas, using the population as living shields and taking food from the population that is starving. In a recent poll the same population is still supporting Hamas. Israel could go block by block to clear it of Hamas but that would likely mean that Hamas got it exactly the way they wanted. Find me an instance of a country's government attacking another country, killing 1000 people and the other country just letting them carry on. I keep referencing IRA because the IRA are well known for bombing people indiscriminately to get at 2 soldiers and then killing a bunch of civilians in the process. What is happening in Gaza is both on Israel and the Palestinians.
  7. In their opinion they haven't until Hamas is dead (which I can understand as Hamas has been actively shooting rockets at Israel and perpetrated wide scale terrorism for years), how they're going about it is wrong and a lot of people are dying due to it. In a wider sense, the death-toll in Palestine is nothing new in warfare, even if that sounds horrible. Had Ireland defended themselves or settled their grievances with England after bombing several pubs in Guildford, Hungerford and other cities in the 70's? Incidentally, the PLO was one of the few organisations that supported IRA back then, which could explain why there's more support for Palestine in Ireland than other places in Europe.
  8. So the Oct 7th terrorism gave Israel no cause to defend themselves? I'm sorry, but your argument just seems not very well put together, especially when you base your argument on the fact that Ireland is so pure after having funded the IRA for god knows how many years and not managed to stop the violence before there was an agreement that put the various animosity aside and tried to look forward. It's naive to think that a terrorist attack that caused over 1000 deaths, wide scale rape and torture, including the taking of hostages would not lead to a reaction.
  9. Agreed. I'd even take it a step further to the point where all these marches for Palestine is extending this, at least when the messaging is as dumb as 'from the riv...' or 'intifada now!'. Hamas and PIJ\Iran feel emboldened that they can continue because no matter what Israel does, it's wrong. They've got people supporting Palestine even if Palestinians instigated the latest conflict, and said people would never in a million years put pressure on the Palestinian entities to change. That would be counter to their opinion that the Palestinians are eternal victims no matter what they do. There's absolutely no attempt to try to improve the lives of the average Palestinian, it's just the new cause to protest.
  10. They're just acutely aware of what keeps the kids in the loop tbh. Short, fast paced content with lots of colours likely to engage dopamine receptors and keep the kids hooked. It was incredibly hard to produce before but with the advent of much more automated production software it's essentially all that's going on atm.
  11. You're just going to ignore the evidenced produced with a massive number of kids, that says that it is detrimental to kids development? The issue isn't that you were put in front of a TV for an hour, it's both what is on the TV\iPad now a days and how many hours are being consumed.
  12. But those shows didn't do what the kids shows do these days, open up a ninja turtles episode and see how long a scene is, it's likely 10 times longer than what it is today. That was likely due to production cost and people having to actually draw the turtles, but now it's a completely different beast.
  13. I think a big part of it is also likely down to parental issues over not letting their kids out of sight for a second. So what if you need to do something for an hour, kids are robust and can handle falling over, falling out of trees and to be bored for 1 hour. If they can't handle that then they need more of it to learn how to entertain themselves. The dopamine hit tv and pad society is in my opinion seriously hindering mental development, and several well known studies back that up, that's why we've been asked to reduce it by health officials. Effects of Excessive Screen Time on Child Development: An Updated Review and Strategies for Management Associations between screen time and lower psychological well-being among children and adolescents: Evidence from a population-based study I wonder what people think parents did back in the day when they needed to do something, we really didn't put the kids in a coma with an iPad.. Considering the above was done in 2016, before the advent of many of the short clip dopamine ¤#% on youtube atm I can't imagine it's gotten any better.. I probably sound grumpy again, but I'm honestly worried that kids get ADHD-diagnosed because they're acting out over screen time. If I was a psychologist looking at my granddaughter when she's protesting after my daughter takes her iPad away I'd probably stick that label on very fast. It's frightening.
  14. But is it fair to compare the TV-programmes of your youth to the dopamine rush, rigged, 2 second, clippy, horrible shit that is called a children's cartoon these days? I'm not so sure. I saw a documentary on this in German the other day, the usual length of a typical 2d scene of a children's cartoon in the 90's was 10-20 secs, it's now 2.5 seconds. It's literally so fast, so nervous and so packed full of impressions that the kids get overstimulated. They checked all the main channels and providers, and everyone was doing it. Bluey, peppa, local national kids stuff - you name it. The brand of TV you watched is dead and gone, now they're high paced, colourful dramatic voiceover machines that build reactions in our kids. Didn't you learn to count with your calmer, long format programmes back in the day? You don't need fast paced content to learn to count. Let's compare this 90s sesame street episode on learning to count: with this trippy youtube cocomelon episode which coincidentally my granddaughter loves: Spot the difference? Count the clip structure in the second video. There's more impressions in 5 seconds than in the whole first video, anxious voices, high tension, lots of bright, neon colours, kids cheering and so on.
  15. As always, the Baltic nations aren't afraid to poke back.
  16. For starters, don't shout abuse at Jews on US campuses for being Jews. Don't intimidate them, don't use Israel as a weapon to attack a tiny minority that you've been craving to attack and blame it on Israel when those people are neither in Israel or have anything to do with the war. It's really that simple. I don't know why people struggle so much about this with Jews. Do you also go around abusing everyone who's an orthodox Christian for what Russia is doing, or everyone Shia for what Iran is doing?
