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Everything posted by makouns_grin

  1. It's great that you didn't mind a shit season last year and it's great you don't mind the club looking foolish in the national press but some of us do. Randy is not untouchable, I'm not going to let expectations slip just because I'm supposed to be extremely happy with everything randy does. I dont care, as i said its not that bigger deal. We will have a new manager one that is appointed properly and in the correct manner. I dont care how many Villa fans stamp their feet or get all upset with the rubbish SSN broadcast. They certainly dont listen when the vast majority of football journalists think McClaren is a good club manager, only listen when its bad news or reported bad news. Football fans know **** all about how to run a football club or how to appoint managers.
  2. People really do get in a pickle over not a lot.
  3. Whelan played it a corker. As our statement Martinez knew at the beginning of the week, Whelan gives him till the end of the week then the day before knowing the type of person Martinez is starts blabbing, whipping out the ultimate guilt trip, all proper Villa nice etc etc etc. Decision day comes and Martinez decided to continue at Wigan, surprise surprise. Well played Whelan. As for Villa fans, embarrassing themselves as always. Always the worst case scenario ALWAYS!
  4. Jesus here comes all the overreactions. Nothing to say we even offered him the job!
  5. Whelan has played this well, releasing his comments at just the right time.
  6. Stop posting bookie odds they mean jack shit.
  7. I hope if he is, you'll give him a chance and support him Ash. I hope all Villa fans at least give him a chance to be shit before stinging him up.
  8. FFS, this is a PR disaster Do you understand anything or even what PR is?
  9. SSN are annoying me, chatting absolute shit making us look like bloody idiots when they have no more of a clue than anyone else! Fact, vast majority of fans will believe it though, true or not true!
  10. This. I really dont get the instant negativity and excuse for having a go at the board. As said if he stays at Wigan who are we to know we even offered him the job! No, he turned us down we have failed etc etc! Ridiculous.
  11. Phew, some fair restored with some common sense posts over the last page or so.
  12. Why, because its not the manager YOU want?
  13. So?....the onl;y DEFINATE approach we know of is to a man in work - that was made 9 days ago - do you not think we have approached others? All depends on the clause the board have given themselves, as none of the above have ever managed in the Premiership...Yet for some strange reason the 60 year olds that are advising Lerner and co' seem to think its a neccessity.. So you know they will all be a success and work out well for Villa, because their a name?
  14. Are you going to support him if hired?
  15. Jesus your a world of fun aren't you? Are you one of the ones that claimed we were doing nothing, yet 9 days ago we were contacting a chairman asking to speak to their manager. In fact i dont know why i even bother. It looks like that any new manager unless its a 'name' is going to get the same ridiculous treatment as the next one. At least give the bloke a chance before reading the future.
  16. Yet i assume you wouldn't take a McClaren? Who finished 1st in the same Dutch league at the same time the amazing Jol was finishing 4th with Ajax.
  17. We actually have to offer him the job, just because we're talking doesn't mean we will offer him the job.
  18. Fallen from where? Winning the Coca Cola cup in 96?
  19. Brilliant, you do realise that people will take that as gospel dont you?
  20. I'm proud of the way Randy runs our club, its rare it seems these days. People like to moan how dodge Arry is then then dont want Randy to be a good bloke when it comes to the business side of things, again which is it? Also why is it always the worst case scenario when it comes to things. Martinez doesn't come, automatically means Randy has failed he has been rejected. Not we talked to him and decided not to offer him the job. Its like a bloody car crash everyone slows down to have a look but are not interested if no car crash.
  21. What the hell have an American Football team got to do with an English Premier League Football team? Are they in the same league or even in the same country? How about this. We let you pick the manager whoever you want, when they fail because you dont know how to run a football club or know how it effects things like payroll, coaches, jobs and players etc then who's fault will it be? You'll be quick to have another go at Randy because by some comments on here its exactly like Football Manager and pretty easy. Just get Carlo, why not just get Jose? Its that easy.
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