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Everything posted by makouns_grin

  1. Jesus SSN are slow these days. Its the worst kept secret that Young is off to Utd.
  2. This keeps getting wheeled out. Its so stupid its unbelievable.
  3. Moan when we hear nothing. Moan when we hear something (but its not what we want to hear). Typical Villa fans.
  4. It's not about 'revolving his life' around Villa (whatever that means). It's about pursuading him that we are a club with ambition who wants to go places, and that we will back him to take us to the next level as we believe he is the man for the job. He was available, and we didn't get him. Huge opportunity lost. Martinez would be a huge punt in the dark with our fingers crossed. The last thing we need at this point in time. But thats like me saying to you, go and convince the bank to give you a million pounds, and if you cannot you lack ambition to be rich, full stop! Some things are just out of our control.
  5. Your still ignoring the point. What if Randy asked but he said no? You can spend all day trying to convince someone but if he had already decided not to manage for a year and not work at all, how can that possibly be Randy's fault it makes no sense! Unless he was hit over the head and handcuffed to a desk a VP, we cannot force someone to change their mind.
  6. It's obvious who those managers are, and it was up to Randy to convince them to join us. He's failed to do that, and so it looks like we'll end up with Martinez. He has failed to do what, force someone to come? I dont get that we could ask and perhaps offer loads of money for transfers and they could still say no. I just dont understand why is that Lerners fault. And again, how do you know he has not tried, multiple sources saying we asked Anchellotti, for all you know he wants to go back to Italy or stay in London, how is that Lerners fault?
  7. SSN chatting shit for 5mins almost all what the bloke reporting is a load of rubbish.
  8. Who are these managers that will create a buzz (because thats so important in the long run) and how do you know that we didn't ask them? Its stuff like this which is nonsense in my opinion. You might as well say, well we didn't try and sign Kaka, we have no ambition and created no 'buzz'!
  9. Not for Wigan it's not . I like him, I think he's a good young manager and exactly what we need. I'll be happy if he's appointed.
  10. Are you trying to be ironic? How about IF he is appointed you give the bloke a chance before stringing him up? There is a bonkers suggestion.
  11. Do you work at VP Ash, you seem to know that he has been appointed and why, its obviously all bad as well!
  12. So some of the managers people now want were awesome were they when first starting out first years of their career? We're not going to be getting ready made high quality managers and spend billions finishing 4th or above. Its not going to happen. No manager is perfect all managers are a risk, yet you seem to think that we will find the perfect manager with no risk and they will want to come. Err what if they dont? We just keep shouting till they do? Nobody is forgetting how poor he was last year, but some can see that things are worth a go. Anyone mentioning signings is laughable, MON signed Harewood FFS!
  13. He's kept them up by the skin of their teeth, that isn't "reasonably well". And the fact that they pass it around a bit and generally get thrashed isn't excellent football in my book. If this is true, it proves that Randy Lerner hasn't got much of a clue. Several dud appointments at the Cleveland Browns, and two in a row at Villa. Stick to credit cards mate. Just a few of the ridiculous knee jerk responses that Villa fans are getting a bad reputation for, its depressing we're worse than bloody barcode fans at times! If it was down to some it would be SO easy, like ask him he will say yes, if he says no then its all Lerners fault, err ok that makes sense! Some of the managers that everyone are creaming themselves to get started somewhere, were not amazing back then but were seen as decent young managers learning their trade, taking the step up each time. Whats wrong with finding a young up and coming manager, to stay with us for 10+ years building a solid foundation for us to continue improving? People were quite happy to give Lambert a go i think from the last poll, a young up and coming manager, with no premier league experience but kind of a 'name' for doing what he's done with Norwich. For all you know Norwich might go straight back down with the manager some were quite keen on. Whats wrong with giving it a go? If people think we're just going to hire Carlo, or Moyes and just continue finishing top 4 next year just like that your dreaming! I appreciate his record is not great but he is also recognised as a decent manager still learning and improving. I hope that folk get behind him if he is appointed and actually give him a go before mouthing off at how shit everything is at Villa, almost as if you could do any better! I like the idea of a young manager coming to Villa, staying here for longer than the usual 3/4 years and building a decent team, bringing through our home grown players whilst adding in the odd big money signing. The players will be settled know who they are playing for and what is expected and we can build and hopefully improve year on year. If he does come he can bring N'Zogbia and that massively underrated central midfielder they have, whats his name Watson? Regardless of what you think, hold back before its actually the apocalypse rather than trying to bring it on early! UTV
  14. It wont be Martin O'Neil, the bloke is far too stubborn to return.
  15. You mean like they do every evening?
  16. People will be regretting not getting McClaren if we hire Rafa.
  17. At least it looks like we're trying for the best, might not get them but at least trying. Good on you Randy.
  18. Its clear we're trying to get Moyes on the quiet imo.
  19. Your joking????? How can you form an opinion about somebody via webcam??? If true, then im shocked. Not as shocking as you believing it in the first place
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