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Everything posted by makouns_grin

  1. So basically there is only about 1 manager folk will be happy with, if its not that exact manager Lerner lacks ambition? Err ok.
  2. Quite Right. But he appointed Houllier. And now looks set to appoint a 2nd rate manager IMO because he doesn't want the hassle of appointing a stronger manager. Its this nonsense thats giving Villa fans a bad name.
  3. It was nearly ten years ago, some teams actually tried in the league back then. Boro getting to the final of the UEFA Cup was an achievement no matter how you want to downplay it, good teams were actually still trying in that competition too back then He is Boro's most successful manager With a team, Twente, who had never won the league before, beating both Ajax and PSV who were challenging hard at the end of the season and he did it without massive resources. It hardly warrants the woohoo, it was quite the achievement You get the odd knobhead at every club, I'll stress again, he's their most successful manager ever. I remember the odd fan moaning about Ron Saunders. Sure he didn't have the best of times at Wolfsburg, Roy Hodgson didn't have the best of times at Liverpool. Not every manager does great at every club but I'm fairly sure most West Brom fans don't care about Hodgson's form at Liverpool now. Whilst not my choice, I do think McClaren gets a bad press because he was once in the poisoned chalice of the England job and some Dutch TV interview where he was found trying to fit in a little too much, oh yes and he uses an umbrella. His actual Club record isn't too shabby at all considering the teams he's managed. This. McClaren is not the anit-christ like some are reacting. Whoever it is, they need to be backed, the abuse Houllier got before he even set foot in VP was an embarrassment. We should be showing how we support whoever is in charge and give them a fair crack. The internet seems to be making our fans act like plonkers more and more these days.
  4. Hmm err ok then, you've clearly misunderstood me; no need for the attitude. The first Bourne film has a couple of fight sequences, and neither look like the ones in the Bond film your claiming its influenced by. The subsequent sequels where a different director came on board added his style, which is the one you mean, shaky cam aggressive etc. The first Bourne film is no more influential than the aforementioned Die Another Day. So yes your right the Bourne films are influential, but only the second two with Greengrasse's style, that he used on United 93, Green Zone and less son on Bloody Sunday.
  5. Nope they haven't. The fight sequences in the subsequent sequels influenced a lot (for the worst) Bond etc, using the the shaky cam effect. The first one is pretty normal modern bond type stuff Goldeneye etc, nothing new or exciting about them at the time or now.
  6. Very debatable, especially as the first one is pretty weak entry with power puff direction.
  7. I feel the same. I just wonder if it is the ginger one - could he becoming underneath a DOF -such as Graham Taylor - that would be good the club co do with his organisational skills at the moment. Yup the fans know best. If it was up to the fans Downing would have been sold before last season and we would have bankrupted the club 10 times over. Yeah us fans know how it all works.
  8. He is right, our fans are difficult. A few pages back someone said that would not get a season ticket based on the manager appointment. So what if the manager they dont like so much turns out to be a success, they have based their view on the person before even giving them a chance.
  9. Oh dear, hope people are not too abusive. Dont get the problem with McClaren, decent club manager imo, just a muppet with his brolly and accents.
  10. Not free but $30's is not bad! I'm sure its all rubbish or been done before though :wink: iCloud iOS OS Lion Some mature new features and some pointless ones.
  11. Do you work in the football industry, or within Aston Villa?
  12. I think all this Ancelotti talk will just leave folk blue balling. Hope the rumours that we have at least tried are true, all he can do is say no. Move on to the next, avoiding Rafa and McClaren.
  13. I would have thought that very fact alone would have put Randy Lerner off hiring Hughes. Yup thats why i thought too, the whole thing is dodge and up to no good. I personally think Hughes is a smug annoying clearing in the woods, like when you burn the roof of your mouth and its annoying for ages. Him leaving currently looks like nothing to do with Villa, thank god.
  14. What a surprise that Hughes agent is Kia Joorabchian, that slimy scumbag will be up to something to get them both shit loads of cash.
  15. The Daily Mail are just pissing in the wind and hoping nothing hits them imo. Taking the fact he is a big name, unemployed and it gets people clicking on their website or buying their paper. Makes no difference to them either way if its true or not. This thread will be near 300 pages before its announced anyway imo.
  16. Hopefully Carlo can say yey or ney early on so we can concentrate on finding a serious long term candidate. No harm in asking him which sounds like what we've done, dont ask dont get.
  17. Sounds like the Italian press are just picking up on us asking him and making it sound bigger than it is.
  18. Has Ancelotti ever managed a club that didn't have megabucks and big stars?
  19. It shouldn't be rushed and gladly it wont be. This is real life not football manager, its easy for us to say manager x manager y etc etc, we wont know peoples demands or commitments, our own restrictions or how it effects the club or team. The decision should be researched and considered very methodically imo. Its Randy's most important decision especially when he knows how quickly the fan base jumps on him for anything remotely bad. This thread will be 200+ pages before we're even close to an appointment imo.
  20. Yeah Jol was a hot favourite with Villa fans in the summer. Now not so? I would have him over McClaren!
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