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Everything posted by TRL

  1. I watched it again. Its quite awesome to see how good his team mates are at protecting him, and letting him wander off. He can take a stupid amount of beating obviously, but the CC that protects him is quality.
  2. Very much doubt they have killed him. Probably a member who has previously killed him with another guild who makes them look half decent.
  3. If you are serious, by god take a **** warrior.
  4. Love it! WotF, trinket and Ward! Even the graphic is 'warlock' cool. Blind in the spell book is win! Oh and @ what you linked earlier Nays. We took LM in AB. We were 5 of us, 3 healer and 2 dps. Then 2 resto druids came, and we could not kill them what-so-ever. I managed to fear one and mind control him off when he tried to cyclone, but that was it. **** retarded. This came from chat after they **** off.
  5. Haha it will be so e-z to level my Rogue to 58 for outlands now. more xp and 1 hour poisons + Blind free of reagents :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  6. Does the SoC change mean you can fire away in Karazahn without getting half the house up your arse?
  7. Im downing the patch now from Blizztard. Do you think i will get a free respec since there have been changes to my talents? Some how i doubt it :evil:
  8. I wait until i see you AP, PoM and when i see the red ball come, Pain suppression --> red ball crits me for 340 dmg... MWAHAHHAA
  9. I trinket and let the warrior im healing rape you. You ice block. I dispel it. I win
  10. Nayson get your squishy mage to lvl 70 and we can do a BG or two while im this spec Target my squishy AoE bastard, Cast Pain Suppression. I would probably add imp inner fire in that build, but it was a copy paste thing.
  11. ^^ it definatly isnt the VT channel
  12. Called Riss a name. Wont repeat it.
  13. I think we all know that. I havent spent my points dumbass. Im talking into the future. Dont bother giving him advice either. He is thick as horse shit and plain annoying. Give him a week and he will ask you how to wipe his own arse.
  14. After spending all my arena points and honour i will have almost 350 resilience and probably 10 hp unbuffed. How win is that.
  15. I dont know if any of you tend to talk to GM's, but ive spoken to em a fair few times. This picture cracked me up. Fantastic.
  16. Anyone able to link me a radio com which works outside UK?
  17. Was bored to looked into some forums. I found this a tad funny..
  18. So you cant see where PvP guilds like Millenium etc are ranked?
  19. What place is Method on? Is that a PvE ranking system?
  20. First my premade AB team met entire **** Forte last night. Some of you who are geeks know who they are. They had this enchancement shaman; Hyrma who basically raped everything. Then after AB i did AV and dont you think i met the same ****? I managed to kite him around obstacles and got a rogue to do the dirty work... oh it was sweet But as we know Enchancement Shamans are shit at PvP. Especially arenas...
  21. Si and Riss, since you didnt have it, download this for arena.
  22. Would love some 3 vs 3 tomorrow or Sat. Si and Riss
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