  17. What do you think the UK would do if a country’s government’s armed groups attacked our country, took hostages, raped, murdered over a thousand people and kept saying they’d continue doing it? Blow them a kiss? Judging by what we did in Iraq and Afghanistan not very different to what Israel is doing to someone who simply won’t stop.
  18. Ireland should tell the Palestinians and Israelis to stop the never-ending spiral of violence, rather than trying to put all the blame on one side like you are. I would've thought they'd learned after funding a movement that committed wide-scale terror in a neighbouring nation for 50 years without much to show for. Israel are completely wrong in their response, but the innate ability that many Pro-Palestinian people seem to have to completely dismiss why Israel are reacting after the history they've had with their neighbours is beyond me. For the very same reason no other nation will step up to aid Palestine either, they've caused massive trouble, coups, assassination, terror and whatnot wherever they've gone. The Pro-Palestinian side needs to try to encourage Palestinians to try to lead a different life rather than acting like it's still the middle-ages and emboldening them by going on marches screaming all sorts of hyperbolic messaging. People were out protesting for Palestine on the 8th of October. One day after the government of Gaza had committed the largest terrorist-attack on another nation since 9/11. Just think a bit about it.
  19. But that was not the point you were making. Ireland is aiding the investigation and potential case, but have said nothing of what you said about who is to blame.
  20. That was the point of the provocateur though. We're at a point where the police has to step in to preserve peace rather than letting someone with differing opinions to someone else simply walk through a group of people. It's a sad state of affairs for everyone involved, not least the freedoms we have in our democracy.
  21. If a group of demonstrators can't handle a Jew without Israeli flags or anything else going through their protest he's proving his point completely. Do you not get that? The guy is a provocateur but if we can't handle someone who's got different opinions to ourselves walking through our demonstrations we're moving quickly away from the freedoms a democracy affords. But I guess that is the place our society is at now. People who protest (especially if they're younger), want people cancelled, removed, censured, gagged and whatnot for not holding their opinions.
  22. So what is the 'Irish leaders' take on who started the most recent set of hostilities? You seem to be conflating what the Irish lawyers are doing in regards to the ICJ with placing blame, they've not gone out and made sweeping statements like you about who is to blame for why there's a conflict.
  23. Is it? Who started the most recent set of hostilities? Who started it in 1948, in 1967, in 1982, in the first and second intifadas, in the 2008, 2014 and 2024 Gaza wars? This constant whitewash of what Palestinian organisations (Hamas, Black September, PLO, Fatah, PIJ or even worse, Hezbollah and Iran's other proxy groups who are pillaging through Syria and Iraq with large parts Palestinian fighters) have done over the last 80 years is one of the things that keeps this spiral of violence going. Israel is the only nation on earth that is held accountable for winning defensive wars, and then get pressured to release the territories they won when other nations attacked them. Remove Israel completely, and you've still got a Palestinian people that have attacked Jordan, killed 20.000 people in the Lebanese civil war, performed attacks on the Olympics, on Egypt, on the Jordanian king, taken part in much bloodier conflicts than the current Gaza war in Syria on the side of horrible dictators and so on. The Palestinian backers really need to start looking in the mirror and start holding the Palestinians accountable for their actions, just like we as the West need to hold Israel accountable. Neither people are children, yet only one of them are actually encouraged to stop the spiral and it ain't Palestine. Palestine has a whole under-set of supporters in the West who run around the streets calling for Intifada and for the whole territory between the river Jordan and the Med to be free of the Jewish state. Ah, you invaded another country, blew people up, enacted horrible Islamic coups in Lebanon and attempted the same in Jordan - but you can't help it, you're just a people without any sort of accountability because of Israel. Here, have your own UN-organisation, billions and billions of aid to enrich your politicians and make rockets from. We won't say a word about it because Israel. Imagine what the Kurdish diaspora could do with the sort of aid that we're giving Palestine, they've actually got a democracy and are being purged by most of the countries they're in. The infantilisation of the Palestinian people needs to stop.
  24. Dzhankoi hit last night. The Russians aren't even trying to lie about it anymore. When they write 'large explosions rocked the airfield at Dzhankoi it's probably quite large. ATACMS or Scalp\Storm Shadow.
  25. What I don't get Jareth, is this constant urge to explain everything Palestine does on Israel yet when it comes to the other way there's very little reflection of why Israel is behaving the way it is. As Pro-Palestinians often say 'The world didn't start on October 7th', the same should be applied to this little girl. She's part of a population that have also contributed massively to the issues they find themselves in, be that by electing people who are so obviously corrupt that it's appalling, furthering issues in states like Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon or simply not wanting to change. How many wars did Palestinian organisations start, urge Arab nations to start, or contribute heavily to the start of? Obviously the little girl isn't to blame for any of that, but it's about time Palestinians and their backers start looking at ways to move forward. Just like it is for Israel. The world isn't as black/white as you seem to think it is. Why is it, you think, such little willingness to contribute to betterment for the Palestinian people not just in Israel, but in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and Turkey? Why is the UN so terribly ineffective at helping the people of Palestine, rather than just propping up an aid-dependent state with very little to show for in the way of anything, except for Islamic extremism and corruption?
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